"The Green party strongly supports wealth taxes" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports renewable energy" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports house building" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports high speed rail" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports renewable energy" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports house building" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
"The Green Party strongly supports high speed rail" BUT NOT LIKE THAT
Almost as embarrassing as the majority of farmers voting for Brexit and now complaining of the consequences
Something will give soon.
He isn't the leader of the party in the UK Parliament.
I can point to many cases where Labour & all other parties are doing precisely the same thing, but what does that achieve?
We have more in common than that which divides us - Jo Cox
I assume you have the same criticism when the Green's attack Labour? That they just shouldn't?
If & where the Greens do similar, I'd be equally critical.
I'm not sure it could be much more clear.
(In addition it also says it sees tax breaks for agricultural land as bad... while opposing reducing those tax breaks)
Similarly it was the co-leader on renewable energy infra - if we can't take that as the party line then what can we?
It doesn't matter who the individual is, they can still have an opinion contrary to the party. I do understand how this can be confusing though, especially if you're used to how traditional parties operate.
The "BUT NOT LIKE THAT" is exactly why I support the Greens.
Build housing people can actually afford to live in.
Support renewable energy, as long as it's good for the community and not just a cash grab.
The quote is clearly in support of the tax. The "support the farmers" line is from the article, not the councillor. I'm assuming there's context cropped out that says they support farmers over the farmland-buying tax evaders.
I'd recommend Natalie Bennett's Change Everything for a quick intro, if you're interested 💚
It's precisely why I don't back the Greens: a total lack of pragmatism.
We are in a housing and climate emergency. You can't make the perfect the enemy of the good.
See also IHT: the more complicated carve outs you construct here, the harder it becomes to implemen and the easier to game. And this will apply to any wealth tax you'd bring in. So perfect enemy of the good again
If we achieve 2030 targets with privately-owned, habitat-destroying projects, we're just kicking the problem onto our grandkids.
And, you know, I thought it was a climate emergency
Capitalism is unsustainable by definition, so any solution that relies on it is fragile. Compromise will be necessary, but you can't expect an opposition party not to mention the flaws.
(And, you know, immediately start shouting at others about how they should back it)
I assume their wealth taxes would have carve outs for landowners - or that's the implication
Hence stuff like this
But with the Lib Dems there is a sense of humour and acceptance you'll get hit. You guys aren't holier than thou. And the Greens... are. That makes it particularly galling
AS you say, it's the game. You can make these opportunistic moves, but you get wacked
But equally... part of that is Labour aren't going to play along with them. And if you keep being hypocritical/opportunistic like this it's going to get noted