Nauseating to read this stuff after a campaign where elite outlets worked overtime to sanewash Trump as a rational choice for voters who were mildly inconvenienced by egg prices
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Ratings and clicks are worth so much more than something silly like, democracy and equal rights.
They did this for ratings and admins like Biden and was "boring" with gasp NO SCANDALS!
I am avoiding as much coverage of the Dictator as I can while taking actions to resist.
Trump is a criminal.
Project 2025 is treason.
Which is why I am not watching cable news (well, perhaps a few minutes a day).
They failed us and democracy miserably. I refuse to reward them.
It’s entertaining to them.
Yay. Win. Win.
It’s all fun and games again for the WH media I guess.
Was the last 4 years too boring for them? Well, be careful what you wish for.
This is not a game show, you hacks! This is people living and dying!
They love the excitement of Trump’s unhinged chaos.
I've met infants less gullible than the WH Press Corp.
Not if the readers/viewers go elsewhere. You'll be at the DC food pantry.
If it was just a circus side show it would be amusing but this clown is supremely dangerous.
Always was BS.
Hard to bitch about the price of eggs when you drive a 4 ton pickup w/ 18mpg to go grocery shopping and you want the Hummer of dishwashers.
White House Cam - earthTV® via @YouTube
Think I'm being flippant? Well -
My mother and one of my best friends are included in that.
And I still feel that way.
The papers are excited to have column inches to fill with this lunacy.
Yet, our lives are going to be insane for four years...
The president is elected by the people and works for the people. Not the other way around. He's trapped in here with *us*, etc. & so forth.
The comments did not disappoint. This was the basic thrust of all of them.
So it's an adrenaline rush.
Just leave out those who are ACTUALLY trying to fight against this chaos and destruction like Jasmine and AOC.
Is what the sociopaths in the Liberally Biased Mainstream Media™ are all saying.😠😡🤬
Seriously, all of them can just fuck all of the possible ways off.
Just remember what this motherfucker said in the winter of 2016:
“Dems just want us to pick a side & that’s not our job.”
Good example of their gaslighting from Ben Smith interview w/kahn from NYTIMES.🤬
Hate to break this to you, anonymous Beltway hack: With a callous attitude like that, you were never a thing, never will be a thing, and will spend your final years dealing with suffocating regret.
Our democracy, and the means to defend it (a free press) died not in darkness, but it broad daylight.
It’s a fucking cult & they’re all addicted to this wildly unhinged malignant narcissist