This is one of the saddest capitulations I have ever seen. A law firm honored for its bravery has more than bent the knee and kissed the ring: it has paid the ransom demanded by Trump.
Anyone can capitulate. And for a much lower fee.
And these are places that have $$$ and power to fight. But they are crumbling. Germany 1930’s.
And yet we as individuals are supposed to stand.
Selling out.
However, Patriots love our Country;know the Rule of law is essential; are amazed we got this far with a flawed Constitution so flawed, yet it remains aspirational.
Franklin set the challenge he said we 'had a Republic, if we can keep it'.
Both the unconstitutional attacks on them, and the capitulation.
Nice work if you can get it.
I've called him a prep school brat, braggart, bully, and bigot for years now.
And that's exactly what half the population wants. They want a petulent dictator to viciously, vindictively assert their White Supremacist ideology. It's Planet of the Apes now.
What is happening? What implied threat; what explicit threat?
Is it money; is it destruction; is it threat of family members safety?
All specific issues aside, I'm not sure why anyone would want to hired such cowardly attorneys to represent them.
Top law firms are not a public good.
They are designed to enrich the partners.
What a disgrace to the legal profession! You're fucking cowards Paul Weiss!
Ambulance chasing lawyers have more fight in them than any lawyer at Paul Weiss.
So sad to find out who is nothing but talk, and no spine. But better to find out now...
No mercy to collaborators.
Democrats need to get bold and fight this tyranny with legislation and community activism.
If I was a client, I'd move to a law firm that does not suck up to the Trump Crime Consortium.
Luckily, my lawyers have integrity and ethical standards.
What does Putin have on them?
Insider trading?
Epstein Express?
Dead sex worker?
We got ourselves here by these reasons; democracy is dead because of them. Recovery requires severe others.
We are the leaders of the free world. We lead Europe against you, Nazi Americans, and against Putin.
And why can’t reporters be unrelenting in asking why?
I still can’t get my head around people who think he should’ve been tried for the for the federal indictments and yet voted for him anyway with no verdict.
This country
#FAFO #PaulWeiss #Resist
I really do miss the laugh button.
Wow. Phenomenal deal.
What was the threat if you didn’t comply?
For the rest of us: Stand up to bullies… they only demand more. They tend to run off crying if you punch them in the nose.
I hate to see conspiracies everywhere but this just doesn’t make sense.
$40m is just money. Caving on your hiring principles is ‘a whole nutha thang.’
Definitely Aldous Huxley-time.
Ray Davies The Kinks
SCOTUS needs to address this.
The other two branches of government are equally corrupt and complicit.
MAGA is a disease and it is killing the nation, our democracy, and everything we hold dear.
I blame Christianity. What a failure of morality.
It’s stupid tactically.
It’s stupid financially.
How can these people not learn — after a fucking DECADE — that capitulation to Trump gets you absolutely nothing?
They think he’ll just leave them alone now? No, he won’t. Because they’ve shown they can be rolled.
Bribery has abrogated the social contract.
Some east coast/West Coast ivy League equivalent law firms are a menace to society. Obviously. And, of course, Allegedly.
After all this group won the prestigious Law Firm of the year 2024.
Clearly a beacon.