Like I’ve had a couple conversations with vaguely lefty but mostly disengaged people about what’s happening and there’s been a sort of “yeah but wasn’t it always like that, anyway?” response when I’ve gotten when I talk about what Trump is doing. People do not know what they are losing!
The people who know better have fucked over the average American.
though many of these people are also humorless
Cuz my fellow white people can't seem to grasp the fucking concept of being in a collective.
It's absurd.
Contrary to popular opinion, the US is not a very corrupt country in its operations. Most corruption is prosecutable and the ones that aren't (i.e. campaign donations) are at least open to public scrutiny.
The problem is that people treat one as the other.
That you don't know what you've got
'Til it's gone
I think Citizen United is bad for “true democracy”. That has nothing in common with “the civil rights act of 1965 is bad for ‘true democracy’”
super great how pop culture constantly painted any ambition for political office as inherently corrupt, thus beconing unable distinguish actual corruption
“Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those others that have been tried.”
And yeah, the nihilism or fatalism of some Sam Socialists is perhaps the point OP is making, & it sucks.
Gillian Rose in 1996.