Impotent hand-wringing and disingenuous expressions of worrisome “concern” are nothing but a smokescreen for her obedient compliance and dutiful following in lockstep with the malign agenda of the Trump regime.
Did you like Pete throwing out his extensive knowledge of if military speak "We have clear OPSEC"? The measure of a person is striving to be great, but also in working within your limitations. No shame in that. But in this boondoggle, only shame. Pete should go back to FOX where he is tolerated.
Literally everyone should be calling her and asking that question.
And thanks for the reminder. I’ll make a call and shoot her an email on my lunch break later today.
Does anyone know what the insta handle is for “Heath Pegseth” ? - apparently some really interest war plans posted there, sponsored by Stolichnaya Vodka
“What are your views on admin Secretaries using non-secure messaging apps to conduct official business? They are using a non-secure messaging app to hide their “work” from your oversight committee. Wondering if all fed employees can do their work on Signal or WhatsApp?
Yeah, but if they needed her vote she would’ve voted for him pronto. They didn’tthis time so they let her vote no to appease moderate Republicans in Maine.
Does that change the fact that his post was wrong? No, it doesn’t. That’s why I posted what I posted.
I saw no reason to go down in the weeds about the what if’s and what not’s of how republicans vote…or don’t vote.
That’d be a wasted (no pun intended) call since Collins didn’t vote for him
But let me provide a name - feel free to call the Senator who threw every female soldier, who was a victim of SA, under the bus for her own personal ambitions
Well, I suspect they let her vote no because they didn’t need her to approve him. If they did, she would’ve obeyed. It was a bone to her less MAGA supporters.
They should, but won’t. They continue to have no spine, put party over country. Instead of loyalty to their constituents, they are loyal only to the felon. (Proof…not showing up to town halls and continuing to vote along strict party lines).
Oh I’m sure that Susan would offer some empty platitude. Something to the effect that he means well and is a good family man and that he loves his country. You know straight up bullshit. 🤮
He’s probably in school this afternoon learning his lessons. His homework assignment tonight is to write down 5 things he’s done this week and sharing classified info with our enemies doesn’t count.
It boggles the mind, but they don’t care and they won’t do anything about it. The amount of freedom and security the people of the US have given up ‘cuz eggs and stuff is amazing…oh yeah racism and misogyny as well.
Collins, Murkowski & McConnell actually didn’t vote for him but they’ve done so much harm on other crap that I’m not too concerned about misplaced blame. She would’ve if they needed her vote.
Thom Tillis, after I implored him to vote against the completely unqualified hack Hegseth, sent me a very snooty response about how he has to support Trump’s nominees no matter what. He was the deciding vote and responsible for everything that happens now
Hegseth. Rubio. Gabbard... Everyone in that chat who was confirmed by the Senate. Badger the Senators who voted for them with specific questions.
Yes, that includes all the D Senators who voted unanimously for Rubio.
She should be releasing a statement soon about how “concerned” she is about all of this. She will probably have a “stern” conversation with him about it, and then let us know if he’s “learned his lesson” or not.
Susan Collins is just beside herself with upsetness. After Pete's final drink after his confirmation, she believed in her heart that he learned his lesson.
They're doing as much as possible outside official channels in an attempt to avoid scrutiny and official record keeping.
Presumably the norm across this administration.
We tried but it’s hard to fight the Heritage Foundation money. Her last opponent was less than lily white, living in a bougie suburb and was born out of state, so not a real Mainer.
A group of idiots sharing a bottle of Scotch, when one idiot fat fingers the send button.
Will Hegseth be issuing Netanyahu Special Pagers next...that could be a good thing.
I'm sure Susan is considering a softly whispered tsk while sitting in a room by herself.
Maybe, considering the seriousness of the situation, even an almost audible tsk tsk.
Hegseth asked Trump to pardon soldiers convicted of war crimes in Iraq. He has little knowledge of and zero experience in operational, strategic, or geopolitical national defense concerns. He does not have the skill set nor the experience to lead the largest (most lethal) dept in our govt, full stop
Impotent hand-wringing and disingenuous expressions of worrisome “concern” are nothing but a smokescreen for her obedient compliance and dutiful following in lockstep with the malign agenda of the Trump regime.
And thanks for the reminder. I’ll make a call and shoot her an email on my lunch break later today.
Susan Collins, Traitor to America
We’re fucked
“What are your views on admin Secretaries using non-secure messaging apps to conduct official business? They are using a non-secure messaging app to hide their “work” from your oversight committee. Wondering if all fed employees can do their work on Signal or WhatsApp?
I saw no reason to go down in the weeds about the what if’s and what not’s of how republicans vote…or don’t vote.
But let me provide a name - feel free to call the Senator who threw every female soldier, who was a victim of SA, under the bus for her own personal ambitions
Joni Ernst
She still hasn’t burned in hell enough
She couldn’t have seen this coming even if it was a freight train carrying Pete’s weekly vodka rations.
Yes, that includes all the D Senators who voted unanimously for Rubio.
--Susan Collins
I’m stealing this!
Yeah, we all are sweet Suzy.
We’re on our own 🇺🇸 ⚖️ 🗽
but of course, not enough to do anything about it.
Presumably the norm across this administration.
in light of these new developments Collins is concerned but hopeful that Pete will learn from this incident
“deeply concerned” as she always seems to be.
I'm certain she's concerned, though.
Joni Ernst is the one having a bad night tonight.
No MAGA. Draw a line right here with MAGA.
She's concerned
Maybe even “a lot of concern.”
Will Hegseth be issuing Netanyahu Special Pagers next...that could be a good thing.
Maybe, considering the seriousness of the situation, even an almost audible tsk tsk.