The boss of regulator Ofgem will be joining me at 8pm on my ITV show tomorrow live - don't miss it. If you've QUESTIONS to suggest for him or me on energy bills, just post by reply.
The boss of regulator Ofgem will be joining me at 8pm on my ITV show tomorrow live - don't miss it. If you've QUESTIONS to suggest for him or me on energy bills, just post by reply.
what happens when we reach a point where the average household simply cannot afford to power or heat their homes?
and while this is already reaching crisis point, at what stage does the regulator feel the need to do something about it?
Would it make sense that for every £100m of profit an energy company makes, they have to reduce bills by 1%?
Ofgem is a mafia tool.
And its the reverse. The UK funds Scottish gen; funds grid upgrades and fund the costs of curtailment.
As to that gen; its mostly in Eng.
You want incentives to locate gen according to cost impact. Making connecting the same UK wide would create even more perverse incentives to locate where you will be constantly paid to turn off 1/
A generator is paid by the CFD at a UK level; and almost all curtailment cost is in Sco & that cost is also shared equally across the UK despite barely anywhere else contributing to its cause.
WHY are we giving BILLIONS more to an already very very rich industry no other industry has a regulatory agency quite like it and we have the highest charges in the modern world is it GREED?
PS please can we have an MSE comparison tool to help with best overall deal for those who both import & export ? Thank you
Someone please enlighten me.
And abolish the Standing Charge
However we will have the option of zero standing charges tariff later this year.😊
Reason: So I don't have to have my gas supply removed when I install a heat pump to replace my gas boiler.
Why would I disconnect a useful backup supply? Seems a waste of money paying to get the gas cut off which I can use for cooking, etc.
Did this at the back end of last week. Price stays the same as today.
Who/what is standing in the way of following this recommendation?
He says no region would get higher prices since now it's the rest who have our prices inflated to the level of the most expensive area; so why isn't this changed?
Shell alone has reported its highest profits in 115 years.
How can they justify increasing prices when they could easily be lowered and still make huge profits?
Why do we pay 50p per day standing charge for electricity? But only 30p per day for Planet-wreaking Gas?
The question is, ‘what are the factors that make our energy prices the highest in the world and when will they fall average levels of our competitors?
If he can’t answer th
The mystery to me is why the population tolerates lumps of shit in our waterways and rip off utility prices.
(I know that is near to your question but sadly it’s unanswerable😢
I'm constantly in debt with my fuel bills, yet shareholders are counting their ridiculously huge profits.
Ask him when is this unfair madness going to stop?
Capping prices doesn’t stop shareholder greed, it just means lower service quality and job losses.
The rise announced tomorrow will put us at about 165% increase in energy bills in 5 years. With the energy companies making record profits all the while.
We need action now.
Words aren't working.
By the richest, for the richest.
Lack of caffeine and insomnia. Move along. 😂
Also any comments on the huge increase in standing charges, what justifies this?
Id love to know if Ofgem have morals
Especially with the profits they’re making it would be an instant saving for everyone.
If all households were paying £50 per month less for energy, that would allow a further £17b per year to be spent locally and help the economy. Instead energy costs are driving inflation.
Prices should be way down by now. The pandemic was years ago.