The frying egg was a great anti drug commercial. Funny how some of those old adds stick in your memory like the Indian with the tear in his eye or where’s the beef.
Since Trump won and became a VP has anyone heard how he would reduce grocery prices or anything positive he may due to make everyday folks lives better..obviously this is rhetorical q..knowing the answer is only chaos incompetence and hate..
I saw a survey not too long ago that showed Republicans have flipped their opinion on the economy already. Went from somewhere around 30% thought the economy was doing well to (i think it was) close to 70% think it's doing well now.
They probably believe Trump lowered egg prices by thinking it 🙄
He told us yesterday that he will take 885M (almost 1B) out of the 100B for disaster relief to give to Elon Musk and Starlink. He said they send 200 units of Starlink to No Carolina folks.
Right before that he talked about Elon going to Pennsylvania to help him win the election.
I don't know how much it will cost to help the people of North Carolina after the hurricane. They immediately targeted that because its another state they can control and steel from the fund. 100 billion is a lot of money.
Does anyone notice how there is no audience in his speeches. He also spoke about how Elon sent 200 Units of Starlink to North Carolina. Right. There is 100B in the bill just signed. He is going to say it was because of him, cover it up when they steel from that fund and control their internet.
Maybe they can do a commercial where they show an egg and say this is your brain and then crack it into a frying pan and say this is your brain on drugs. Very clear message and never been done before.
All he has to do is speak for us to see how bad drugs are for you! 🙄 Also as much as I couldn’t stand The Reagan’s, Nancy’s entire time as First Lady was about “just say no to drugs” 🙄 He really is the stupidest person to ever be elected president.
Fact check: Only about 3% of Americans are illegal immigrants. 99.999% of these people are very poor and looking to improve the lives of their families by working hard in jobs Americans don't want. If you believe these people can afford to buy and smuggle drugs I have a 2024 election to sell you.
Trump is STILL the most ignorant, arrogant, uninformed, narcissistic moron ignoramus in America ... perhaps in the world. AND he is still, rightfully, the most hated man on the entire earth.
Nope. No one ever had a “just say no” to drugs campaign. And certainly no one ever came up with the slogan “Make America Great Again” before Trump either.
The eggs in a frying pan will always bring out the "Any questions?" in me.
He wouldn't know that because he didn't watch Saturday morning cartoons in his jamjams eating cereal with any of his kids. Selfish greedy fuck.
I got an idea. He can stand at a stove, which is practically the same as a McDonald's fry cooker. And he can crack a reasonably priced egg into a frying pan and say "this is your brain on drugs. Any questions?"
Wtf is the actual F. Ya he is so smart and original. People in X told me he and musk are so smart they will fix us right up. This guy is smart!?! We are doomed.
Everybody's going to go with the "I learned it from you" ad in response to this, so I'm going to go with the "Get High on Yourself" ad instead, with an intro by Doug Henning.
…just to name 2 off the top of my head: “this is your brain on drugs” and
“Just say no!” but so go on about it never being done before you uneducated tyrant.
Actually, Don jr. like nobody who has ever done coke, who hasn’t reached in his pocket for a little rub of the gums. Best drug ever, before it got cut with the scary shit. Lol
They should suffocate monkeys with gasmasks of pure marijuana smoke, and no oxygen, then count their brain cells and say marijuana causes brain damage.
Sometimes I really wonder if the Orange Turd really believes the bullshit he claims himself? Or is he that unworldly that he never saw a drug enlightenment campaign, or heard the word ’grocery’?
As usual, ok, I am the first to think of great things, nobody ever thought about a campaign that drugs are bad for you, I’m like really smart, many people say, ok, a stable genius, that I can tell you. 🙃
Nobody talked about this, ok, before me, believe me, nobody has done a campaign about drugs being bad for you, ok, I am always the first to do great things, because I’m the greatest and like really smart, that I can tell you. 🙃 🤡
🤔 You couldn’t exist during the 1980’s and not be inundated by Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign. We were inundated with this message…yet there’s still drug use. Gosh, maybe these campaigns aren’t very effective. But sure DonTheCon, bring back the ‘80s
Regans gave basically a gift to the police departments. Dems wanted mental health and medical professionals to talk about the ills of drugs to kids in elementary school/High School but Republicans wouldn't have it. One of worst Public Health ideas ever.
Go have a hamburger and fries, those don't hurt the human body one bit, their just heavy fat and lard. Heart healthy? and your going to talk about drugs being bad. Did President Elon Musk approve your speech?
Hmmm what changed from his first term when these Schedule II drugs were passed around to anybody wanting them, or does he mean just for the rest of us? Another BIG fail by DOJ, DEA.
The only reason they would list the dose like that XX mg/ml is for an IV solution. Fentanyl patches would be written like the other entry before it (XX mcg or XX mcg/hr)
Oh I know! There were some fkd up ppl making decisions for us & interacting with foreign leaders. The fact that this was put out there in 2018, 6 yrs ago & nobody was prosecuted.
I’m so sorry. Wish we were closer. I already have bad anxiety & I know the sleepless nights are coming…just like 4 yrs ago, yet I cannot imagine what it’s like for you to live n a red state. IL is blue - but the part I’m in is red. Rs control the county, but they’re not maga - yet.
Yep!!!! THEY are the actual out of control spiraling addicts not pain patients and ppl & CHILDREN suffering cancer etc. it’s always been THEM! Not us. I do hope there is a god and a hell for each & everyone
It's like listening to a dementia sufferer in his last days. What the fuck is he rambling on about? I'm sure the ads will be great. "Don't take drugs they're bad for your teeth?" I'm sure that will work.
Has nobody told him that his obsession for control and attention is also an addiction? Man, he’s so hooked on his own dopamine, he can’t think straight.
They probably believe Trump lowered egg prices by thinking it 🙄
Right before that he talked about Elon going to Pennsylvania to help him win the election.
It looks like Elmo is lobbying for that title.
Right Ron and Nancy?
He wouldn't know that because he didn't watch Saturday morning cartoons in his jamjams eating cereal with any of his kids. Selfish greedy fuck.
His son literally rubbed his gums with coke to get a little numb right in front of the cameras.
Maybe he should start there!
“Just say no!” but so go on about it never being done before you uneducated tyrant.
Does he really think no one's done this?
Appoint a Drug Czar! 🤔🤭
King of Coke
Explains why zombies eat our brains.
To Liars
To Grifters
To Con Men
To Plagerists
Let’s kick-off this Ad with Donald & his cocaine boy, Don Jr, taking a drug test.
The only reason they would list the dose like that XX mg/ml is for an IV solution. Fentanyl patches would be written like the other entry before it (XX mcg or XX mcg/hr)
Any questions?”