I don't think the full implications of this app have been realized:
It might finally be possible to talk about Star Wars without the replies becoming a toxic cesspool
It might finally be possible to talk about Star Wars without the replies becoming a toxic cesspool
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Like I think Disney is gonna bomb (to me personally) incorporating Abeloth into the Ahsoka series because she is too dark of a character to be done justice in a show like that.
Hopefully this isn't too toxic of a discourse point
Anyone want to talk about Andor?
Movie: RotJ
Show: Rebels
Game: Jedi Power Battles (ps1)
Main Character: Leia
Obscure Character: Nien Nunb
Jedi: Corran Horn
Sith: Exar Kun
Droid: M-TD
Planet: Ithor
Species: Noghri
The Force Awakens is a fun movie with a lot of issues that don't really stand out immediately but caused a lot of problems for the subsequent entries in the trilogy.
The Last Jedi is a brilliant but flawed film that made a lot of bold choices which could have paid off in Episode IX.
There I said it.
Kamino was the clone planet from the prequels
Basically, I love the world of Star Wars and can appreciate all of the content at different levels.
On top of that, the movie ends with our heroes as plucky underdogs where anything could happen. Kudos to RJ for leaving it open ended for the next guy.
There, I said it.
You damn purists! 🙃
Was R2-D2 Force sensitive?
And think about it. R2 was able to avoid a memory wipe? And, if so, did he know who Vader was the entire time.
The Last Jedi is my favorite of the last trilogy. Rian Johnson really had something there.
😂 just kidding!
The sequels were flawed and the reason had nothing to do with minorities and women
The script for the first Star Trek movie wasn't even finished until after they wrapped production.
Bringing Palpatine back undercut that.
There were so many ways they could have done it better and they chose none of them.
Have doubled down but for the cheesy rip off of "I am Iron Man/I am all the Jedi"
Such a shame, even though TFA borrowed heavily from ANH, I would of forgiven them if they had an end goal and a narrative structure.
It wasn't until Rise of Skywalker that Disney started meddling.
Of course the movies were good if you took them by themselves, but they’re too disconnected/disjointed for me to personally enjoy together.
“These aren’t the ‘roids you’re looking for.” 🥁🤣🤣
IMO anything post-Disney acquisition is non-cannon and should be discarded (Except maybe Rogue One which was decent)
It's such a good show, and even though it's a cartoon, it's not just "for kids".
Vector Prime is probably an accessible place. It's after Leia and Hans kids grow up.
Luke is married to Mara Jade and has the academy.
That's if you want to start in the Episode 7 timeframe before Disney got it.
And the Darth Bane trilogy.
I like the idea of having a place where I don't get yelled at for saying that The Last Jedi is my favorite Star Wars film.
Especially the last jedi
Sorry, I'm afraid there can be no civility with such a poor pick. Commandos, move in. (Joking, I'll just take any excuse to talk about how amazing Republic commandos. Even the theme is absurdly awesome.)