Silly Ken. Don't you know that when you call 911, if you start the talk with "I'm a CEO" they'll transfer you to 911+, the VIP emergency service? The one where they actually send police instead of leaving a note on the desk of a cop who's on vacation.
This is already how their health care works (i.e. they have access to faster more effective services than regular people) which feels a little too on the nose all things considered
Yeah, me when I learned that a (healthy) relative & her spouse were traveling to the Mayo Clinic for all sorts of health screens that were part of her "executive care package" while my friends with actual cancer had to yell and beg for *months* to get diagnosed... (like I knew it was rigged but ugh) the police work for them not us. Police even get away with killing some of us. I Never heard of a cop killing an unarmed CEO
If they were ever that dumb to do anything so stupid, that line would be inundated by so many prank "CEO in distress" calls it would make late-nite fodder for the next month 🤣
The first 911 question will now be: Are you now, or have you ever, held the position of CEO, COO, CMO, CFO, CTO or any other 3 letter initialism that indicates you are a member of the threatened but privileged ruling class?
Doctors have to have malpractice insurance. Construction companies have to carry liability insurance. Charge CEOs "screwed the populace" insurance. (Or, you know, let them hire private security, the big boys already do).
The special holiness is police. That's where you report threats. Perhaps if they stopped manning the subways, and started taking reports, like they're supposed to.
Also, they could try treating all the people they're meant to serve & protect like CEOs. That'd be novel.
So this is real then? Not just an Onion post?
Why do CEOs deserve more protection than school kids?
This is just more ammunition to bolster my argument that blowing away a boardroom will always make more of a difference than shooting up a school. And fewer people will be saddened by it.
So now they’re not even pretending that we are not all equal under the law. If we call about a stalker, they won’t do anything because nobody broke the law. But if a CEO thinks they are threatened, they have all the resources they need.
This is what they are spending their time on? How about addressing the needs of your constituents so ppl aren't desperate enough to resort to violence. Kathy Hochel and the rest of the establishment dems are such a joke.
"Perceived theats" Cool, a CEO feeling vaguely uncomfortable in public is enough pretext to get random people minding their own business gunned down by the police, no questions asked
They should be charged $100K per call with an additional $50K per minute after the first minute. No one gets to drive on toll roads for free. They should not expect a special, free perk based on their occupation.
So the citizens of the State of New York will have their tax dollars fund a hotline to help protect CEOs of million/billion dollar corporations? This has lifted the veil on who the media and politicians truly serve and value. Not that it was any secret before, but now they’re saying it out loud.
Almost certainly wouldn't be a regular number anyway. At this level of wealth you're talking about dedicated VoIP lines that can only be reached by approved devices or a text based system that rejects anything not from an address on a whitelist. No way it would be an open system.
Wow imagine the change that would happen if officials and police cared this much about the violence that average, non-billionaires endure on a daily basis
WHAT. Wheres the Hotline for “Im homeless, starving & dying from a treatable condition because some asshat CEO says the $ I paid for insurance coverage isnt equal to the value of my life. “ As a taxpayer, I be PISSED my $ may go to this 💩
if you're a ceo and you're concerned about perceived threats, hire some private fucking security; we taxpayers are tired of footing the bill for your extravagances
No. No. No. They are no more important than any of us. Plus, they can afford their own security. School shooting today. Another one. Fix that and then let's talk about these poor, scared CEOs.
They can afford to cover these costs and what comes with it alone. They suck enough out of their employee paychecks by withholding pay raises, using profits for stock buyback, and working on their own bonuses.
Yet more proof of how absolutely terrified these clowns are now that they've been reminded that they too are mortal. Hopefully someone leaks the number and it can be summarily rendered useless.
911? Btw they only get what they pay tax for. Which is slim compared to regular folks. Pay more taxes and improve responses for all. Or pay for your own corporate security. I would prefer if you contribute to the improved security for all.
The fact that they think this requires special attention outside of the *normal ability of anyone to report perceived threats to their safety to police* is a wonderful example of our status-based legal system.
Perhaps they would enjoy the same level of enforcement of restraining orders against individuals who lodge such threats that victims of domestic abuse currently enjoy.
Our kids can’t get lunch, busses or disability accommodations at school and they’re telling us they can’t keep the libraries open but don’t worry the CEOs will be protected so they can deny the right amount of critical care for maximum shareholder profits.
How many women - every day - try to report threats from violent, armed, stalking men and they’re ignored. Dismissed. Told “he hasn’t done anything yet.”
Let CEOs get the same response from law enforcement. “Call us when something actually happens.”
“Your call is important to us. You are currently caller number [nine-hundred six] with an estimated response time of [six-thousand fourteen minutes]. If you would like a representative to call you back…”
Please listen closely as the options have changed: “Press 1 to listen to your own customers’ complaints; Press 2 for more customers’ complaints; Press 3 for Broadway Tickets; or, Press 4 to GFY. For more options, treat your customers with kindness, then call back.”
Hello. This is the New York State CEO emergency threat line. There are... 37... callers in line ahead of you. Average wait time is... 5 hours 13 minutes. Your emergency is important to us. Please hold.
This is not on you Ken, but just going to say the following. If you are a CEO, maybe don't do shitty things that will make you a target. I get stockholders are important, but there is more to life than stockholders. Think for one second about what your decisions will effect beyond stockholders.
Why can they not call the police, like every other threatened person is told to do. Is there a particular reason that is seen as not efficient? Are they saying people are being ignored?
Why don't they just use the same one domestic violence victims use. I hear it works so well. You always get help. No ever gets killed.
Is seperate playing field for the rich isn't it?
Perhaps Social Justice is better option than the current greed and inequality. To become a paramilitar country is not a good idea (see more Latin American countries).
Well, isn't THAT special!??
A special hotline for seriously rich and powerful people who perceive a threat!
What a nice thing to do!
And I wonder how many law enforcement officers will be taken off crime against the rest of us trash to take care of these elite aristocrats?
I had someone sending very detailed plans via FB messenger and email about crossing state lines to assault me, that included their real name and phone number.
The cops were pretty much “yeah, that’ll happen. Call us if he shows up”.
We're always told that kids getting shot in school is just a fact of life that we've got to get used to, but one CEO gets killed and we will move heaven and earth to make sure it never happens again.
What is 911 for?
Maybe better spent on hotlines for spousal abuse.
Hotlines for health denials.
They WILL ignore us.
Also, they could try treating all the people they're meant to serve & protect like CEOs. That'd be novel.
Why do CEOs deserve more protection than school kids?
This is just more ammunition to bolster my argument that blowing away a boardroom will always make more of a difference than shooting up a school. And fewer people will be saddened by it.
GOP - We have to GET OVER it
GOP - We have to ADDRESS THIS VIOLENCE in the streets
You know, something actually USEFUL.
And the call absolutely MUST be recorded. Then they can put it on Youtube and get some revenue back for the state from advertising.
At this point it's unavoidable to say that that is precisely what they are telling us.
How many women - every day - try to report threats from violent, armed, stalking men and they’re ignored. Dismissed. Told “he hasn’t done anything yet.”
Let CEOs get the same response from law enforcement. “Call us when something actually happens.”
Women pleading for help are too often ignored.
CEOs - men and women - have law enforcement immediately jumping to attention to protect them. Why the difference?
Was just trying to make a joke. I'm not good at it yet, still working out the kinks.
“Oh…you don’t say?”
“Can you tell the person making the gunshot noises to quiet down, and repeat what you said please?”
“If you are calling from a doctor’s office or healthcare provider press 1 now.”
“Please hold…”
Throw her in the same stew as the rest.
Just like when I found out the jig was up for my Spotify premium student discount plan when those dreaded verification forms finally got me. 😭
Example #92719 of elected officials only caring about those who line their pockets.
Can you imagine how fast gun reform would pass if CEOs died at the same rate as school kids?
Considering someone walked up to brian and put three bullets in his ass, what exaaaaactly is a hotline going to do...?
if you fuck over tens of thousands of people and someone wants you dead, a fuckin phone call aint gonna save their asses...
but hey gotta coddle those pussy CEOs while they cause untold tens of thousands of deaths of the working class. fucking scum...
*attaches news article from today*
A second grader called 911.
Is seperate playing field for the rich isn't it?
…no, I mean literally off-the-hook.
(no one is answering that line for those of you who haven’t heard of landline telephones)
“A 5 minute response, you say? Thank you, I’ll wait.”
Luigi made no threats. He gave no warning. He just showed up and got the job done.
Never their constituents.
Because America isn't doing enough for CEOs
How about 1-800-EAT-SHIT?
1-800- I'm a bitch CEO
A special hotline for seriously rich and powerful people who perceive a threat!
What a nice thing to do!
And I wonder how many law enforcement officers will be taken off crime against the rest of us trash to take care of these elite aristocrats?
The cops were pretty much “yeah, that’ll happen. Call us if he shows up”.
2) oh, so now they’re going masks off with their being one law for us and another for the rest of them 😠