Andrew Tate says “Come arrest me, you think I don’t wipe my phone every night?”, unaware of the large amount of phone metadata collected every time his mobile connects to cellphone towers. Which tower you connect to, who you call, how long the call lasts, etc etc.
He is admitting he is having to jump through hoops to hide his illicit operations.
Was that an admission?
Does he have a musical theater background
Dead ringer.
I just don't pick up the brutal rapist and human trafficking vibe.
Could be the lighting...
Too calm.
What is this in reference to, please?
sorry. newbie. or n00b, as they used to say... thanks for helping me figure this out.
That being said if he runs everything he does through a VPN and connects to wifi networks, it's going to be slow as shit, but secure.
They will, they are just gathering evidence.
He's a piece of shit. We shouldn't even know his name.
The amount of understanding ist as huuuuuge as the vocabulary of a certain Orange. 😂
2. It doesn't work like that anyway
No, seriously, I know what you mean.
There was that one Christmas, though..
Every call he makes, every text he sends is recorded in systems.
Where do I sign up...?
He's admitting it is incriminating.
The wire taught me everything I know
- Things innocent people say
"You can't arrest me, I have x millions of followers on social media"
"That guy is Trump cabinet material."
Thanks! You made my day after a week with season flu.
In terms of looks though, not so much.