Trump: "I opened up the water for California. It's a great thing. It's too bad they didn't do it themselves. I had to do it and it was not easy. We did it a very rough way. And I didn't like to do it a rough way, we shouldn't have to do it a rough way."
I have not seen one tariff dollar being reported as paid to the USA.
Where is the money?
You weren’t trusted before and now you have a negative balance in the trust bank with two key allies.
China is laughing at you.
No need to say, those farmers are pissed off.
It was the Army Corp of Engineers not the military. They manage federal water projects
The reservoirs are in Central California. Not Northern.
They didn’t almost empty them. They were instructed to let out anything over the minimum holding level for this time of year.
Well done folks. Morons Are Great Again.
Too bad he didn’t run it by governor Newsom first, the stupid jealous asshole.
Experts expressed dismay that releasing so much water now served little use for farmers, who typically have higher irrigation needs in the spring and summer.
Keep the blame where it belongs.
And here's Katie Johnson (Jane Doe in the above court docs) describing this despicable pig's actions in her own words:
1) The water wouldn't end up anywhere near the fires; and
2) This isn't how precious water resource decisions are made - without consensus.
Diaper Don just wasted water without consulting any stakeholders. That isn't a victory. That's a massive fuqqup.
He’s so empty and anxious that he blathers to quell the void and control his environment, aka, everyone around him.
Give the guy a break 🙄
And he continues to spout his 💩 !
He just screwed Cali farmers.
And so dangerous.
Cmon, think big. Let’s form some new and better countries.
We could make some killer trade deals since Cali’s economy is the largest in the United States & 5th in world.
While all the focus is on the fed shit show right now, maybe it wouldn’t be noticed.
Any other new country ideas?
a-holes allowed.
Opening that dam was unnecessary, and hurt farmes' chances in summer.
Condoms? He does not know the difference between Gaza, under the Palestinian Authority, and Gaza Province in Mozambique.
The president of the United States is a raving, unintelligent lunatic.
Bla bla bullshit lie bla bullshit bla bla lie lie bla bullshit nonsense
Way to go, dumbass.
At this point I will trade my life long dream of the ERA for a constitutional amendment that says the POTUS has to have at least 3 digits in their IQ.
There are lots of fools at present
Oh, thank you for saving us emperor trump!
Thank you for releasing water that was TOTALLY UNECESSARY! That is going to go nowhere near LA and wasn't needed anyway, EXCEPT, later this summer when the farmers will need it.
You're the dumbest prick to ever be in the WH.
Us starve a bit -
A decision to take summer water from local farmers and dump it out of these reservoirs shows a complete lack of understanding of how the system works and sets a very dangerous precedent
Trump says, "I’m brilliant—watch it flow!"
A trickle drips. Impressive? No.
Calfornians sigh, "This helps no one."
But Trump’s already claimed he’s won.
Newsom needs to be all over this if he wants to be president.
Period. stood up to the old felon and will continue to stand up for us.
What is something a rapist says, Alex?
Trump = Supremely Ignorant Moron Punk (SIMP)
Right there, what this person said. He's opened the taps on the reservoirs we rely on during drought-prone summertime.
That's the problem I always saw with dictators - how ONE man can say something and everybody jumps. It's just ONE man. Can there be that many fools to follow ONE man? I know I'm not stating this correctly.
Spill out the water in N. CA! Yes sir!
Or does he lie so much that he doesn't know what truth is?
What a fucking disgrace.
Let’s see if those farmers think it’s so great.
Instead of shooting yourself in the foot , maybe aim a little higher next time. Oh! Oh!! have the perfect place to aim your gun!!
But sure MAGA. He’s gonna make us great again. Uh huh.