Yeah after they've been properly put into a cement cast! Nuclear waste is barely an issue, most of it decays within 10 years of being used, and we have ways to contain 100% of the radiation
Only 0.3% of nuclear waste is the stuff that takes hundreds of years to decay that you hear all about
I should correct myself 3% of nuclear waist is the high level kind, the ones that take hundreds of years to decay
Even then, we have ways of disposing of it, such as burying it down in concrete lined bunkers where all the radiation is contained until it decays properly
Nope! Because it would be incredibly inefficient, nuclear power is the cleanest and safest in the world, so long as we keep equipment maintained
To even match the energy output of a single pound of uranium, you would need hundreds of thousands of solar panels all running at peak efficiency
Well nuclear plants themselves require energy to run, and there is a possibility something goes wrong
In which case, modern reactors just shut down, so solar and other renewable sources will be used to keep the grid up until the reactor can come back online
I recall reading some articles that were from the 1960s that there were some in the government and the business world that wanted global warming because it would open up shipping lanes in the arctic. FWIW
You mean the government has failed to address an issue for a century and people are still calling for it to address an issue? You might as well write a letter to Santa Claus.
It's recorded in the newspaper archive in New Zealand. A cursory search would reveal that much. Next time instead of commenting and muddying the water, just look for yourself.
Idk what the source is. But there are LOTS of books out there that you could read about the history of our science of climate change that would make it seem less suspect.
The Long Thaw, the Parrot and the Igloo, the Wizard and the Prophet are some examples.
For anyone who didn't know, "ExxonMobil was a significant influence in preventing ratification of the Kyoto Protocol by the US funded organizations critical of the Kyoto Protocol & undermined public opinion about the scientific consensus that global warming is caused by the burning of fossil fuels".
This is Svante Arrhenius's 1896 paper where he lays out the degrees of warming for specific CO2 concentrations. He includes water vapor feedbacks. I believe Greta Thunberg is a relative of his. Her dad's name is Svante.
The orange 47 will roll back and repeal more conservation rules and law as soon as he can. The EPA will be a sham agency under him, and our world and the future world for our children will be extreme heat, wiped out species and mega storms further ruing our environment. 😠😠😡😡🙄🙄 Sad and scary!
However, we will see the result of which we possibly should not be surprised unless we are all running around completely caught in an endless tunnel vision.
Yes, will go faster. For instance bees commit suicide when temperatures stay over 42°C during one week. They maintain alive "our" green lung, from which "our" blue one is 100% interdependant (see pinned post). My beloved younger sister will add links.
Erghh, no matter what, but i am under the hope that this exponential rise of temperature, typically displaying since decades, will suddenly and surpisingly, and, non-marematically stop at plus 2 degree like many, simple-minded or lobbyistic, polticians demand the climate to do.
My poor daughters. Sorry to have made two adorable daughters in this context. We didn't know in the beginning of the 2000th, not enough. But at the same time, I'm sooo happy to "have" you.
Scientists have not integrated this EXTREMELY accelerating factor into their models, diagrams, of temperature evolution.
I think the acceleration rate of this discovery is 10
This is why we are all committed daily to saving bees & pollinators👉
Please donate to 850+donators.
Even the best didn't do it. So please sisn, share, support by donating from 802 to 850+ donators (why not 1000??! We're speakink about still having life on the earth, or not! 👉 🆘
Because (pics).
Repost if you think there should be a worldwide ban on pesticides. #neonicotinoids are the most harmful to bees.🐝🐝
🆘Sign, share & support by donating 802 to 850+ donations🆘 🐝
The fact that burning fossil fuels causes climate change has been known for a very long time. It releases CO2, a greenhouse gas into the atmosphere which reflects heat raising temperatures & melting the ice caps. The Oil companies just have lots of money to convince the idiots this isn't true.
NO. It doesn't add up to historical context with when what was known was discovered... It just doesn't... and that headline font is certainly a particular kind of Sans-Serif font that would not have been used in a 1912 newspaper.
My favorite 'whataboutism' about Climate change is: "People that there was going to be an ice age in 1980!". Which really was never true and was based on misreading data on a point of the series. If you look at NASA GISS readings it's just downright scary. Ahh thank God we are ran by business/1
I used to read about the dangers of global warming in OMNI magazine back in the early 1980s. We're about 20 years further down the road than those articles, which predicted our present-day conditions for 2050 or so.
If only the politicians had the nerve to fix the problems of their generations past. Except too many have been in the position to do something for what seems like generations.
I don't think anyone could anticipate the massive adoption of personal vehicles burning fuel so long ago, but I'd be happy to learn if such a visionaire existed as well.
Ok. And you do some research into extinctions that followed the arrival of English setters into New Zealand.
You can start by checking cats, rats, rabbits, stoats and ferrets. All of which our ground-nesting birds are still having trouble surviving with
The difference being those settlers/invaders had no idea of the consequences of those introductions. For the record, Polynesians introduced the rat (probably inadvertently, as did the British with rattus rattus)
Exactly what is hogwash? That man has been polluting the earth for 100s of years and have known what they wee doing for at least 100 + years. The Indigenous people I was referring to btw is the Native Americans. They treat earth as their mother. It is indeed white men who’ve destroyed the planet
No, not all native American tribes are the same and you are viewing them through a Western romantic lens. Your suggestion of a "white gene" is also highly problematic.
I was broadly speaking, if you want to nit pick some factions of diff cultures & imply that speaks for them all I’d disagree. I don’t think anyone disagrees with the destruction the white race has done to the world. Environmentally to wars fought for power, religion & territorial reasons
"It is indeed white men who've destroyed the planet" is a statement of such hyperbolic idiocy that is only exceeded by your crude categorisation of all Native Americans as sharing identical views, practices and beliefs.
Nothing hyperbolic about my replies, they’re based on history. Never said ALL native Americans shared identical views, practices or beliefs, those are YOUR words. Mine was a generalization made from reading true history based on reality. Please don’t waste my time with your non-sensical replies.
But here we are very far from the subject at hand. As for me, I am known for fighting daily, with the help of more and more friends, called #CLUB100 on X with @BeeAsMarine to save pollinators.
Donate a little bit, please. @GreenJennyJones,
who follows me, donated £100 👉 🆘
And nothing will be done about it even when the planet can no longer sustain us living on it because God forbid anything should cut into corporate profit margins.
I can understand that for many people it's inevitable to fly, though, if it's part of their job. And not everyone can just use public transport, either. If governments and corporations invested into alternative energy, that would help greatly. Trump won't, because it's profitable for him not to.
Don’t drive, don’t fly but yes, I do use AC coz I live where it can get up to 45C (113F)
Must be all my AC use contributing to the climate, and not the all the capitalists around the world focused on silence and greed rather than actually doing things that could impact the issue on a massive scale
It’s not your fault. It’s not mine. We are all responsible. At least those in the „first world“
Guess most of the people in Africa have a very minimal contribution
They don't burn much oil, the rest of us do. Their responsibility is extensive, such as ruining public transit but the consumption is baked into modern life.
You could nationalize all oil and it wouldn't make a dent in emissions
To me, complacency means letting something be; not having an opinion. Pragmatism means taking an approach that makes sense for your circumstances. I make pragmatic choices and know climate change is a problem. It’s not all or nothing; nuance exists.
i know. even if id prefer to live in a den dug into a forest's berm, my teenager would be v uncomfortable. at least we shall perish together in better comfort
Only to 22°?! Put a jumper on, turn the heat down then come back and lecture others. Also "hardly fly"? Seriously? Has "but I hardly killed anyone" energy. And buying local is only good if the local producer is as efficient as the distant one, as shipping is a tiny bit of most carbon footprints.
Forced propagation technique proves that in an enclosed environment (a plastic bag or the planet earth) excess carbon increases plant yield by encouraging the plants to sequester carbon more than otherwise. The problem is cutting down the trees at the same time as fossil fuels. We need to reforest.
The fundamental problem is too many people. You have to cut down trees to grow crops and make room for houses, cars, solar panels, wind farms, data centres etc etc.
This planet can sustain a lot more people. The fundamental problem is Victorian Empiricism drives the economy of the 21st century. Our infrastructure is unfit for purpose. Adapting to survive means sustainable infrastructure.
How quaint. The problem is the vast majority of people prefer their global lifestyle. I have tried hard to persuade individuals to change, bit with no luck. I hope you can succeed.
No? We burn at a rate well above what can be taken in by forests and only a small portion of the biomass in a forest is sequestered underground such that it isn’t released upon the death of the tree. Lots of the carbon dioxide and heat has been going into the oceans and they’re overloading.
We need to put things in order! Before reforesting we must save bees, which fertilize our green lung, on which the blue depends 100%
Please sign & donate a little to the only vital petition in existence, and which I have been carrying for 3 years, tirelessly (almost) 👉 🆘
Here is Homo Sapiens who has been destroying everything for 2 centuries, with an exponential population, to boot.
Before reforesting we must save the bees, which fertilize our green lung, on which the blue depends 100%
Please donate to the only vital petition existing 👉 🆘
The reason there's a thick layer of carbon deep underground is because woody plants evolved before decomposers could figure out how to eat that. It's a layer of compressed plants. Carbon will never be packed away like that again. All the carbon in our biosphere is here to stay.
I read about this in Wormwood: 25 Years Later, a book about the Chernobyl disaster. Of the 400 microbes usually in any soil, only 1 of them survived the radiation. The ones which eat wood didn’t.
The contaminated local forests stockpiled absorbed radiation instead of the wood decomposing. In 2016 it all burned in an inevitable forest fire, unleashing stored radiation into the skies.
We need to put things in order! Before reforesting we must save bees, which fertilize our green lung, on which the blue depends 100%
Please sign & donate a little to the only vital petition in existence, and which I have been carrying for 3 years, tirelessly (almost) 👉 🆘
You're welcome.
I had thought it was first a Swedish scientist in the 1885ish timeframe, but when I googled to check the date found this American woman publishing on it earlier in 1856.
People still act like climate change is something new. It isn't we didn't just flip a switch people, we've been actively (for over 250 years) changing the environment through industry, so the problem isn't new it's not a conspiracy theory it's a quarter of a millennium in the making. 🧐
We will wait until the planet is burning down. We have the Pearl Harbor response to everything… when the bombs are falling and they are shooting at us we get the picture.
On climate, it's just a thing that CO2 molecules absorb infrared and then re-emit it. Half the time it goes back to earth, other half out to space. The more CO2, the more heat goes back to earth. Can we all accept that fact and look for a way to control it?
yeah the problem is our society need to consume more energy but lack of tech alternative to generate these, inequality in knowledge, conflict and etc reduce our path to clean energy
Good thing coal fired plants have had CO2 scrubbers for some time. Plant life needs CO2 to survive and that includes forests. There are more acres of forest now, than 100 years ago. How many have given up carbonated beverages for the sake of global warming?
According to the EIA, in 2023, U.S. utility-scale power plants emitted roughly 1.53 billion metric tons of carbon dioxide (CO2), which equates to about 0.81 pounds of CO2 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity generated; the exact amount varies based on the type of fuel used by the power plant.
Don't just share on this forum. Tell someone in DC what you think about this or any issue that is important to you. It only takes a few minutes and best of doesn’t cost any money.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
Something I read well before the internet came in to being.
There was also a paper written and it is floating around in an archive somewhere or on the wires of the internet.
Takes a lot to get a concept across. This is why I'm surprised slavery got banned at all! It's a wonder anything good ever happens, yet it does from time to time!
The guilty party is the line of succession of yesteryear’s aristocracy.
Those aristocrats’ children became the autocratic oligarchs of today who will be our dinner tomorrow.
Svante Arrhenius, Swedish Scientist/Chemist and a 1903 Nobel Prize recipient, is considered to be the Father on Climate Change and in his papers written in 1896 also to be the first to quantify the contribution of carbon dioxide to the greenhouse effect. So the 1912 Article is not fake 🙂
They’ve known all along that they are destroying the planet. If that’s not crazy enough…we the taxpayers subsidize these criminals. They’ve been fooling us for generations. WTFU ppl
They have been LYING to us for generations but they have only been FOOLING some of us. Unfortunately, far too many people are too stupid to realize this and have become invested in the comfortable lies.
Guys, I have been reading some of the comments here. Please do not engage or respond to trolls or science deniers. That's what they want. Just report and block. Do not let them turn this social network into a cesspool like "x".
People like Arrhenius (1896) discussed the link between CO2 and global temperature even before this including detractors like Angstrom, if you ever heard the argument that CO2 is oversaturated in tropophere and won't heat up the planet, that's from him.
Actually, I was wrong about that. It checks out after-all. It contradicts what I thought I knew for sure, and as it turns out, my previous information was false.
No, i am absolutely NOT a climate change denier. As previously stated, I have been corrected with utmost humility. My motive for challenging this meme was simply to make sure that "our side" is the completely truthful side... And that is the part I can never apologize for. 💙
Wow! I hadn't heard anything about it before about 1970..when, I think, most educated people knew we were headed doomwards. It's extraordinary how little attention was / is given to saving the future compared to living the hedonistic present
What about the scumbags profiting from false claims of climate change? All the taxes raked in that do nothing to help the environment... I agree we need to volunteer to clean our water and roadside areas strewn with trash. All the ocean plastic pisses me off.. not CO2.
So basically you’re cool with not being inconvenienced and you’re not cool with being inconvenienced, and you base what you believe in on what you feel is convenient or not. You pretend all these climate scientists are out there getting rich while ignoring oil company climate propaganda? What?
Yeah... it's pretty amazing how denialists somehow manage to convince themselves that they're on the side of the plucky underdogs, clear-eyed and speaking Truth to Power and they're fighting against massive, wealthy and powerful, vested interests.
The climate models are always wrong, the "experts" are always wrong, the data is always cherry picked and manipulated. The changes are not always man-made. They should focus on adaptation rather than taxing everyone for dumb reasons. The oil companies are going along with the climate charade too.
The numbers that refute climate change are in their own data. Go look at it yourself. They cherry pick the data to push their own agenda. Have fun 🐏🐏🐏😄
Those scientists made it big publishing peer-reviewed and verifiable studies showing increased CO2 increases the earth's warming. I bet every one of them is a millionaire...
"The median annual wage for environmental scientists and specialists was $78,980 in May 2023."
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
As usual the science is very conservative in its impact assessment. We have been seeing increasing adverse impacts over last 50 years. Getting worse annually now.
You know that the petroleum industry and the extraction industry have reams and reams of information about what their product is doing to the environment and their plan is the tobacco company plan lie and I lie and deny Exxon is known for 40 years what fossil fuels are doing to our environment!
They need to publicly harm the image of these companies... esp with these long understood facts.
Seemed to worked with Big Tobacco, along with huge legal losses.
Also it can confound inflation with actual increase in smoking. Statistics can be manipulated if you're not actually measuring something quantitatively exactly GDP is not the same as percentage of use of a product.
Always good to bring data to a discussion. Thanks. I am curious though about the underlying numbers (up to 2024). Do they match the population increase for those years or do they represent a real increase in usage?
So can surveys and associated graphs. You are providing dollars spent on products. Take into consideration the population increase, inflation, and US societal norms. For those of us who've been alive a long time the difference is patently obvious.
Psst Mr. “Knowledge is power”
That 📉 is based on sales which is not indicative of persons smoking. It’s based on the price of product.
Are cigarettes cheaper than they were 10 years ago?
Energy Companies circulated memos and communications to keep this information on the down low for decades. Didn’t want to affect the incomes of the executives. The poorer citizens of the world NEED to protect the Wealthy. This is what I am hearing.
Not ignorance. The system is working as designed. And "neoliberal" co-opts the meaning of liberal, much like "national socialists" were not remotely socialist.
Obscene wealth, exploitation and supremacy are the problem. The people have power, and we need to relearn how to use it more effectively.
We’re headed for a climate disaster. Nothing was initiated soon enough to prevent it. What’s ironic is that it’s still being debated as being legitimate, including ignorant morons like Donald Trump who claimed it is a hoax.
Equally….saying…”well the oil companies never told us”. is just scapegoating bs….everyone knew and decided the short term benefit of cheap energy was worth it. And that may seem wrong…but not for the billions who got lifted out of poverty by cheap fossil fuels. It was never an easy choice
We wrote this song last year and there are several lines I am proud of including rhyming “ pino blanc , the bottle bank ….. too late to recycle now you had your chance . “
Perhaps because, as the age of this article attests, humans have no affect on climate. In the past 109 years our "climate" has varied, with temperatures increasing and decreasing.
"in a few centuries"
The writer was prescient, but couldn't have predicted the growth in GHG emissions we've actually seen since then.
We no longer have a few centuries. The tipping point might come within decades.
The ultra-wealthy know they'll be long dead before the planet becomes completely unlivable & simply put, they don't give a damn about the rest of us as long as they win all the marbles in their little game!
those who stoked the engines of industry for the last 125yrs or so, knew all of this from the beginning
& now their descendants scramble to acquire all the wealth & resources worth having, as the climate catastrophe they authored unfolds
this coming summer will be hotter than the last
happy new year
They did. In the 60s & 70s several Oil companies had their scientists conduct similar testing with the same results as that old coal report. The oil industry never allowed their testing to see the light of day however & suppressed all mention of their scientists test results. A journalist found it.
But Trump says it’s a hoax, and that warming would be good for his beach properties, and something about sharks and electric boats. I guess we didn’t have alternative facts, or at least no megaphone to spread them among the ignorant 109 years ago.
Vested interests have been ignoring, and worse castigating, scientists since
the beginning of time. And the broader populace just keeps
falling for it :(
While I 💯 agree fossil fuels need to go there is also a list of other things behind it that also importantly needs to be addressed. Solar /electric is great but mining for lithium isn't good for the planet either .Regardless we are not doing nearly enough & it will bite us all in the ass very hard
Republicans believe God did not create climate change therefore it does not exist.
The warnings started in the late 1800s particularly out of London where they killed a bunch of folks with an air inversions.
I read about this in the 1960s in elementary school.
Another problem is that somewhere around 40% of Americans believe the world will end within their lifetime, so why worry about the planet when it's not going to be here? Yet another way in which religions are harmful to society.
(Had to re-post to fix the typo.)
Most humans only seem to perceive climatic jeopardy when they rotate inside a hurricane, starve from aridity, roast in a forest fire, drown in flooding, get stuck in snow or while tormented to death by insects.
Unfortunately, these events are not only becoming more severe or more frequently, & they even overlap each other. And, some occur in parts of USA & world that never happened before in modern times.
Also we have to deal with people who will never see it. I know climate refugees who lost their homes in Harvey and others who lost their homes in the Paradise fires
I know it’s cynical, but I’ve accepted that we aren’t a species built to make the necessary changes to save ourselves (and other species). I don’t even blame us. We are what we are. We’re doing the best we can, and it’s far from enough.
We actually are not doing the best we can. If you removed the worst behavior of billionaires you could effectively stop climate change. The amount of pollution and warming caused by normal people is actually a lot less than the total. We also have ways to theoretically reverse climate change.
We should be doing better, but we are not. After decades of warnings and now real observable consequences, we are still a million miles from where we need to be. We are a greedy species addicted to comfort and convenience. I don’t believe we can change much until extinction is staring us in the face
We are consuming only requirements this year (like food, meds, etc)… been cutting back for a while already.
Not buying foods in plastic helps, even if the alternatives cost more, for me it’s worth it
Eliminating or at least minimizing our consumption of animal products is the easiest and most effective thing we can do as individuals. Animal agriculture is a top contributor to global warming — more than all the world’s transportation.
A few things to note. 1. You are preventing valuable resources from being wasted.
2. For things like metals and glass it is less energy intensive to melt them down and recycle them (so you are helping somewhat).
3. By keeping up on recycling you also are preventing local pollution.
Addendum 1:
Local pollution has a huge impact on your area. Keeping it cleaner is just a new benefit for everything living near you. Not to mention when it comes to cardboard you are literally letting a tree's death have twice the benefit and cutting down on the need for more trees to die.
Addendum 2:
You are also helping prevent more greenhouse gas emotions by recycling paper and cardboard. The CO2 that trees use to build their bodies is released when it decomposes or is burned. So by recycling it you are actually preventing us stored green house gases from being released.
I'm sitting in my 55(F) home as I write this, trying to do all I can personally to act (I do wear a heated vest and down jacket, so I'm fine). I just can't understand how "the other side" is doing all they can to accelerate climate change. In your face antagonism and harm. Disgusting.
that is because the conservative majority in state legislatures still deny that fossil fuels have any effect on climate, and the changes we observe are due to natural cycles.
Go deeper. Those who own fossil fuels capital have been in charge of society since the start of the industrial revolution. They won't let us make their property worthless, even at the cost of a habitable planet.
It was incredible when I learned scientists understood global warming more than a century ago. It's even more incredible that people continue to deny it.
A mini split heat pump can be quite efficient, but installation at least doubles the cost, and if done incorrectly will fail. We could use some efficient window based heat pumps (inefficient exist. I saw that). They would, regrettably, be louder.
And the grandfather of Rupert Murdoch read the article and thought, "I bet Big Coal would pay me good money to print a newspaper claiming this is a hoax."
Ok, but none of these articles addresses the use of a tall sans serif font from the 1920's being used in a 1912 newspaper. My thinking on the matter (now that I have been made aware of other similar claims) is that the original headline was not conducive to the narrative so it got "bettered". 😏
Nope, sorry, I'm dumb. Didn't realize you were the OP and that 'nope' was for someone else doing exactly what I assumed you were doing. Ever so sorry, this nested response nonsense has me all backwards.
I'm guessing there's a dark sarcasm in Rob's comment specifically re "The effect may be considerable in a few centuries". It's not everyone's line in humour but not usually meant to be offensive and strangely in agreement with your original post, perhaps.
Well I could stand down from twat hunting mode and apply the little known Hanlon's Razor I suppose.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by STUPIDITY"
Marine is one of my internet mates and I'm a TROLL DESTROYER so maybe I got a little bit hasty and TRIGGER happy myself?😂😂😂😂
You could. Or you could give your suspect a tad more rope before passing judgement. I came here from another place and I'd like it to be, and stay different hence my attempt at balance. It's a New Year. All the very best to you and yours.
When greed is what rules the country instead of right and wrong this is why we have the problems we have today and back that money doesn’t give a shit about people or how they’re able to live
It’s already to the point where not doing something is more expensive than doing something. You’d think that instead of turning away business in Florida and California insurance company lobbyists would be working with climate activists.
Yes, good point. Just not sure it's apparent to voters, and of course the establishment plutocrats who make money off the deal, who have the ear of conservative, Republican politicians especially, seem happy to delay action as long as they can, dream of moving to Mars when the jig is up.
But it doesn’t matter to the gross polluting oligarchs, because they only care about the here and now and how much wealth they can accumulate from their fossil fuel holdings. Not the planets future, or their grandchildren’s, or any other human’s. They won’t be around when the planet dies.
We knew before that. "Scientists had already figured out by the late 1800s that a greenhouse effect works to keep the planet warm, and that the carbon dioxide produced by burning coal could enhance that effect."
They used pieces of metal with letters engraved on them. Upper case letters are literally the ones you pull out of the upper case on the setting machine. The fonts don't go together because they weren't using WordPress back then; they had whatever was on hand.
Im sorry, I went all unhinged but other skeeters corrected me already... I only think the headline was reworked after the fact for presentation's sake because I think that font in the headline (tall & sans-serif) is from the 1920's and added in for microfiche in the 1980's.
in Morgan Freeman's voice: "The article was, in fact, posted in the early 1900s and this rando on Bluesky can't guarantee anything because he's so utterly mistaken"
People need to agree on what they can agree on the CC, that is to consume less, conserve the greens, mitigate the risk(at least on flood & hurricane), build more forestry, find the alternatives; most of all, forget money by sticking to what is the possible truth. Surprised to see it has been so long
It means nothing until it comes knocking on your door. The oops factor of reality. What goes up comes down - chicken little was correct. We need to write apology letters to future generations for lack of effort.
Sadly most of us will die, leaving the youth stuck with the mess, like our parents did. We can protest, vote for the planet, try to change things, try to educate..but do they listen?
So, I go see the glaciers, reflect, appreciate, hear the ice falls, &
grieve for those blind to all the beauty.
And with Trump being sworn in soon, we may never be able to do enough. He's already denied Climate Change is going to pull our Nation out of the "Paris Act" once he's sworn in.
Reminds me of that song "One way or another I'm gonna get you, Blonde 1978 Parallel Lives"
The extreme storms we’ve had the past year: fires, devastating hurricanes, drought… we’d all better get used to it because it’s only going to get worse because of what Trump will do to placate his big oil and coal buddies.
It’s all about profits. Let our kids & grandkids deal with the consequences
Very interesting. Maybe pass that article over to The Chinese government! We have stupid pollution tax credits to keep our greenhouse gases low (and helping Elon Musk get paid from offending companies!) - and China keeps happily burning coal uncaringly! The Chinese people MUST have energy after all!
… considerable in a few centuries? On target. Except the author didn’t take into effect the exponential factor. On the other hand I recently read, due to laws and regulations regarding emissions- on motor vehicles and factories, we have repaired the ozone layer.
True, but what is truly lacking in the discussion is the heat produced. This is what is being trapped under the blanket: massive, unhinged industrial heat from steel, chemical, power, and other industries. If we keep pumping it out, nothing helps. - aside from the very pertinent climate change message, what’s your take on this news article? The language seems a bit too modern?
Only 0.3% of nuclear waste is the stuff that takes hundreds of years to decay that you hear all about
Even then, we have ways of disposing of it, such as burying it down in concrete lined bunkers where all the radiation is contained until it decays properly
To even match the energy output of a single pound of uranium, you would need hundreds of thousands of solar panels all running at peak efficiency
In which case, modern reactors just shut down, so solar and other renewable sources will be used to keep the grid up until the reactor can come back online
The Long Thaw, the Parrot and the Igloo, the Wizard and the Prophet are some examples.
Since scientists discovered this crucial point in 2022, you can find hundred of articles "If heatwave hits 42°C bees may commit suicide by ejaculating themselves their abdomen to death" 👉
Cc and to complete.
Imagine what it makes when you're just 20 years old!
I think the acceleration rate of this discovery is 10
This is why we are all committed daily to saving bees & pollinators👉
Please donate to 850+donators.
Because (pics).
🆘Sign, share & support by donating 802 to 850+ donations🆘 🐝
"Influence of carbonic acid in the air upon the temperature of the ground" Svante Arrhenius, 1896
"The artificial production of carbon dioxide and its influence on temperature" Guy Callendar, 1938
I will concede that the image we are given is probably a modern print; after all, the title of a gazette wouldn't be over a single column.
But, I'll pester you one last time, with "the Article is authentic."
This was not some sort of radical anachronism. The conceptual roots of this idea go back further
Unfortunately, the age of non-stop corporate profits was also just kicking off and money talks.
We are truly stupid animals.
You can start by checking cats, rats, rabbits, stoats and ferrets. All of which our ground-nesting birds are still having trouble surviving with
Now google "what species did Maori DELIBERATELY make extinct in New Zealand"
I'm looking forward to what you find
Donate a little bit, please. @GreenJennyJones,
who follows me, donated £100 👉 🆘
DiNOsaURs Is THe DeviLs TriCks!
Do you fly?
Do you use AC?
Then you also contribute
And no, but I do have an electric fan I plug in when it gets really hot in Summer. I recently had solar panels installed, too.
So we and others try to change things
Must be all my AC use contributing to the climate, and not the all the capitalists around the world focused on silence and greed rather than actually doing things that could impact the issue on a massive scale
Guess most of the people in Africa have a very minimal contribution
But I don't find it beneficial to ignore the fact that they do it for our money, for our consumption.
I will concede that they stacked the deck against change and improvement to prevent us making any real impact.
Nevertheless, we are consumers, just trying to survive.
You could nationalize all oil and it wouldn't make a dent in emissions
And I have two cars. Both electric. I hardly fly. I have no AC and heat only to 22 degrees and keep showering short. I also buy local
Hope you let me discuss further? 🥺
We could be hunter-gatherers with internet phones and taxi-drones. What prevents that? It’s not overpopulation. It’s infrastructure.
Please sign & donate a little to the only vital petition in existence, and which I have been carrying for 3 years, tirelessly (almost) 👉 🆘
Before reforesting we must save the bees, which fertilize our green lung, on which the blue depends 100%
Please donate to the only vital petition existing 👉 🆘
Please sign & donate a little to the only vital petition in existence, and which I have been carrying for 3 years, tirelessly (almost) 👉 🆘,its%20level%20at%20that%20time.
I had thought it was first a Swedish scientist in the 1885ish timeframe, but when I googled to check the date found this American woman publishing on it earlier in 1856.
🤔 odd, isn't it.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
There was also a paper written and it is floating around in an archive somewhere or on the wires of the internet.
Those aristocrats’ children became the autocratic oligarchs of today who will be our dinner tomorrow.
the only time everday people understand is when it gets hot where they are in their:
-kitchen, bc of poor ventilation and steam
-bathroom for the same reason
-garage, for the same reason
home get ventilated
how do we ventilate the entire planet?
16 Aug 2018
Because the existence of the article is verifiable.
If you're not arguing against climate change I'm really not sure what your argument is?
If you think the truth is so important as to doubt a web image, GREAT. But we're well past the point of citation/verification.
Overexposed to comic books in their youth?
"The median annual wage for environmental scientists and specialists was $78,980 in May 2023."
- Bureau of Labor Statistics
Seemed to worked with Big Tobacco, along with huge legal losses.
Personal impressions can mislead.
second - this is the most misleading graph you could choose
That 📉 is based on sales which is not indicative of persons smoking. It’s based on the price of product.
Are cigarettes cheaper than they were 10 years ago?
Over last couple years Canada:
3x oil
2x coal
6x LNG
What climate crisis?
Our gov’ts are captured by Fossil fuel industry.
Our kids and grandkids don’t matter.
So bizarre that 2 of the politicians that pushed BC into becoming a fossil fuel cesspool have died.
John Horgan: coal, LNG & TMX.
Fed Liberal Minister Carr - forced take it or leave it indigenous benefit agreements: 3x Oil sands product in TMX
He knew decisions would kill off BC wild salmon, herring and Southern Resident Orcas.
He recovered, while Horgan’s post to Germany for cancer care (better than Canada?) unfortunately didn’t work out. #cdnpoli
Dom’s “surf clam scandal”LeBlanc’s home province!
Protecting oligarch Irving?
Dozens with neuro-immune/muscular degenerative disease cluster are still suffering.
Obscene wealth, exploitation and supremacy are the problem. The people have power, and we need to relearn how to use it more effectively.
some people are slow learners lol
We are cooked. Literally.
The Emperor’s Blanket so to speak
The writer was prescient, but couldn't have predicted the growth in GHG emissions we've actually seen since then.
We no longer have a few centuries. The tipping point might come within decades.
"2024: The Hottest Year Ever Recorded"
& now their descendants scramble to acquire all the wealth & resources worth having, as the climate catastrophe they authored unfolds
this coming summer will be hotter than the last
happy new year
the beginning of time. And the broader populace just keeps
falling for it :(
This pic says all itself.
The warnings started in the late 1800s particularly out of London where they killed a bunch of folks with an air inversions.
I read about this in the 1960s in elementary school.
(Had to re-post to fix the typo.)
They doubled down on being deniers.
Concentrate on the first one, reduce.
Not buying foods in plastic helps, even if the alternatives cost more, for me it’s worth it
I’m so over consumerism as a whole
2. For things like metals and glass it is less energy intensive to melt them down and recycle them (so you are helping somewhat).
3. By keeping up on recycling you also are preventing local pollution.
Local pollution has a huge impact on your area. Keeping it cleaner is just a new benefit for everything living near you. Not to mention when it comes to cardboard you are literally letting a tree's death have twice the benefit and cutting down on the need for more trees to die.
You are also helping prevent more greenhouse gas emotions by recycling paper and cardboard. The CO2 that trees use to build their bodies is released when it decomposes or is burned. So by recycling it you are actually preventing us stored green house gases from being released.
Yeah, that activity kinda is a waste of time, designed by the packaging industry to deflect.
Paper, small proportions.
Plastics? Not so much. I'm a polymer engineer and I know that recycled plastic makes poorer product.
Except water bottles to microfiber. The biggest source of microplastics in the environment.
Only if the best is disagreeing whether to commit species-suicide or not...
My best to you!
( use to recalibrate sarcasm meter )
As a teen you think it's silly because why would humans destroy the environment?
As an adult you realize there really are a ton of captain planet villians that just want to pollute for fun.
3/3 🧵,as%201824%20by%20Joseph%20Fourier.
A Timeline of Climate Science and Policy
worth a look
Fossil fuel companies have been generating disinformation since the 1990’s.
Do forgive me if I assumed your post wrong, Twitter-likes are a type of site I, thankfully, never learned how to use expertly.
"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by STUPIDITY"
Marine is one of my internet mates and I'm a TROLL DESTROYER so maybe I got a little bit hasty and TRIGGER happy myself?😂😂😂😂
F*ck around. Find out. Forget. F*ck around again.
They literally had a microfiche.
You can read the rest of the gazette.
The text originates from a 1912 report in the magazine Popular Mechanics:
Papers referencing the impact of human activity on climate can be found as far back as 1896:
Hope that helps.
So yeah, I think "unhinged" is an appropriate choice of words.
So, I go see the glaciers, reflect, appreciate, hear the ice falls, &
grieve for those blind to all the beauty.
Reminds me of that song "One way or another I'm gonna get you, Blonde 1978 Parallel Lives"
It’s all about profits. Let our kids & grandkids deal with the consequences