A woman that experienced harassment from both Roger Ailes and DJT who then supports and defends them needs to get some mental health counseling. #Bombshell
the problem is republicans are so in lock step there is literally zero accountability republicans will hold for other republicans, beyond a tiny fraction of congress republicans will literally defend any action by one of there own.
Megan Kelly is so embarrassingly desperate it hurts to watch her. She was cancelled by Trump, terminated by Fox then NBC, and knows her only path to income is pandering to MAGA. Her appearance on Bill Maher was unwatchable. So. Fucking. Obnoxious.
According to the NYT article, Penelope Hegseth immediately sent a follow-up email apologizing for sending the first one. This sends up a huge red flag because it’s a common abusive trait, to unload on somebody and then completely flip and be overly apologetic and sympathetic. There’s history there.
Whether it’s Hegseth's mom calling him out for his caddish, predatory behavior towards women, or Megyn Kelly blaming her mom for her stupid 1st name, both sexes have a mom problem.
More feebleminded meanness of spirit from another hair-and-makeup-reliant attention seeker. A “wannabe” without any real sense of the “be” other than to reflexively defend the indefensible in the hope of looking cool and tough. A bad long-term strategy.
Trump raped Jean Carrol. Next thing you know we’ll be hearing stories about him cheating at golf, I mean stealing from a children’s charity, I mean stealing classified documents, I mean paying off a porn star, I mean committing business fraud, I mean fomenting an insurrection.
This is the monster who pretends to be all about defending the rights of women, defending another monster who rapes them, and who was hired by one who also rapes them, and who rapes minors. How sweet.
This is a good playbook that can be applied over and over. Media runs a story for conviction of murder charges? No problem: "Next they'll talk about tardy passes from grade school!"
Unbelievable right? She’s that disgusted with him and his disgusting behavior until the minute King Donald taps him on the shoulder. Then she decides to backtrack and bend the knee.
It’s a cult and she’s probably terrified of the consequences from the MAGA faithful.
She now says it was just a moment of anger. Doesn't seem like this is the kind of thing that pops out in a moment of anger unless it's true. She was just afraid to say it out loud before.
It reads to me as a very sincerely anguished mother talking to a son who has disappointed her many, many times. Who knows how the little bully her son might have guilt-tripped her, to make her retract it.
She is the worst kind of woman. She faced sexual harassment at Fox. Years of abuse from Trump and his cult. And now she is defending a serial sexual predator. What has to happen to you in life to forgo all your morals and integrity? It's not like she needs the money. She got a huge payoff from NBC.
I don't think Roger Ailes sexually abused her. She wanted out of her contract and made the story up. She thought she have lots of women believing her because it's happened to many of us. Something is off about her which makes me not believe a single word she has ever said.
False equivalence for sure, but I do have some anxiety that this is just the kind of issue that can distract from the real deeper issues him being Sec of Defense and be easily dismissed in the public discourse about him.
I was sort of expecting her to try to debunk the veracity of the mom’s email or to discredit the mom. I guess we know the email is real and the mother is somewhat unimpeachable.
The defense is years of abusive misogyny is like being late with thank-yous. Interesting.
Same people who want to protect women from trans athletes and bathroom users (of which there are very few) oddly defend actual abusers of women and predators, weird.
Lady who was at Fox during the rampant rape and sex scandals is an apologist. Did 45 talking down to her break her fragile ego? Of course her husband owns a cybersecurity firm. This makes more sense now.
Megan Kelley is the same woman that trump insulted in 2016 .... and yet she chose to crawl back to trump to join his cult.. remember? Abusing women iis not the equivalent to not sending out thank you
Notes. What a disgusting thinng to say.
I long for the day when we understand that men who treat women badly usually do not limit those poor traits to their interactions with women and usually are in fact pretty shitty people in many other ways as well!
I got the first half of this, but then it took a turn re: the aunt and the thank you cards.
Rape and SA ≠ being late sending thank you cards.
What is Megyn on about? Is she downplaying rape and sexual assault for some reason?
I was in that same situation one time in my life where I had to choose between a VERY CUSHY position with PAID travel, plus nice accommodations, all food, and drink, BUT I had to make speeches saying things I didn't agree with. I turned down that job - even tho I had no other options at that time.
I applaud you. So many people today have no ethics whatsoever. Their moral compass is broken. I believe we're defined by the path we take when we're confronted by those hard choices, especially when our welfare can be threatened by making the ethical choice.
Thank you! It ended up being the best decision I ever made (as I should have known at the time). I was able to sleep at night.
People should try giving ethical choices a try!
It’s what the right always does. They blame people not liking Trump because of “mean tweets”. They minimize the actual evil to a ridiculous degree so it sways low information people to their side because it sounds “reasonable”
Yeah, I can hear the discourse between MAGAs (in my mind). How they nod along with people like Megyn, how they refuse to think critically (thinking is "hard"). I do my best to dialogue with them and try to understand, but my patience is not infinite, and I don't feel any sense of accomplishment.
Absolutely love this! Now.....will it change anyones mind during the confirmation process? We shall see if anyone has the moral fortitude to deny this piece of shit.
So if she is good with this in general, what will she tolerate in her own home? How about if her daughter were being abused by a partner? The casual whitewashing of some of the most abhorrent behavior is just gobsmacking.
His behavior would be disqualifying for any job. With all of his dirty laundry out in the open, will Fox let him keep his weekend gig? How will their flock justify this?
Misogyny runs so deep in all of us - especially her brand. She’ll fies never seeing it. Comparing late thank you cards to full-on mistreatment of women. Wow. She mocks herself.
Her internalized misogyny is off the charts. She vaguely tried to be tough with Trump and got canceled by her team. Instead of speaking out for herself and women everywhere, she crawls back to her abuser.
Who am I going to believe? Megyn Kelly who is willing to sacrifice women's rights to be in the chorus line of Eva Braun's follies, or the dude's own MOM?
You would think Megyn would have a better grip on her horses and not say something this stupid.
I guess she's trying to stay relevant.
Megyn, you missed.
Hey! Wasn’t she the one who got sexually something something at her workplace (FoxNews) years ago? Was that no big deal? Didn’t they make a movie about it? What the hell is wrong with her?
I don't think this is parody. It is a disgrace. I can understand that Maga men think it is OK to abuse women following the example from their dear leader. But that Maga women think it is OK to be abused??
That is not what my mom taught me. She taught me to carry bags and hold up doors.
Pete Hegseth is supremely unqualified professionally. Stick to that. Why?
Not because his personal behavior isn’t gross and wrong. But because you will NOT get GOP Senators to vote him down based on his mom’s email or sexual crimes. WE KNOW THIS. /1
I would still LOVE it if people would condemn someone for violence against women. Maybe someday when human spiritual consciousness evolves to that point....
Meanwhile, the alpha male mythology lives on and we have to hope that the Senate votes him down for insufficient "alpha."
BUT : the fact he was a very very junior officer with no command authority and then ZERO defense experience beyond that is what will get Senators an “out” to vote him down.
You know, there’s a reason I came to Bluesky and also mute every MAGA account that tries to migrate here as well and it isn’t so I can see large liberal accounts repost screenshots of every inane thing MAGA accounts are still tweeting over on X. Just sayin’.
I dare this snowflake to come here and post her idiotic opinions. Does anybody really care what she thinks? She has all the symptoms of a “wanna be MAGA” but she’s a failure even at that!! Just like her twin here 👇…they don’t really stand for NOTHING
I know it's almost cliche to say it, but Megyn and her ilk would be all over any Democrat if such a thing had been said to them. Fox would be running in 24/7 circus mode over it.
His mother said, "On behalf of all the women (and I know it is many) you have abused in some way, get some help and take an honest look at yourself."
But sure ... "behaving badly."
if she is phoney (an empathic sane person at home then a nut job at work) her kids must be confused
H/t @nytpitchbot.bsky.app
That was twisted & spun take on reality there Megan... 😆🤣😂🤪
Megyn is such garbage!
HOW do you become a water carrier after he starts the invective? It's money, right? It's got to be money.
Imagine *running towards* exposing your own scandals. Kompromat?
I would not be able to live with myself until I corrected my personality.
It’s all about their specific needs in any specific moment.
It’s a cult and she’s probably terrified of the consequences from the MAGA faithful.
She now says it was just a moment of anger. Doesn't seem like this is the kind of thing that pops out in a moment of anger unless it's true. She was just afraid to say it out loud before.
"The love of money is the root of all evil."
The defense is years of abusive misogyny is like being late with thank-yous. Interesting.
Oh, wait. Never mind. I forgot I don’t care what she thinks.
Notes. What a disgusting thinng to say.
If the 'cha ching' fits......
Rape and SA ≠ being late sending thank you cards.
What is Megyn on about? Is she downplaying rape and sexual assault for some reason?
People should try giving ethical choices a try!
Absolutely love this! Now.....will it change anyones mind during the confirmation process? We shall see if anyone has the moral fortitude to deny this piece of shit.
Someone please tell her that she won the part of Ghislane Maxwell and she can knock it off now. Scene.
And ask her if she knows what a human is.
Word from the grapevine is she's divorced him and he's on his own. I hope to God no other woman falls for his narcissist's charm.
I guess she's trying to stay relevant.
Megyn, you missed.
Normalizing fascism.
And it pays very well.
"Thus will trickle down to he who believeith it will."
Wishful Thinking 22:17
Praise him!
Listen to his mom-he’s not fit to run our military
That is not what my mom taught me. She taught me to carry bags and hold up doors.
Not because his personal behavior isn’t gross and wrong. But because you will NOT get GOP Senators to vote him down based on his mom’s email or sexual crimes. WE KNOW THIS. /1
Meanwhile, the alpha male mythology lives on and we have to hope that the Senate votes him down for insufficient "alpha."
Did it really happen? In Megyn’s world you’re allowed to say whatever you want, if you’re blonde.
Reported, muted, blocked for fun and practice, if nothing else.