I didn’t bc vaccines didn’t exist then, so I experienced them all. No, not fun, and I ended up with shingles 60 yrs later as a result of having chickenpox.
Me too. But now my parents are down the rabbit hole in the cult. My two amazing kids who just happen to be gay tried to reason with my mom and it did not end well for her. I think maybe a positive from this shitshow might be many of us making new families.
My dad worked at Children's Hospital in Denver. The image of children in iron lungs was all it took to convince my parents to get their children vaccinated.
Yeah, my parents loved me and made sure I was vaccinated. Too many parents are sacrificing their children's health & lives to the sadistic, selfish, deceitful manipulative gold egotist Fascist TRUMP.
I got my vaccines at school. We were all lined up, put through the line, done vaccinated. My boys and their kids are vaccinated. Get on with it! RFK Jr. doesn’t know what he is doing!
I went to work for a community health center and couldn't prove i'd been vaccinated for MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella). I asked my mom if I had and she laughed and said she couldn't remember but had me vaccinated for whatever the doctor recommended. Yay mom!
Hey if you were vaccinated in the 60s you should talk with your doctor because between 1960-1968 I think it is people should get a titre or revaccinated for measles.
I was vaccinated as a child and then again as an adult. I'll talk to my doctor, but I think that's enough. It not, I'll definitely get vaccinated again. Thanks!
The CDC schedule indicates, anyone born after 1957 should get one or two shots depending on how many live attenuated MMR vaccine shots they received in the past.
My husband’s grandmother spent years in an institution with polio while his mom and two sisters were raised by relatives. Why don’t people understand how serious this is?
When I was a child, it wasn't a choice kind of thing !
You were either vaccinated, or you couldn't attend school !
Plus, most of Em', were given right there at the school !
Pretty sure I got measles vaccine, I had mumps back in the 80's was sick for months. Got chicken pox that was a bitch. Scarlet fever those are the only ones I remember(never got measles)
There was a measles outbreak while I was in Nigeria. I was safe. Turns out the kids had gotten compromised vaccines. A young girl came very close to dying in my arms. A recent widow (husband died of measles) lost the twins she was carrying.
I wish I could show anti-vaxxers everything I saw.
Me too! But get this shit... My mom, if she had her current mindset, would probably not have got me vaccinated. That's how warped her mind has become thanks to tiktok and the alternative health to right-wing pipeline.
My parents vaccinated me and my brother…and now are huge antivaxers and were mad I vaccinated my kids 🤷🏼♀️ 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ not sure what happened to their generation….
Got everything injected into me as a child and probably experimental stuff too (mom trusted doctors). In the military got all kinds of stuff before overseas duty. Still alive, or I am in a vat with tubes feeding the 1%
Ditto. My husband just had a titer test done to make sure his MMR vaccine was still active. Thank God it is. I had to take a titer test when I went back to school recently to find that mine was NOT. So I got a booster, in my 50s, and given who’s in charge now I’m so grateful I did.
My mother belonged to the last people who got polio in Sweden. That was the last outbreak around 1955. Her brother also got it. They were the lucky ones. My uncle lost movement in one of his arms. My mother half her face.
Since then polio has been eradicated.
Thanks to vaccines.
I had great parents but most vaccines weren't available yet. We caught measles, mumps and rubella along with chicken pox.
But we all got the polio vaccine.
If you haven't already, it's a good idea to check your immune status. People our age sometimes have immunity that drops off and you may need a booster.
You just got lucky
Sabin's vaccine administered orally could be re-activated by passage through the gut, resulting in occasional cases of polio (still causing paralysis in six to eight children every year in the 1980s and 1990s, when a modified Salk vaccine was re-introduced).
Then a lot of us got lucky because I don’t remember ANY kids getting polio when I was growing up. I do remember the long lines that we stood in to get our sugar cube vaccine.
Those of us that grew up before the vaccines know how sick you got. That knowledge/memory is what is missing from these anti-vaxxers thought process. We all got sick, with no OTC options besides aspirin. Now the payback is the possibility of Shingles. These kids need smarter parents.
Me too. I absolutely made sure my kids have been fully vaccinated. Now they take care of that themselves...they made sure to get the covid vax and boosters...as well as the HPV vaccine!
My parents marched the 4 of us to local vax site in 60s to get us all vaxxed, & I made sure my 2 got all their vaxx growing up.Grew up w/ serval kids that kids that have permanent disabilities before they could get 💉. One deaf & one crippled from polio.
I never needed permission - doctors came to the school and we were all vaccinated. I didn't get polio, etc & I didn't endanger the lives of my classmates.
Mom has polio because polio vaccines weren’t available for her then. She made sure all of us got our vaccines and believe in it. After seeing her struggle in life I will never understand how people don’t believe in miracle of vaccine.
My mom had polio as a 2yo. She didn’t remember being sick but had to relearn how to walk at 3 and lived with the aftermath of the disease. Virginia Allen made sure her babies were vaccinated!
My mom was very young too, she remembers going to PT to learn to walk again. Wore brace as kid and even now she needs support to walk in that side. Hard for me to see even now how she suffers with issues from it.
People don't realise that the reason average life expectancy has gone up is more due to the massive decline in childhood mortality (mainly from vaccine preventable infectious diseases) than 60 year olds living to 100.
Oooo - so true. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have been able to deal with the multiple viruses that are out there which almost 98% of people survive. Good for you.
When I'm asked, like at the Drs, I tell them that my mother was an RN. Of COURSE I get vaccines! She became a nurse because she saw what polio did to friends. 😭
The craziest thing to me is the wave of RNs who don't seem to believe in science, and refuse vaccinations now (and yah, they're all Maga too).
I'm sure you'll agree ~ I can't imagine anyone being an RN, seeing what they see, and still going that antivax route!
It wasn’t a thing when I was growing up. Your doctor just did it & your parents believed. My husband’s mother had a mild case of polio. She had 4 sons & the minute the polio vaccine was available, they stood in line & were grateful for it. If COVID paralyzed people, they would believe it.
My parents were grateful for both antibiotics and vaccines which were coming available after WWII when I was a child. They were esp worried about polio.
My younger brother was caught in the polio epidemic in the UK in the 1950s. Fortunately, he made it through with fewer effects than some. My Dad was offered treatments, including the Salk vaccine, which he accepted (rather than the UK variant, which was still under testing). Wise choice, Dad.
I think it was a TB vax. I remember that one because it looked square on my skin so I thought I’d gotten a “TV” vaccination. Because TVs are square. Hey, I was a kid.
Talking about the fact that the mumps can swell and destroy testicle is how I got someone to get the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine. Didn't care about disease or other people, but gosh, men love their bits more than anything on the planet.
The only vaccine available when I was a child was for polio. I caught everything else except pertussis! It was bloody miserable and people died.
My generation were pro-vaccination to the same extent that RK Jnr is pro stupidity.
As a boomer, I wasn't vaccinated. Instead I got measles and got through it. Never gave measles much thought since, other than worrying about shingles. Hearing the dangers to unvaccinated children during this latest outbreak sheds light on why my public health nurse mother was so worried.
I had chicken pox when I was young. Both of my children had them when they were young at 3 & 5 at the same time, I have had a shingles shot not too long ago. No problem with any of us so far!
'So far' being the operative term. A friend's mother, fit as a mallee bull, was taken away by shingles in her 80's. It was so painful that she lost the will to live. Neither the Nazi invaders nor Stalin's NKVD usurpers could break her will, but that rotten disease did.
Back when I was a kid parents were sooo grateful to have a way to prevent polio. Everyone knew someone who died, was in an iron lung, or hurt in other ways by polio. Parents and families were terrified.
Me too. Dad was (and is) an RN and an Air Force Vet. Vaccines were non-optional.
Then I joined the USCG, and vaccines were non-optional. When I sailed overseas? Vaccines. Deployed to a small island with a small indigenous population? Vaccines.
It astounds me to doubt their efficacy.
I was 13 at the end of the 70s and saw a lot of kids scarred by chickenpox, including my sister. Adults were terrified of getting mumps due to causing sterility and pain. Measles blinded a couple of kids in my neighborhood. Vaccines work and keep the tiny casket business down.
My son got chickenpox in 1981. He spent 8 weeks in the hospital. He developed osteomyelitis in his leg. He almost lost his leg. We didn't have a vaccine for it yet.
These MAGA morons are withholding the vaccine now and reenacting the "pox parties". Horrible.
We are a victim of the incredible success of vaccines, combined with the incredible stupidity of the white MAGA member.
When we were kids (in the 60s), there was never a second thought about what we were supposed to do. It was something that was expected and everyone did what they were told. We put our trust in our doctor. Now it seems people just do whatever they want, without any consideration to the consequences.
I remember getting the oral polio vaccine and also the smallpox shot. Every single kid was there. We stood in line in the cafeteria where we would be going to school the next year. I think I remember it so well bc we got watermelon hard candy after.
I remember my parents' tears of joy when the polio vaccine came out. We drove from our small town to Ft. Worth so I would be one of the earliest persons to be gifted with that vaccine.
My mom said that everybody was weeping in the family when it came out. We had a cousin who contracted polio. Seems the whole family chipped in to care for him and he did walk with braces finally.
Vaccines are a gift. When did the country take this crazy turn??
I wish I knew. My grandparents next door neighbor's child had polio. Had a profound impact on my parents. And good for your family for the care they provided.
And who themselves got vaccinated! My vaccination from 1948 is still working! (I got tested!) My doctors didn’t have worms in their brains and I don’t either.
I did some research into my family tree a couple of years ago. The number of folk in their late teens and early twenties who died from Tuberculosis in the late 1800s was terrifying. I was vaccinated at school in the 1980s and didn’t really know the reason. I’m well aware now.
I know of nobody who has been injured by vaccines. I have two family members and two friends injured by Vaccine Preventable Diseases - one of them rendered deaf, blind and mute, and one who could never walk again.
You are full of dangerous shit, and you should fuck right off.
If you're "just sayin" that people shouldn't get their kids vaccinated because the jab is dangerous, you're full of shit. If that's not what you're just sayin, good.
Hope you’re enjoying life in the 16th century and that your humors are balanced. Maybe you could try bleeding. Yeah…. That’s it…. Slap some leeches on your kids. Better than poisoning them with evil vaccines.
I’m so glad to be a child that grew up when vaccines were new and loved by all. My sister is 2 years older than I am and she had measles shortly before vaccine available. I got the vaccine. And proud parent of adult kids that believe in vaccines.
My kids were born too soon for the chicken pox vaccine, but they got the MMR.
Prior to 1985 kids were born too soon for the Hib vaccine, and as a new RN I saw babies die of Hib.
Vaccines save lives.
You were either vaccinated, or you couldn't attend school !
Plus, most of Em', were given right there at the school !
I wish I could show anti-vaxxers everything I saw.
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025, APRIL 15 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
Since then polio has been eradicated.
Thanks to vaccines.
I mean, yeah- She’s working in the White House- but would you be proud of Caroline Leavitt if she was your kid?
But we all got the polio vaccine.
Sabin's vaccine administered orally could be re-activated by passage through the gut, resulting in occasional cases of polio (still causing paralysis in six to eight children every year in the 1980s and 1990s, when a modified Salk vaccine was re-introduced).
And we liked it
I don’t think they would.
Cults are Frightening
WE THE PEOPLE REVALUATION 2025, APRIL 15 🇺🇸 🇺🇦🙏🌎☮️ 🙏❤️🙏
* rich file they commit Fraud! Jail! so don't file! HINT
I'm sure you'll agree ~ I can't imagine anyone being an RN, seeing what they see, and still going that antivax route!
Booo COVID !
My generation were pro-vaccination to the same extent that RK Jnr is pro stupidity.
If only the children being made to suffer and die had had your mom and dad.
Then I joined the USCG, and vaccines were non-optional. When I sailed overseas? Vaccines. Deployed to a small island with a small indigenous population? Vaccines.
It astounds me to doubt their efficacy.
We are a victim of the incredible success of vaccines, combined with the incredible stupidity of the white MAGA member.
At least the covid one because of what was in it. Stem cells? Something like that.
Vaccines are a gift. When did the country take this crazy turn??
Blood is thicker than water.
What vax are we able to be tested for? I hope you don’t mind me asking - I’d like to see my measles vax is working!
For many Americans, it is recommended. So get out there and get your #Measles #booster shot NOW before #RFKJr eliminates the supply!
Betcha think differently if it was one of your own.
Just sayin
You are full of dangerous shit, and you should fuck right off.
Just sayin'
So you can take your 'some people' unsourced anecdotes and shove them up your arse.
Just sayin'