Thank you to everyone who’s offered kindness and understanding over the last 24 hours of bafflement; I’m pretty keen to move on so if everyone could show me their cats that would be awesome 💜
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we suspect she's feral, but she takes very good care of herself. she's been spotted with a big fat mouse (pictured) and someone watched her catch a frog. mighty hunter 😼
have you as a collective decided on a name for her??? if not I think you should and then eventually you should charm her into the office and she can have her own little desk
please tell them I love them. Jo I don’t know if I’ve ever seen your cats before??? Does Blitz have the tiniest most precious birthmark/white tummy spot I’ve ever seen???
it’s a rare skill to be able to leash a cloud this is incredibly impressive (THAT FACE!!! THE COLOURING 🤩) ooft I’ve never had a longhair, they are such round balls of fur and I am in awe
Oh my goodness and I will accept them with open arms. What outstanding markings. I love it when cow cats get little hats 🥹 and the black tail tucked in!!! A perfect specimen
As a non-cat-having individual, I am here to contribute a drawing of this fussy little guy I'm calling Mr. Fluffertum. His interests include sleeping, inanimate objects with feathers, and communist literature.
I honestly think you just won with these. I mean it was never a competition but gimme a few minutes to mockup a medal. Are these ikea cats? Was it a 2 person job that only 1 person attempted on their own? One’s easily fixed it’s just upside down. Unsure how to help with the first
Wow what an honor! They were extra goofy today for some reason 😅 I had to go back a ways for this one but I can't leave her out, this is Audrey (after Hepburn). The grey weirdo is Z (technically after Aziraphale) and the inverted tortie is Izzy (you'll never guess who she's named after) 😁
Oh she absolutely is the queen around here, she merely tolerates the others 😅 Izzy is still a baby and relentlessly torments them but Z will put up with her for a little bit. Big sibling energy with those two 😂
Such a bright light! She's so adorable! We need her right now, and Matt gets cooler with every passing day. He's on his local library board! Like he makes me want to be a better citizen lol
I’m on cat distribution system tiktok and it’s one of my favourite things. I love surly bearded men being chosen by tiny crying kittens and sharing it on the internet.
who doesn’t love feeling so needed by a clinger I ask you 🥹 and JERSEY my goodness those are the most glorious wisdom ruffles 🥰 I love the way older cats get that coat separation, it’s like older humans getting wrinkly 🥹
oh my god my grumpy old lady is like this too. and yet as soon as I am sitting or lying down I become a cat bed? where is the compensation? where is the reciprocity?
Boddy my love I miss yooooou almost as much as you’d miss that spot behind the couch if it were taken from you 🥲 look at that glorious extension in 2. That confident stance in 4. He may be an old man but you’d BETTER get off his lawn or he’ll come out there!! And then come back in. And just pop out—
Pie is OBSESSED with his Honey. Nearly every pic I have of him he’s squishing her. Buzz needs no wings to fly around the house like the hound of hell are after her…
omg. how long did this last. were you holding your breath the entire time. how many photos in a row do you have that are basically all this but slightly different?
About an hour!!! I don’t think I breathed at all. They even slept for a bit! I only got a few pics - my phone was too far away and I didn’t want to move, but I had to go to the bathroom and snagged a few before they could scurry away.
But I’m sure you’re their new best friend for saying so. 😉
Here are two pictures, one of me and one of Teddy.
Instant fave. Absolute queen. Well and truly over everyone else’s bull. Give her whatever she wants.
He also def. Didn't stick his nose into someone's pocket at the dog park cause he thought maybe they had a treat
Eating treats by the fire
Only time they sit together is for food lol x
(she. is. BEAUTIFUL 😩 is she wily or is she extremely blonde)
And SUCH majesty!!! Such blue eyes! Sight ok?
He has one blue eye and one yellow eye! Both definitely functional and he’s not deaf either, which apparently is common in blue-eyed cats.
Giving you a bonus photo
Hope you're doing well, dear!
and where does buzz hide his wings. are they folded up somewhere?