In honor of Joe Manchin retiring, let’s remember the fact that he single-handedly ended the Child Tax Credit, one of the most effective anti-poverty pieces of legislation in recent history, because he thought parents would use that money for drugs.
the worst
Also Value over Replacement Senator is off the charts
But any time we can get a Senator from West Virginia to vote for Democratic leadership in the Senate, and to vote to confirm a Democratic president's judicial nominees, we should take it.
The Senate is truly lost forever!
With a few exceptions his votes appeased his borderline Red bass.
He voted all judges through.
Next guy won’t.
I don’t like him but this is the truth.
His downright prejudice & obvious disgust of young mothers with children is beyond self centered. Sheer drivel on the far side of nonsensical. Manchin's blatant disregard for females lights up in neon. A disgusting lowlife he'll be known for cruelty to young mothers & children.
I don't suportnfree money anywhere. But I do support direct help paying for a specific service or food if necessary.
I worked 36yrs and didn't have kids I couldn't afford.
If Manchin ran & was reelected, he'd still be a PoS *and* Dems would be far, far better off. We will miss him.
I would sponsor a Joe Manchin free needle exchange.
I would deploy banks of Joe Manchin Honorary Port-a-potties in every state.
His vote is also on every one of Biden's achievements.
And that seat is practically guaranteed to be Republican now.
Good riddance I guess but say goodbye to the seat too.
I recognize that this makes him even worse, but I'm ok with that.
(Major inaccuracies & exaggerations borne out in other reporting, leaves out that there’s practically no healthcare in the surrounding several counties, the reality that worn out bodies are in irreparable pain, & pain patients consume ~1500 pills a year, per scrip.)
Every community on the Ohio watershed that has had a panic turned out to be more illusory than not.
That’s 10 million pills/year.
A chronic pain patient will use 1400-1500 of those per year, so 1450 each. That’s 6,982 full year patients. Not all are full year, some are acute pain scrips.
Those 5 counties served had 250,000 people in those years.
That’s about 3% of the population.
Chronic pain patients have been dealing with this disinformation for years, now, and it’s killing them.
Nobody loves a drug addict, so everyone blames them for everything.
He was only ever a trump bootlicker.
That being said, very much ignoring the symptom rather than treating the cause there!
Republicans killed it.
That doesn't mean we can't get it back. We need to deliver solid D majorities in both houses of Congress for it to happen, is what it means.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.
And now we will most likely get another R in that seat, and he will be so much worse than Joe Manchin could hope to be.
Manchin has voted with President Biden about 89% of the time. No Republican will ever do that.
R-eally cute little clothes
U-nfortunately expensive childcare