Five public health facts RFK Jr doesn't want you to know:

1. Vaccines work and are safe.
2. Solid fats aren't health foods.
3. Random dead animals you find lying around are not safe to touch (or eat).
4. Methylene blue is a dye, not a miracle cure.
5. Measles is bad for you.


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I don’t think you ever, in your extensive academic & professional career, imagined “don’t eat roadkill” would be contrary to the head of USA public health🤦🏾‍♀️ Thank you for your work (the snark is a beautiful bonus!!) 💪🏾🙏🏾
I'm not a big fan of the jab at chronic illnesses. Infections and chronic diseases are equally important, especially when infections lead to chronic illnesses.
Would ya look at that! Just block, folks.
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Wait I need to know your reason for thinking drug companies should be allowed to advertise because I've never met someone who thinks that way
I’m autistic so I’m always gonna suggest blocking bots/trolls that open with “I agree with RFK jr.”
I see. You have a hard time discerning nuance then? My wife's the same way.
What’s the nuance? Do tell.
I agree with RFK Jr, thankfully he's gonna ban drug commercials on television, which is a good thing
"Ask your doctor if 'Lysergic AD' is right for you"
Your doctor should be the one recommending medication instead of the patient
Especially when death is a possible side effect
Wait, what? Child sacrifice for no drug commercials is a really bad trade
I didn't say anything about sacrificing children, doctors should recommend medication not untrained regular people
the same guy who thinks brain worms are fertilizer for the brain.
Disappointing news about the solid fats...
I use methylene blue at my chemistry QA job as an indicator... I would never attempt to consume methylene blue for so-called "health reasons..."
I really don’t understand the hate he has of seed oil.
I think it's the only thing he's (accidentally) correct about. High in inflammatory O6s, and their replacing of traditional fat sources has thrown off a normal O3-O6 ratio by about a factor of 10.

Consuming the fat from animals that we killed or scavenged has been with us for a very long time.
The process by which we create "oil" from canola, on the other hand? That doesn't automatically mean it's the worst thing in the world but it certainly doesn't lead me to default to it being a panacea.
he is a moron and likely has brain damage from years if drug abuse
Don’t just stop at five!
So are brain parasites apparently but here he is.....
I feel like I'm at work having to tell my boss what do, again.
Well, there go my plans for the weekend. Now what am I going to do?!?
But Super Beets!
It is really sad, and frankly stupid, that he is allowed to spew this crap. It is so infuriating.
Love this post ❤️
🤦🏻‍♀️ it’s the dumb leading the dumber
Make. Him. Go. Away.
At least three out of those five facts, you can learn from watching M*A*S*H* reruns. RFK, Jr’s fam institutionalized the wrong Kennedy, imho.
Unbelievable, we made the village idiot Secretary of Health.

Lord, have mercy upon us.
And never research rfk and the island of samoa
Here’s another one…

Don’t inject bleach to help get rid of covid!

Vaccine yes!! Bleach no!!
All of the sudden I’ve seen Meth. Blue advertising on Amazon.
Wouldn’t it be great if we had an HHS Secretary who knew something about health? That wasn’t into wacko conspiracy theories? Roadkill Dude doesn’t meet those basic qualifications.
His whole goal is to kill off the weak, the disabled and the elderly. They cost too much to take of properly. My mom and I are both disabled and on Medicaid. Without help from Medicaid we'll both die, without SSI we have no home, and without it we don't qualify for Medicaid.
#Rfk comment from South Africa. What an absolute idiot,following a long line of Kennedy failures.His own relatives have spoken out about his predatory and
stupid beliefs. He is a disgrace to professionals, may he join Musk on a one way trip to Mars
6. Brain worms bad.
Also, heroin does not make you smart.
But...but...Ellie, he said vax is bad. And his name is Kennedy. And...and.... 😏 /s
He's really fascinated with putrefying flesh. He's part of the Trump death cult.
Would you mind adding the word « VERY » to you # 5 ???
Yep, RFK is full of it
I'm not even sure I want to know why 2 and 4 are in that list. And 3.
But, because him, the Orange Turd, and Fox News tells them otherwise, they won’t believe the truth.
My Dad died from polio when I was 4, the vaccinations were approved a month after he passed. Mom made me get all the vaccines that were available.💉 I am in my mid 70's and still here, healthy......Thank your post😊
So did my parents who had friends with children who got it. I remember visiting a family for card parties and their oldest son was confined to a wheelchair and couldn’t speak clearly. A boy in my class had an underdeveloped leg. Another girl was in an iron lung. I was very young but I remember.
Slow down "Dr" next you will tell me not to eat collated silver
RFK Jr is it decrepit, insane fuck

and "anti-vaxxers"
are insane as well,

neither of these, nor the FACT that vaccines ARE miraculous, means that ALL vaccines are created equal and are safe for ALL people 🫡

fluoride should be in toothpaste, not water

methylene blue needs to be USP

okidoki? 🤗😎💜
maybe refrain from posturing and making a fool of yourself

(1) vaccines are not a monolith, have different safety/side effect profiles, especially for autoimmune people

(4) methylene blue is absolutely a miracle drug:

note these are ALL peer-reviewed,👇
lol you scored 60%, that's a failing grade, buddy

some autoimmune people have been severely damaged by some vaccines, verifiably so, and to insist otherwise is a cult-like, very suspicious mentality

methylene blue

👉 is where the term, "magic bullet", (MB..) came from.. in the *1860s*
How many other former Secretaries of Health have also been heroin addicts?
Your sage medical ⚕️ “fact finding” earned you a new follower. 👏🏽 m ¡¡Muchisimas Gracias!!
Except for butter, right?
6. Worms that eat brains do not enhance intellect - for most people.
So, having a brain worm negates all of these.
Also: science is not a conspiracy .
Are we sure there weren't TWO worms battling over his brain and we only found out about the loser?
This from the party pushing bleach injections and horse dewormer as cures..🤣
Unless you are a republican then please ignore this post!
Absobalutely right, Doctor.
6. It is erroneous to suggest that the flu vaccine caused the flu epidemic of 1918 as they hadn’t been invented yet.
7. Brain worms are not advisable.
8. If you want a nation to be healthy, you should prolly make sure they can all afford to eat.
9. Vaccines don't cause autism
10. Autism does not make someone a lesser person so stop using it as a weapon to scare people.
11. 20% of your children dying from a preventable disease is actually quite bad.
Good point !
14 years of heroin will change your personality [not usually
for the better]
Having a famous name does not make you intelligent
Worms that eat your brain are generally not considered a good thing
People cannot live on a diet of pure conspiracy bullshit
I hope MAGAts don’t understand your sound advice. Am I a horrible person? Maybe I am tired of their illogical rhetoric. I gave up explaining anything to cult members. I hope they follow their dear leader’s advice.
Yes, people who dehumanize others kinda are horrible.. 🤷‍♂️
The challenge is empathy. There but for the grace of God goes us. - a kind word at the right time, support in a shitty time, just realizing, life is a small boat, we're all in it together, and it takes a THICK SKIN and SHORT MEMORY and giving the other guy a break :( to get through it
It's for sure not easy these days! But it's a requirement if this country is to ever find any semblance of unity again IMO. This vitriol and suspicion of your neighbors isn't at all healthy. Nor is losing yourself and your humanity to the "team sport" mentality. We all lose when we succumb to it ✌️
TRUE. There's a reason for everything, even this disaster. And I see how valuable, fragile and STRONG America is. It takes us ALL to keep the home fires burning but TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER.
Remember - The difficult we do immediately; the impossible takes a little bit longer

Onward - to VICTORY
We used methyl blue in surgery to looks for leaks.
Obviously, RFK had never heard of the "5-days rule" regarding to picking up dead animals from the roadside.
Methylene blue is a miracle cure if you have methemoglobinemia!
Or cyanide poisoning. Makes me wonder what he's suffering from...
And now for some ACTUAL facts (not opinions being called "FACTS") that pharma shills don't want you to know:
And if anybody reading (or writing) can understand a bit of actual science....
These are your opinions, you are calling them "facts". It's not guaranteed vaccines work and are safe - some crook may be selling you saline water and calling it vaccine. Coconut oil, solid at room temp, is considered healthy.

You are NOT different from RFK Jr.
Here is an explanation of your debating style, Doctor.
Dafuque is he saying about methylene blue?
We live in the dumbest time.
6. Listening to a Republican can get u deported or killed.
RFK Jr. is a...
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Dunning-Gruger poster child
The whole regime fits this description.
I'm just waiting for him to extol the virtues of rabies.
For #4, you need to add, “unless you are a descendant of Martin Fugate.”
But dead raccoon is so tasty.
#RFKjr should resign.

He has no qualifications.
In this administration, that IS his qualification.
Or brain
There is that.
It would be much easier to digest and make use of criticism if it wasn’t snarky
6. Letting the bird flu spread is another bad idea RFK cooked up with his brain worm.
And measles.
1. Measles causes Deafness.
2. Rubella causes deafness.
3. Both measles and Rubella kill.
4. Anyone who has been on heroin and cocaine have fried their brains.
5. Most infectious diseases can trigger autoimmune diseases for life.
I'm a doctor PhD in Neuroscience... and I've had Rubella measles
I became deaf in one ear due to measles as a child.
Here's the Deal Ellie. People want to KNow what is causing all the autism. That's all. It is from something that was introduced in the 60s. Instead of calling people names you can work on finding out what it is.
Very sound advice 👌
I respectfully take issue with item #3... a source of some of my finest repasts🧐
Is it OK to inject bleach to cure a MAGA of covid and other viruses.
The imbecillity of the Trump clique is off the scale.
Trust the science. Bidens health secretary was the best.
Maybe bowel and urine staining are Hip thing to do??? Dunno. Wait, is this a test? I need to evaluate this 😩
The fact you needed to say it out loud earned my follow
Why the big lie about what RFK is actually saying, Dr Jill?
Facts you probably shouldn’t have to explain to head of the health department. But here we are.
Just had measles vaccine booster per my primary care…due history and time was initially vaccinated…and age
Had no problem…
Please check with doctor…this stuff is deadly, moves rapidly…
Same here.
Exactly!! Everything Dr Ellie Murray said...
I say replace the bear carcass eating heroin addict - with....

Stella Immanuel - the Demon Seed Witch Doctor, A trump favorite
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Next thing you're gonna tell me, is that heroin won't make me smarter...
It could be funny…
This is the "replacement" they have been fear mongering about ... Pure projection. They are perpetrating it
The website FaxZero has an up to date list of all reps for #Congress and #governors. You can also find #working, temporary #emails you can use for this.

You can send up to 3 pages at a time, 5 times an email. You could send #alternative plans, #bills, tactics, #questions #easyprotest #online
The current episode of PBS “Call the Midwife “ took on measles as a primary concern as it portrayed a single mother with a young son who had measles and developed a brain infection that left him unable to walk or talk. It was meant to send the message to vaccinate then ( 1970) and now.
Yeah this is the guy to listen to!
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Bonus fact: don’t let a man with a brain worm run the healthcare of a country of a third of a billion people.
All true except # 2.
If you mean he's wrong about all of them except #2 then I agree.

Not to say that everyone needs to go out and stuff their faces with saturated fats from animal sources. Just don't fear them and don't think seed oils made us healthier.
#RFKJr, #granola-mom’s #MAGAts etc. that are scared of #science, stay the hell home. We don’t want your #diseases or #ignorant #opinions. Just because you can’t understand something doesn’t make it #untrue.
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Question is why would anyone be seeking health facts from RFK jr.?
I got one that did not leave the scar,New back then,I think it turned me into Superman!
…. Bleach doesn’t cure Covid….
Sadly none of this is unusual.
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Methylene Blue is used for vasodilatory shock in the ICU. Usually as kind of a Hail Mary pass. So technically you CAN inject it in certain circumstances. Just none that RFK Jr understands.
Measles are deadly!!
Blue birds blood, blood letting dead roadkill animal hair, heroin, blended brain eating worms and baby chicks, dust frommyan.temple floors and tribal dance, thoughts and prayers won’t cure anything. Side note. Giving everyone earth Ebola to find people who live is not a great to stop spread of Ebola
Please share Dr.Ellies list with your not so friendly neighborhood idiots who still don’t get it 🙄
I love me some fries fried in duck fat. Damn they are good. But would I want to eat stuff fried in animal fat daily? No, that is a sure way to pack on the pounds.
And measles occasionally kill children!
The only treatment Methylene Blue is used for is methemoglobinemia. I used it frequently in Histopathology for tissue staining.
I have only used it once in clinical work. Kid someone rxed dapsone to for a spider bite, came to clinic purple as a grape. Met-hb a side effect. I did a methylene blue drip in hospital and watched kid turn pink in seconds! So cool.
I'm curious. What did the moron say about methylene blue? I was given it once as part of a tumor removal procedure. Turned the whites of my eyes blue ( my mates started calling me Muad Dib)also I was peeing blue for a week..such fun.
He regularly consumes it believing it will make him super healthy. be fair.. just "did the research".. ( the real kind, honest, not the "I looked it up on you tube kind".. I used to be a research tec).. and there do seem to be some beneficial uses.. other than turning your pee blue and getting a few laughs in the urinal..
.. one appears to be in the field of neuropsychiatric disorders so let's keep our fingers gers crossed!
Thanks.. thought it must be something like that. I don't suppose there's any grounds for that belief.. I know it bloody hurt when they pumped loads into me. He really is a pillock isn't he!
What the point is RFK is dangerous to our health
So how long can I wait before eating the deer I shoot??
MMR and Varicella vax made from aborted babies, and contains their DNA. They have never been tested for links to cancer.
Measles and Mumps reduces chance of heart disease and some cancers.
Right, so safe the makers need immunity from lawsuits!!
You wouldn’t think these things needed to be stated.
You aren't gonna stop me from grabbing possums, no matter how you try, big science!!!
Where else am I going to get my 3-5 daily servings of possum?! Costco is always sold out
More potassium than a banana!
He had "baby blue syndrome" hence, the obsession with Methylene Blue.
Heard huffing paint or glue does nothing for sinusitis either.
Fun fact: Following RFK Jr.’s health advice is about as safe as playing dodgeball on a minefield.
I had the measles when I was 9 years old way, way back. I don’t remember much but I was told I almost died.
My kids were vaccinated because I’m not an idiot.
When an animal on the side of the road is Dead and the Vultures Wont go near it, thats because it is diseased ....not rocket science
The worm in his head is actually in the Oval Office.
Jesus when is Science coming back?

Driving home from taking care of my Pediatric Patients thinking if it wasn't for the Democrats AIDS would have killed is all!
Now hold on. Road kill stew is gourmet food where I grew up.
And seed oils are healthy
RFK has all the sadistic traits of a serial dt put him in charge of Americans health.....including our kids. Why do republicans all hate children so much? Not vaccinating kids is child abuse and should be punished as such.
That’s not entirely true. They like them in their bedrooms, locker rooms, church basements, cloakrooms in government buildings, vehicles, dark alleys, Miss Teen, USA pageants, teen modeling agencies……
Do your work…
Yeah the amount of godawful "health" advice the Trump administration puts out is unreal. I still remember Trump advising people to drink disinfectant during Covid. These people really know what they're talking about . . .
Or horse worming medicine 😳
Eating dead birds you find during a bird flu epidemic is probably not the wisest stategy.
Think the world should quarantine the US due to measles outbreaks.
I'm vaccinated and not anti-vax, but isn't it true that at least some percentage of the population experiences vaccine injuries? I think the consensus is that the answer is yes, but that they save many more lives than they harm. (1/)
Given that, rather than making a blanket statement saying "vaccines are safe" without qualifiers, wouldn't it be more accurate to say that there are some risks that may affect a very small percentage of the population, but that everyone should take them because of their net societal benefit? (2/)
And if so, wouldn't holding pharmaceutical companies more accountable for injuries be a good thing, providing greater financial incentive to ensure their safety? Currently they are legally free from liability. (See 42 USC 300aa-22 -- (3/)
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I just think that accurately communicating risks and benefits is important and that more honest language would give the anti-vax crowd less ammo to work with. (4/)
Agree with a lot of things you have said, and your point. However, anti-vax will just respond “so you admit they’re not completely safe, ergo they’re unsafe”. And that’s it. That’s all they will take from carefully worded language about risks.
And also, that pharmaceutical companies are deeply motivated by profits, often at our expense (see drug prices), and regulations that keep them accountable and serving the people's interest are a good thing. (5/)
Like I said, I'm not anti-vax and I don't want us as a society to revert back to a time when we didn't have vaccines. I'm here for honest discussion in good faith, and if my understanding or logic is flawed, please let me know how and why so that I can update the way I'm thinking about it. (6/6)
I mean, literally nothing is safe without qualifiers? Not food, sleep nor air.
And generally, vaccines that have been approved into a national vaccine program are usually as close to fully safe as a medicine can be.
Sure. Would it be fair to say that given the societal pressure we put on people to get vaccinated, we should use a higher standard of communication? If someone is worried they'll have an allergic reaction to a dish, they can simply not partake. I think your last sentence is a good way to frame it.
Why would you listen to a man with a brain worm? I want to know what he ate to get the worm??
I'm still waiting for his colloidal silver sales pitch.
Some folks who disagree with your first assertion:
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Solid fats are healthier than artificial seed oils. Not sure if your boss wants you to know that though?
what the fuck is an artificial seed oil. it's a fucking seed.
Lol! Vegetable oil is not made from vegetables!
like what do you think canola oil is made of if you don't think it's made from rapeseed.
does this look "natural" to you
That's like saying that plastic bags are natural as they're made from dead dinosaurs.
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They're made using a similar process to petrol and diesel.
are you an idiot
... vegetable oil is quite literally made of vegetables. the way seed oil is made from seeds.
Watch the documentary… “love has won… the mother god cult”. Quite a comprehensive look into what drives people to.. and KEEPS them in cults.
Heroin is addictive
R. F. Kennedy Jr. convened a panel of health misinformation… he falsely suggested that millions of deaths in the Great Influenza (or “Spanish flu”) epidemic of 1918 could be attributed to vaccine experiments…

development of the first experimental influenza vaccines… began in the 1930s and 1940s…
There’s gotta be more than these

Lots more.
#3 is a shocker. Who knew?
And Covid does appear to be a lab leak of a GoF product, as even the NYT admits, and thus Saint Fauci, as funder via a NGO laundering entity that paid for it, is directly responsible for millions of deaths. Total crickets on Bsky about this issue.
We are good with 1,3,4,5. 2 I disagree with. Solid fats like lard, butter, tallow, and other animal fats are not bad for you the data saying they cause heart disease and cancer was based on observational epidemiological studies. That same belief had been parroted by dieticians with little evidence.
They are bad for you.
No, they are not.
Number 4 is kind of wrong and methylene blue is an antidote for sodium nitrite overdoses,save%20lives%20when%20administered%20early.
Also ems 20/20 did an episode with a toxicologist about the od. Huge Cw for suicide
All good to know!
Yes FACTS !!! You know what else is an apparent fact ? Heroin addicts with a brain worm who actually believe in conspiracy theories aren’t the best choice for top government offices.
Methylene? I suspect he meant methEDRINE.
Sun screen actually works!
Unless you have brain worms.
Absolutely agreed - but methylene blue is also a legit medicine to treat methaemoglobinemia. BUT only to be used by medical professionals for specific indications in hospital (often ICU) settings, not some randoms in the community. JFC the wilful stupidity of RFK jr and his cultists… 🤦‍♀️
And RFK Jr is a moron appointed by an idiot.
Here's 5 things you should know-
1. Shut
2. The
3. Fuck
4. Up
5. Doctor.

Let them kill themselves off with stupidity. Let them find out what polio feels like. DO NOT GIVE THEM MEDICAL TREATMENT. They chose, and chose poorly. If their god wants them alive he'll cure them.

Now stfu.
That's...that's a hate crime. I'm an unmasked neurodivergent. Asking me to behave in a socially acceptable way to you is in fact a hate crime.

Wanna keep playing? Never ask a divergent to mask. You might as well ask a person of color to talk "white" for how offensive it is.

Bigot. Hate monger.🖕
Also, psych meds are safe when taken as prescribed and they are not the cause for school shootings.
Regarding #2

parasites are literally vacating the road kill, don’t even approach it.
Don't forget RFK Jr is STILL advocating raw milk that can be especially dangerous right now due to avian flu being transmitted to cows.

Thank you for being the voice of reason in an increasingly dangerous landscape of insane people.
You mean advocating FOR raw milk?
I am 100% behind the MAGA movement to drink raw milk daily and use only Ivermectin to treat any and all ailments. 100%. Heard it puts hair on your chest. Drink up!
Too bad it can't put hair on Trump's head or even better working brains in any of their heads then I'd front them the cows...
Add a splash of arsenic for flavor! 🥛
As long as they don't do it to their kids. I feel so bad for the children of this country. Autistic and my mom kept recommending me "treatments" that would've killed me.
Good point. Though, I am definitely enough of an asshole to have thoughts that I don’t share with anyone outside of my immediate family when it comes to their children dying from science denial nonsense.
All Oval Office members should be drug tested
I continue to wonder what the fuck happened to this man. He went from progressive environmental lawyer to whatever the hell this is. Is it corruption or is he really insane now? I do not understand.
I'd suggest taking a few minutes to read things he's actually written/said instead of taking things people say about him on bsky. It's so partisan here that you can't get a good understanding of what's hyperbole and what's actually true.

There's nuance to health, people are different, etc.
And on second look, you appear to be some right wing hack that never made it beyond underfunded K-12. Why are you here instead of X?
Lol, what makes you say that?
The way you blindly eat up shit from X and normalize right wing partisan hacks that are funded by billionaires
He has no background in the sciences. I’m not following anything he says on the matter of public health.
🤷‍♂️ Lot's of people listen to Bill Nye about climate change.

If someone has an insight into a topic, the degree probably matters less than the insight. You're probably smart enough to view the perspectives and make an intelligent decision.
Yeah I’m good. American far right like you loves to push anti intellectualism. Fuck off back to X you gullible fuck.
Lol. Calm down 😂
Replaced heroin with a cult.
I remember when RFK Jr was an effective environmental attorney with the NRDC; fighting against people like Trump and Republican donors. I cited some of his work in my own policy analysis write ups.

Then he decided that he preferred being an #antivaxxer pseudocelebrity.
He got into advocacy through court-ordered community service. The dude has always been a clout-chasing D lister.
7. Brain worms and heroin are your friends.
6. Brainworms are not your friends.
To tell us this, you had to go to school for nine hundred years. If more of us listened to RFK Jr, we'd be lucky not to die of Yersinia pestis.
My high fat Irish butter is health food because it comes from grass fed cows. That’s what I tell myself, anyway 😩
If vaccines are so "safe" & "work" then why did so many either die or become sicker from the COVID shots?
Yes I have kept up to date with my Covid vaccines after my November 2020 near death encounter & haven’t been reinfected since
Complete idiots in the leadership roles, are they trying to destroy democracy for Putin?
yes but if you roll all of these into a spliff and smoke them you will become the ubermensch
And heroin isn't a treatment for ADHD.
6. Stupid is not a level of intellectual achievement.
# 6 the man's a fake fraud
Stoopid is the new smart 🤣
If they dye themselves, they'll at least be more visible 😅
6. RFK Jr profits from misinformation
Well, I’ve done my own research on these issues by reading information on stupidconspiracybullshit dot com. Wouldn’t my research be just as valid?
visit my page and please help. 🥹

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So all vaccines work perfectly always and have no adverse effects ever!

Thanks, doc!

Why don’t people trust our health institutions anymore?
Are you saying RFK Jr has encouraged eating roadkill? Am I understanding that right?
6. brain worms shouldn't be calling the shots
These observations are genius! GENIUS!!!!💚
6. he's a dangerous tw@
Methylene blue is a legitimate medical treatment for methemoglobinemia and is used as an antidote for Ifosfamide toxicity and cyanide poisoning among other uses. You should not be using it at the suggestion of RFK Jr who is not a doctor or even close to being medically trained.
Antibiotics are amazing but not useful for the common cold. It’s almost like we should use medicine at the direction of a qualified medical professional.
My brother got on a "Colloidal silver" kick in the early 2010's. We kept telling him his lips and fingernails were turning blue grey.
His response, "That means it's working!"
I told him he can do the same thing by eating a bottle of graphite powder. He looked it up to make sure he wasn't missing out
I think one night we all went to sleep and woke up in a Star-Trek-inspired, alternate universe.
6. It is illegal to collect dead animals -- they are property of the state.
7. It is also illegal to collect remains of marine mammals
8. You know this and did it anyway.
9. You demonstrate contempt for laws.
10. Your contempt for law is equal to your contempt for medical science.
I actually use Methylene blue! It started off as just a dye, but then they found out about its healing benefits.
Next, he’ll be saying wearing a condom causes measles 🥴
I am sure this list will become quite lengthy since it's only March 24.
I had the measles when I was only a couple of months old and they thought I was going to die. So yeah, measles can be pretty bad for children
The clot shot is unaliving people, the clot shot can't be trusted artificial dyes should be banned, who eats road kill, measles infectees come from below the border 🤣
6. Measles can kill you. Might as well add that fact into the mix.
Unpasteurized milk leads to scarlatina, kidney failure, febris rheumatica and cardiac valve calcifications.
Like #vaccine refusal, drinking raw milk and “raw” water is nothing but being childishly contrarian to evidence and expertise.
Oh, and booting heroin for 14 long years makes one an amoral reptile.
From what his family says, he's always been an animal creature.
Shucks,I just bought a bunch of methylene blue. Dammit!