yeah I dislike the doom and gloom from a normative perspective on like the "nature of America" and I also think it's premature, but with regards to foreign policy this is just straight up true, sorry! I wouldn't enter into a decades long agreement with America right now either!
Reposted from
Shiv Ramdas Rice Lord
ppl getting angry at this but he's talking alliances and he's 100% right- you cannot trust a country where every 4 yrs the foreign policy does a complete 180 & tears up treaties and reneges on deals and withholds payments because some sheep farmers in Wisconsin think too many black women have jobs
That's uh... that's long long gone huh
There's a real likelihood Trump is, in hindsight, an idiosyncratic detour. There's not a popular version of the GOP without Trump but with these views.
Long live America.
Promises were made 250, 170, 105, 70, and 50 years ago, and we must become a nation born anew to fulfill them.
But all those years of foreign policies and credibility? That takes decades to rebuild if it ever can be.
The rest of the world has no reason to ever trust America again.
We should excise that phrase from our vocabulary. It’s childish.
We all have to buck up. Clear eyes. Full hears. “America is over” is not that.
The only options (short of ~20% of Americans having an enduring change of heart) are rigging elections, disqualifying Trumpists under a wide 14-3 reading, or 127 DC states
Although I don't see Dems becoming PRI anytime soon. Whatever the solution will be is something much different imo
Which isn’t to say it won’t happen, because we’ve done massive overhauls of electoral politics in this country before, several times.
1. Dems become the more fiscally conservative party in order to swipe the support of business class from the GOP
2. Dems weaken the business class to the point that they don't have enough power/resources to support the GOP
Judging from European election returns, about 20–30% of a developed country’s voters can be expected to side with the hard right.
In America, where only the hard-core base shows up for primaries and a large number of voters maintain party loyalty out of inertia, a fascist faction can take over a major party and then coast to power.
The problem though is that even establishment conventions can be taken over by crazy people. The last few MI GOP leadership conventions is a good example of this.