What are your thoughts on the buttered popcorn flavored jelly bean? I stand alone amongst my friends and family as staunchly pro. It’s a tough stance to defend.
The colors green, yellow, and orange are reserved for citrus flavors only. Purple is for those OK "purple" flavors people call "grape" for some weird reason. All those other wretched artificial flavors must live somewhere in the ghetto that is the shades of red.
I...tend to agree? Also I get sad whenever watermelon candy or drinks aren't watermelon-y enough, like a faint hint of something sweet is there but mostly tastes like nothing.
Hiding that horrible flavor with the color of a good flavor is one step under a war crime. It's like my evil school lunch ladies who used to make a sheet prune cake that looked just like chocolate cake.
That's what I'm SAYIN! (I grew up in Denver, and this is where they used to be made. We once took a field trip to the factory. It was the best day of my life)
OMG! You DIDN'T! The jealous is flowing fast! The first time I had a watermelon Jolly Rancher at, like, 6 years old, is burned into my memory. They are beautiful
Due to the density of chromatic particles within the green food coloring the molecules from the flavorant become more frequently trapped in the candy during the manufacturing process and I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I felt like that was a good start to the comment to sound good
I pictured Willy Wonka saying this, so you’re probably on to something 🤷 but my personal experience is that the green flavored ones often taste more like cucumber, less like melon. Or whatevs:)
Now that's HARD BOILED.
/loved your turn on Sakamoto Days
//great finding you on here! 🙂
Hope she had a good laugh on that one. It'll keep her spirits up as she enjoys yet another consecutive day of sheet prune cake in Hell.
Can confirm.
Even the green is MID tho