[blogpost] Ideas for the new Digital Centre Design Panel
(sorry @jenitennison.com but you asked 😆)
(sorry @jenitennison.com but you asked 😆)
I returned from an all hands meeting yesterday feeling ancient* so it was nice to write something where I felt like it might be useful 😆
See my new LinkedIn heading I updated on the train!
(I'll do it properly later.)
Honestly it is quicker to write a blogpost than a coherent response on here - Twain was right "I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead"..
For a while it was incredibly important though for capability building across Gov.
*GDS, not the academy, but the pervasive feeling remains cross-department. Nobody likes to feel like an actual *organisation* has determined they need help...
communities are everything
makes such a difference
Letting services define their own, explain why and then report on them always felt better to me.
None of it is easy and the culture and expectations has changed forever (no flying under the radar for digital work) but I still think there are opportunities for all of it with the right leadership.