Read Law& Chaos blog on Substack for why SCOTUS is involved. It’s a First Amendment issue at its core. Its kind of weird that Dems went along with the Tik Tok ban. There are better ways to be mindful of data sucking. It takes Bipartisan support, including the Billionaire boys of Trump 2.0. Unlikely
Can Democrats stop anyone from visiting Mar-a-Lago on whatever BS? This is part of the corruption that electing Trump allows. But I’m sincerely curious, what do you mean by “leaving it on the table”?
passed the bill, signed the bill, and left it on the table for the entire 2024 campaign. at some point you can’t keep stepping on the rake and be taken seriously
Left it on the table? They set that table. Made it look all nice with candles, fine silverware, and a feast to boot.
Liberals will always cede ground to fascists. It matters not at all to them what happens to the average person, so long as they remain in positions of privilege themselves.
We don’t elect fascists though. The Right did that by hook and crook. Btw the evidence is overwhelming that the Left is not the party that ceded ground for all these years 🤣
Liberals do not = Leftists.
And it doesn't matter if someone doesn't directly vote for fascists. Categorically the Democrats have failed to meaningfully resist fascism, and I consider that of equal disgrace.
Do you truly have a clue what they were up against? Not winning does not equal not trying. Ok you give me your definition of “Liberal” ? The definitions are blurred, I agree.
At EVERY opportunity the Dems have run to the Right to try and appeal to some base that doesn't exist. They have then spent post-election blaming the "radical left" for their loss rather than their limp messaging and cozying up to neocons.
That isn't resisting fascism, that's practically welcoming.
Again, that’s an opinion. It’s not my experience. Trump destroyed trust in Media, appealing to his base via Republicans was to open their eyes, because they’re being lied to. It didn’t work. But other than 2025, what policy has Trumps Admin offered? A reworking of Dem policy. That’s it.
A liberals, as far as they are called in the U.S., tend to be those who believe institutions are meant to stand on their own and be unchanged. As well as the inherent belief that they alone can fix it, and thus resist any sort of change to the system. Aka. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc.
Both parties are filled with extremely old people who hear TikTok and think “evil Chinese thing that they do not understand”. Only Trump is really talking about not banning it and even then, he only changed his mind when he saw videos of support for him on the app.
Dems have a long history proven Governing skills. Clinton, Obama and Biden each left the economy in far better shape than Republicans, beginning w/Reagan’s Voodoo economics. Apparently Performative Governing is what the Right prefers. Why else re-elect an economic know-nothing like Trump?
“Trump saved TikTok” and “Hey why aren’t the kids liking the democrats.” are part of the same through line and it’s depressing that the Dems don’t understand that
I listened to Ezra Klein’s interview of Rahm Emmanuel and Rahm unprompted brought up banning TikTok as a potentially WINNING message for Democrats THREE TIMES
Turned off that podcast after he said “We closed the front door of the school during Covid, and after that we blew open the bathroom” and Ezra apparently didn’t hear that dogwhistle
TikTok was never getting banned in the first place, likely would have found a US buyer to keep it running which is what Democrats really wanted anyway.
LOL…Dems had to rush and appear as Sinophobic as possibly to court their fictional centrist voters with their low-key racism and now the racist, rapist gameshow host shows the obvious sham outrage was just that
That's a mighty nice little business you've got going there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it. What you need is some protection...for a price.
If I was a conspiracy theorist I’d be inclined to believe that the Dems wanted to lose. But I’m not. I just think they failed to run on worker centered progressive promises. They basically just ran as “other conservatives”.
They always do. And I too often wonder if they make back room deals to lose. Because nobody can be that inept by accident. I mean, if you’re really bad at something, then do something else.
I think that since Democratic leadership is mostly wealthy people who benefit from a system of large corporate lobbyists, they don’t have much incentive to mount true progressive opposition. Their messaging just suggests softer right wing solutions, supporting the actual right wing.
Certainly, this has been a problem for many years. And then we have the pundits with their multi million $ contracts being out of touch as well, and where does this leave us?
I think it leaves “us,” unless you’re a multimillionaire/billionaire, in a very rough spot. We must develop a grassroots political lobbying movement that is worker funded. The only way to do this is to unionize labor and develop inter-union cooperation to fight against worker disenfranchisement
This is gonna be a massive win for Trump if his administration reverses this ban, its gonna give him a big boost and is something that is really scary. “Bro he saved tik tok” ok that wont undeport your girlfriend, man.
the language of the act names ByteDance and TikTok explicitly, and cross-references 10 USC 4872(d)(2), which names China specifically as a "foreign adversary country"
the part where congress wrote the law such that Trump would have discretion is on the determination whether TikTok and/or ByteDance had made a divestment which "would result in the relevant foreign adversary controlled application no longer being controlled by a foreign adversary"
Honestly, the Dems are doing that political malpractice thing every single day. Like what’s with the 4 judges they put up that they made a deal to withdraw because they couldn’t be confirmed even by Dems? What is this shit? Good bye Shumer. Please, pack it in, get out. Enough.
TikTok should stay tho
youth voters are already getting a taste of what radical action the government is willing to take, and in a relatively short time, versus what they say is too much of an impossibility
letting trump take wins on the most simple shit like this might genuinely cost democrats the next 8 years of elections and its just so pathetic how bad democrats are at running the party
On the flip side, banning TikTok is just a smoke screen. Meta, Google, and X all sell data to whoever wants it - including China. Foreign influence campaigns are active on all the social media platforms.
All forcing TikTok to be run by an American company would do is make some US billionaire more $
Yes, I'd been saying that this whole TikTok ban was a joke from the start because if we want to talk about Chinese influence in major companies here... we have a very big Tencent problem in general. If they wanted to make TikTok into a serious argument it would've had to be in a big list of others.
can’t believe Democrats thought banning TikTok wouldn’t alienate Gen Z
It’s not why Harris lost, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden administration trying to ban TikTok costed Harris several thousand Gen Z votes in the swing states
I’m not saying how my fellow zoomers reacted to this politically was the right move. It’s just an observation I’m making with at the least amount of bias possible
But I agree, it shouldn’t be a top issue, but a TikTok ban would cost our economy and small businesses billions
I mean if you're not tuned into the news to see the rest of what's going on, a party trying to censor a social media platform because it's Chinese and because of support for Palestine looks like we have an authoritarian party. Unfortunately we have two.
Their concerns regarding Chinese spying isn’t completely unfounded given that the US does it to Americans as does Russia so why would China not have this capability? Even if it’s just to make money than something political. Second, China has also been with Russia in using X to spread disinformation.
Not to say there isn’t racism at play, there is, but that doesn’t negate the concern. What makes it egregious is that American companies aren’t being held to the same standard.
But still, making your whole issue to vote Trump or not at all because you don’t get your specific video app is pretty much saying either you don’t research and/or care about the other issues at stake such as trans and POC rights, or even Palestinians’ too, which is worth more than having an app.
To be fair, TikTok was trying to spread disinformation during the presidential election to derail Vice President Harris’ campaign. I’m sure both Putin and Xi are glad to see America weakened with Trump back in power.
No, I love Biden, I think he’s been our greatest one term president and among our greatest presidents and VPs ever. That being said, doesn’t mean he’s perfect, he has done things that weren’t the best, like failing to stand up to Bibi/ protect human life in the Levant region or trying to ban TT
The legislation President Biden signed literally said if TikTok’s parent company did not sell it to a non-Chinese owned company, it would be banned in the United States. Which is gonna devastate our small business economy.
it should be 1000% on my mind on any youth voter who watched tiktok. Going along with banning media with no actual evidence, while Mitt Romney and co are admitting they wanted it gone for bad-faith reasons is... one of the most heinous domestic things Biden did
Liberals will always cede ground to fascists. It matters not at all to them what happens to the average person, so long as they remain in positions of privilege themselves.
And it doesn't matter if someone doesn't directly vote for fascists. Categorically the Democrats have failed to meaningfully resist fascism, and I consider that of equal disgrace.
That isn't resisting fascism, that's practically welcoming.
That's a mighty nice little business you've got going there. It'd be a shame if something were to happen to it. What you need is some protection...for a price.
Who are we kidding, of course it was both.
He lied over 30,000 times the last time he is in office.
the language of the act names ByteDance and TikTok explicitly, and cross-references 10 USC 4872(d)(2), which names China specifically as a "foreign adversary country"
Trump could fudge the law, but the law is quite strongly written
TikTok should stay tho
All forcing TikTok to be run by an American company would do is make some US billionaire more $
It’s not why Harris lost, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the Biden administration trying to ban TikTok costed Harris several thousand Gen Z votes in the swing states
But I agree, it shouldn’t be a top issue, but a TikTok ban would cost our economy and small businesses billions
Not sure it goes deeper than that.
Democrats need to get their head out of his orange ass. Did they forget how to fight?