‘TRAP’ isn’t unique.
Did You Know?…
1 in 3 Hollywood blockbusters has been at least partially financed by the Department of Defense.
In fact, each year the Pentagon helps make an average of 7 big-budget movies and 90+ smaller film and TV projects that sensationalize war and policing.
Did You Know?…
1 in 3 Hollywood blockbusters has been at least partially financed by the Department of Defense.
In fact, each year the Pentagon helps make an average of 7 big-budget movies and 90+ smaller film and TV projects that sensationalize war and policing.
Food is great and war is grossly overrated...
And movies where US soldiers do great stuff, gloryfication of war...
Why aren’t I surprised…?
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It's an unholy alliance. Why is our tax money being used this way?
And the result on the national psyche has been clear for a long time.
It’s a line from an old Sarah Silverman show. The one where she gets high in cough syrup and passes out in her car. Fucking hilarious.
So you have to ask somebody else.
(Apocalypse Now)
I worked for a U.S. Senator from CA and was a liason with studios many times these things were reimbursed
I don't have a problem with that but I see some people do
So you see nothing wrong with an arm of the government recruiting people to be cannon fodder, or to end up with a lifetime of PTSD.
And it is hardly new; one of the best modern-ish examples of benefit is Steinbeck in WWII. But it's worth teaching people to think critically about.
Our tax code also tells us how to live, if should marry, and how many kids for tax credits. For years, I lived 2 out of 5 years in homes per the 1031 tax code.
Rewatched “Green Berets” with John Wayne
I didn’t realize at the time how much straight-up propaganda was in it
Remember the statistic about losing a helicopter every 5 minutes (or whatever) in Vietnam?
“We can’t win the war without them!”
And the newspaper man at the end saying “if I tried to print the truth in my paper they’d fire me” (or something to that effect)
There are many examples
But I don’t care, I still love the movie! 😂
There is barely one storybeat in Trap that isn't dependent on cops being really stupid.
"They're so stupid, they're going to destroy everything! How could anyone be so incompetent?"
But they know what they're doing. Destruction is the point.
I am trying not to RT things I can't verify myself so I was hoping to get a source and RT. No big deal either way.
Gotta hate whomever they tell you to hate!
(Their site says "so that military activity is depicted accurately" uh huh pull the other one)
Bad boys, bad boys, whatchya gonna do?
The info I can find says the director completely self funded the project.
The Evil🧠 gets2hide/strike/hurt at will, while Vigilante🧠Gets To Retaliate 👁️4👁️ w badge&gun.
Both Evils Justifying Their Actions!
Conversely, police are responsible for 33% of all stranger murders nationwide.
The art of copaganda is convincing us otherwise.
But school shootings and mass shootings in general are not a significant
Filicides are burned, tortured, beaten to death. It is horrible. Nobody cares.
your stats are designed to mislead since 33% of stranger murders is 3% of murders and half of of those are justifiable
so now we are down to evil cops versus serial killers being roughly equal and there are plenty of movies about murderous cops
On copaganda:
Watching films to see what the government is pushing.
Their biggest push is a false flag project. Dr Steven Greer has the best condensed version of evidence of this.