Her constituents elected her & didn't care what restroom she used. Her story is sad but shows strength and determination not to crumble. Nancy Mace has nothing going for her but the desire to be the new MediaSlutForAttention.Move over Mtg
Amazing how seeing someone as a person instead of an interest group changes everything. Might be a useful principle in there. My book The Fifth Paradigm describes this shift, its subtle depth, and vital importance for navigating our path ahead.
If u have ever cared for a loved one with terminal cancer, it is heartbreaking to watch, let alone advocate for the care they deserve. Everyone deserves the best care for quality of life. Too bad republicans feel that is a privilege for only them and their rich friends on our dime. 🤬
Imagine a world where millons of people aren't somehow *obsessed* with what her genitals are, and are instead inspired by how smart and eloquent she is. And how much she wants to improve the lives of her constituents.
The only thing we should be united in our hate of is cancer and how inaccessible care is historically for people below a certain ‘status’ - #healthcareisaright
I’m Sorry she has to go through that. But it led her to where she is now, and we are better bc of it! She seems pretty amazing from what I’ve seen so far. Her heart is in it for the right reasons.
The trans movement has no moral right to destroy women's sports, push this ideology on kids or invade women's private spaces. This is common sense. The Dems will keep losing if they keep pushing this insanity down people's throats.
She is an excellent speaker and represents her constituents well. I hope that her colleagues take the time to get to know her. Perhaps she can be a bridge to acceptance or at least tolerance.
I did. Her husband died 4 days after their wedding. I mean…this is a very brave woman. With all of the cruelty that she has sustained in life, to have that kind of grit and resolve is truly admirable.
I was being sarcastic. They actually follow vertical morals. Which is entirely based on following a higher authority. Problem is anyone can take advantage of them. Ironically they think we are the followers. Not.
It boggles the mind that the other side is so obsessed with other people's genitalia. We all should be so lucky to have someone this strong and this brave fighting for us.
We need people like her in our government. Compassionate, intelligent and capable. She is an asset in the upcoming future that I believe will make a difference in the resistance of the incoming facist administration.
I used to babysit Andrew and his brother when they were little. It was always a blast. Their dad collected pinball machines. So the kids went to bed early quite a bit. Haha
So relatable! I spent the entire 1st Trump administration fearing we might lose the ACA while my husband battled cancer. Being able to stay home with him during treatment and his ultimate passing was a battle.
Not to be rude but I'm honestly over the whole bathroom chats. Can we move on? This is just another GOP manufactured drama WE fall for every time while the real issuse go unnoticed. Like Donalds transition, Supreme Court etc. This is why we lose.
Trust me we don't care what you believe. We will keep saying she bc it doesn't hurt us and it's how she identifies. Idc how you refer to her--that's your right. But you are wasting your breath if you think you'll ever get us to refer to her as "him."
This is the other thing. They don't. She could have had surgery. It's irrelevant but it does make me wonder...one day we're going to have full transplant surgery or something. Then what?
Being in PA, we saw her ads from the Delaware race...totally would have voted for her if we could have. She's free to stop and use any bathroom in my house anytime!!
Her memoir is the first I've ever read that had me crying with anxiety and despair, but also laughing and cheering with hopefulness. Buy a copy, or support your local library, but be sure to read it. # twbd
An please don’t buy from Amaz0n! Support a local store, find a used copy online, or even Barnes & Noble, while a corporation, is at least full of book people who love their product
Better World Books is a good online seller, they have used (and new) books at amazing prices and they match the number you buy in donations to places that need books, as well as a portion of your purchase going to literacy funds 💜
“After coming out, McBride got a call from Delaware’s Attorney General Beau Biden. She had worked for Biden during his 2006 and 2010 elections, back when she was known as “Tim.”
For all the awfulness perpetrated against McBride by harpy Nancy Mace, I'm glad it has brought attention to this rising star in Democratic party. McBride is exactly the kind of leadership we need.
This otherwise incredible thread has brought out the MAGA bullies, as one might predict. Please for the love of all things holy (literally), do your civic duty for Bluesky and block them.
wait im confused, im trying to understand. was he gay and then became a woman after this? or did this happen during, after he already moved to a woman.
Have to note...while Nancy Mace spends her paid time in Congress to promote bullying and discrimination, Sarah McBride has demonstrated she will put her energy into making a difference for the American people.
What incredible grace and stoicism, to be able to tell such a heart wrenching story of your life on national news, without falling apart. I'd be a pile of tears if that was me. (Also watching a clip filled with care and empathy brings out the maga idjits for a block party)
She is not unlike Obama or Buttigieg, in that trailblazers have to be beyond better, beyond classy, beyond intelligent to get where they are, all while facing hate, lies, and smears from people that can’t hold a candle to them in any of those departments. Meanwhile, someone like Trump gets a pass.
I was so glad that I had a chance to watch this interview. McBride is a rising star with a clear bright voice that is laser focused on what she ran on for her constituents. I can't wait to read her book now.
Sarah is an effective representative doing a good job, undermining her is going to keep the Republicans busy being no practical use at all for a very long time.
What a weird concept, eh?
WHY can’t they just stop and focus on more pressing issues.
Why so much hate and distraction. The discrimination is sickening.
Both Mace and Johnson have no place in politics. Period.
Mind your own damn business.
You have chosen to work with a mean, cold hearted crowd
More interested in their yacht size than human compassion
Can't wait.
(Edit functionality please, Bsky!)
She is an amazing person.
“After coming out, McBride got a call from Delaware’s Attorney General Beau Biden. She had worked for Biden during his 2006 and 2010 elections, back when she was known as “Tim.”
My only wish is that she refuse a green screen but instead fills the background with actual issues they are not covering instead. For instance...
Feel free to block Leonardo.