X is a rebranding of Twitter. It is undergoing a metamorphosis from a social media platform designed for rapid dissemination of breaking news to an authoritarian-friendly platform where Musk censors the enemies of authoritarians.
I guess I really don’t understand the endgame. If he wanted to ruin X’s reputation as a news source he’s done that for sure, but eventually (very soon) no reputable people will rely on it for info. And if he wanted to kill it, there are easier ways. Is it to create a conservative disinfo “bubble”?
That’s what just baffles me. He chased away the things that made it tolerable for 44 Billion! He’s owned it for 8 months! It’s like he bought Wheaties and bragged about lacing them with botulism.
Not since Leon Hess hired Rich Kotite because he wanted to “win now.” Of course, at least he knew enough not to hire him to run his global oil company.
Look no further than that they managed to have using their product becoming a verb in many languages. A verb even old and non-permanently online people understood! And then he went and changed it to a stupid pornography abbreviation..
It’s seems like it’s clearly intentional, but I just don’t understand the motivation to do it. All of those things will re-establish themselves somewhere else, he spent $44 billion to do it, he’s completely unmasked himself to your brother (ha) and it’s going to impact his successful brands.
I asked my oldest brother, a retired engineer who owns a Tesla, to explain Elon's greatness, if any. He did a pretty good job with the other companies. When he got to Twitter, he didn't even try. "I can't jusify that. Seems he lost it."
ENRON comes to mind, but not sure if they qualified for “global” brand status. (And they were built on a house of fraud-cards; seems like Musk isn’t doing anything illegal, just intentionally destroying the company from within, by whim.
But why? How does this destruction serve his interests?
The best fit answer is Musk is an asset for major state and capital interests, and Twitter (at its best) was a threat. Like Epstien being everyone's accountant and pimp.
People are judging it by what it was.
My brother is the best explainer I know.
This piece is also a good summary, up until last year; his book is also excellent https://slate.com/technology/2022/05/elon-musk-tesla-twitter-fables.html
It seems that with the other companies,
#qlona was able to listen to the experts and scientist.
he has to respect for software engineers and social media as an industry.
he did not want twitter, he was made to want it.
How difficult could it be?
it seems it is above his IQ. 🎉
But why? How does this destruction serve his interests?