Q1 All education shapes according to an ideal. And were quite axiological ambitious in those ideals. Hidden means there are some underlying, strong forces pushing people to develop ideas, beliefs, attitudes that are in someone’s interest #lthechat
Yes - this! It is about power and control over minds and bodies - and the way education is organised at every level to serve someone elses interest! #LTHEchat
A1 All assumptions people make of prior learning. Classic in engineering, maths, physics, computer science students learnt calculus, it just not in all Level 3 relevant quals #LTHEchat
A1 Stuff that's so second nature to us institutionalised academic staff that we don't recognise that it may not be completely obvious to everyone else, especially students as we tend to forget theat we're some way removed from undergraduate days now.
I can think of hidden curriculum as being discipline specific. I'd have a hard time "being" a student in chemistry because most of my education has been in something else. So despite success in something else, hidden curriculum means that you may not be successful when you switch #LTHEchat
There's definitely a disciplinary aspect to this. I've occasionally had to tell business management students that even though I'm typically guiding them to do individual written projects at undergraduate level, the individual work I did as an undergraduate included coding in Fortran #LTHEchat
Everyone should have a mad chemistry teacher. Mine was brilliant at experiments with lots of noise and smoke, it was a big factor in me actually getting a science O level!
We were talking about this at the @cqr-bath.bsky.social conference last week! That for academics who straddle disciplinary boundaries, there have to navigate separate "hidden curricular" (e.g., disciplinary norms about publishing, citations, how to approach reviewers etc) #LTHEChat
A1 #LTHEchat Along with all the other answers I have seen, I’d add in the problem of Rumsfeld’s unknown unknowns. How can you start finding about them?
A1. Things that we think students understand being explained. The demystifying of every aspect of Higher Education methods, processes and acronyms #LTHEchat
A1 It is the aspects of the student experience that are not articulated cleary, unwriiten rules and potentially not shared verbally. The 'you don't know what you don't know' information. #LTHEchat
A1 #LTHEchat “ addition to the knowledge and skills we intend to convey, we also transmit to the learner a vast array of behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes we never intended to share, nor even recognized we were imparting…
Thanks for link, will definitely read! It's interesting that so many in this chat are framing the hidden curriculum as expectations we hold, but not as much as something we implicitly teach and pass on, which is very much the implication. There's an implied One True Way entangled in this. #LTHEchat
A1 #LTHEchat #HiddenCurriculum "... the commonly held under-standings, customs, rituals, and taken-for-granted aspects ...
" of what goes on in a discipline. Excerpt from above paper
A1. I think it’s about the subtle nuances that exclude people - language, behaviours, unspoken expectations and assumptions. The things that someone who is part of an institution probably doesn’t notice or yhink about without conscious effort to reflect #LTHEchat
A1. To me, the hidden curriculum is all the slippery unspoken stuff in HE that we expect people to know but we never actually tell them. We like Koutsouris's idea that it's the "values and assumptions that are often so unquestioned that they have become invisible" #LTHEchat https://osotl.org/index.php/osotl/article/view/66/125
There's a big overlap with the sort of stuff which we expect students to get to understand in some way when they start on a course - almost like looking at the norms & expectations of being a uni student #LTHEchat
Leaving aside that a lecture can represent either something rather impressive or something v scary depending on context particularly if you're 18 & just started as an undergraduate, or even if you're 30 & gone back to study after working for a while #LTHEchat
And terms carry different meanings in different departments. 'Tutorial' means 1-1 meeting in dept A but group seminar in dept B. Dept C holds 'surgeries' #LTHEChat
A very good point! our uni changed all its terminology recently which means there is now explicit clarity - https://www.deakin.edu.au/students/services?a=188855 I don't know what it looked like before though.
@maddipow.bsky.social we have just addressed these and similar aspects in our new book to be released on 14th Feb. Gap: assumption that students will just 'know' without being told. 1st-in-family to go to university; helpful lens for our book. https://www.cambridgescholars.com/product/978-1-0364-3411-3
And if we don’t do this, all people have to guide their expectations and behaviour is what they have seen in the media and online, which is generally quite an old fashioned, didactic style of learning
I've wrestled with this - but think it's more than the tacit stuff we've almost forgotten & need to surface - though that is there too - it's the way power & contrrol are woven through education itself to replicate inequity? #LTHEchat
" of what goes on in a discipline. Excerpt from above paper