Vance: "I think our European friends, frankly, are being really, really -- they're doing a disservice to the Ukrainians, because their own populations are saying, 'we're not gonna fund this war indefinitely.'"
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Another patently absurd statement from a patently absurd administration. First- I'm pretty sure the Europeans are no longer friends with the U.S. Second, they have even more incentive to fund Ukraine, as if that country falls, Putin's army will be knocking on their doors.
Oh, shove it, Vance. Europe’s doing a disservice to Ukraine? The hell they are. They’ve been pouring in billions, taking in refugees, and standing up to Putin while you and your boss try to sell Ukraine for scrap.
You know who’s actually doing Ukraine dirty? You. Trump. The bootlickers in Congress who turned their backs on a country fighting for its survival. You act like this war is some burden on your billionaire donors tax breaks, while they're burying its dead and fighting for every inch of its land.
And let’s not pretend this is about "funding a war indefinitely." We made a promise in 1994, Ukraine gave up nukes, and we swore we’d have their backs. But now, instead of keeping our word, you’re playing for Putin, whining about $ while a dictator bombs civilians & steals their women and children.
notice how he mentioned peace with the US and Russia before bringing up Ukraine. Also I think the American people can talk for ourselves thank you very fucking much. Tired of our abusers speaking for us.
And Vance knows the European populations are saying this how? They know from past experience they are under the gun next if Putin succeeds in Ukrain. They know what it's like to be invaded and occupied. This isn't a game.
What the f*** does he care about the opinions of the European populations? He is just spewing Russian propaganda and he wants the Europeans to bend over for Putin the same way that he and Trump do.
I liked it better when he was nowhere to be found. Also, why do they legit look like they all could have been on the stand in Nuremberg? Seriously. Evil has a certain look I guess? Ugh.
European “friends” - oh bless your tiny shrivelled rock of a heart. You have no friends here Vance, your only friends now are the evil and the depraved.
Well JD, I'm from the UK and we see the best of our Greatest Generation reflected by the Ukrainians who bravely fight our shared enemy for their freedom - in all the ways your pampered arse never would.
Also, I feel confident speaking for my people here: we all think you're a malignant phony cunt.
I'm not entirely convinced he has *any* friends, period. He has people *he* considers friends, but they're just using him, preying on his desperation to be validated. To them, it's transactional.
Our friends in Europe are horrified of the situation with Trump, Vance, and Ukraine. What info is he sharing to support his declarations? None? Is he just gaslighting everyone knowing the Twitter army will work to spin his narrative?
Vance has done more to align the unalign-able across Europe, and in such a short space of time.
Has he forgotten the marches to defund Israel?
How many defund Ukraine marches will we see outside of яU𝔰S𝔦A?
This piece of shit only want's to promote discord and empower the European far-right to start showing their support of the evil ideology propaganda spread by the American Extreme-Right and act accordingly!
This is not just about Ukraine. It's a all plan to try to divide Europe like the Brexit plan!
I think you'll find your European friends would rather pay any money than live next to your new Russian friends. Because your European friends remember the stories their Grandma told them about Russian occupation or, in some cases, were alive to see the last Russian tank leave their country.
This is how it starts. This is what they did to the people of the USA to convince them everyone thinks this way. Now they’re going to do the same to Europe. Gaslight the people.
Countries who have never been invaded and occupied in recent history have a very complacent attitude to this stuff. Believe me, Europeans mostly understand what it means to have foreign armies in your own land and will fight tooth and nail against it
1. He's got no friends, Europe or elsewhere. That 3-piece sofa in Wine-red leather he sends money every month is just a scam.
2. Europe will fund 🇺🇦 much longer than he gets to enjoy the spotlight in the admin that lost US it's position in the world
3. It'll be cheaper than his eyeliner budget.
What are they gonna do, roll over and let the Russians just take whatever they want? kinda like what America is doing for Trump right now? He's taking what he wants and we're not stopping them.
But we're not gonna roll over and play dead, and the Ukrainians certainly aren't. How stupid is that?
No. We are not saying that. We are aware that we’re next if Ukraine falls. We all stand solidly with Ukraine (except perhaps the despicable Nazis among us)
Hey Vance!
As a European we can see round the side of the curtain at what your ‘Amighty Oz’ really is. Just an old man with a lot of smoke and mirrors. Just because you’re stupid enough to push the lie doesn’t mean we believe any of it.
Are you enjoying your ‘golden age’ yet?
You know who did a big disservice to the Ukrainians? The country that invaded them and bombed their cities out of existence. Russia. Telling really should just Russia have it's way is akin to telling a rape victim to just sit back and enjoy the rape.
I would disagree about that resolve existing in Europe. But we will find out. I believe the Europeans and Canadians will be willing to fund Ukraine to victory.
I read him differently. He got his brain coopted by the Thiel/Yarvin/Silicon Valley mind bug. He needed love, and they gave it to him.
Obviously, Usha's love doesn't count because she's brown and was (in his mind) his only option against incel life back when he wasn't red-pilled by Thiel & Co.
Vance allegedly spent hours Googling for Thiel’s email address after hearing him speak at YLS. I can’t speak to the degree to which he was coopted, but you’re right—he admits in his memoir that he’s always sought father figures. He’s put to use a certain talent for subservience.
My recollection - no personal knowledge, just reporting - is they had a long conversation after Thiel spoke at The Shittiest Law School In The World, and they seem not to have ever been especially removed from each other after that.
Besides, it would be easy to ask the Dean's Office for his email.
Thiel's mind was melted years before Mencius Moldbug ever started posting. Thiel brought Vance in like 6-7 years later, but Vance was readily susceptible to all of it because he was a deeply needy survivor of childhood neglect and abuse who craved acceptance and unearned success.
“I remember sitting at the kitchen table,” Mr. Driscoll said. “We Googled ‘Peter Thiel @’ for about two hours.” They finally located a Stanford University email address, and Mr. Vance sent him a note, according to Mr. Driscoll.
You may be right. I can’t recall where I read the Googling anecdote; it may have been The New Yorker, which I know reported that Vance wrote to Thiel subsequent to his addressing the Federalist Society. I agree that he’s a Thielite, but I think his Trumpism is mere convenience.
Thiel's trumpism is certainly convenience, but that doesn't mean he doesn't believe it. JayDee believes it too. Their minds are melted. There is no there there. Just irrational justification for letting Thiel/Yarvin/Silicon Valley/Putin doing whatever they want.
I'd tell him to go watch r/combat videos on reddit. He'd quickly understand why Russia has lost about 800k men, 10000 tanks, and 20000 infantry fighting vehicles.
Apart from no one is actually saying this, ‘their own populations’ are supportive of the action and there is a broad consensus across political parties to support Ukraine.
He’s been watching the rest of Europe on Fox as well then.
Why when he says “our European friends” does it sound sleazy ?
He & Trump have done what I didn’t think possible, they’ve united the UK Parliament when it’s been as divided, recently, as I can recall (I’m 76) - United it against them.
Yep, fellow European here. Don't hear much of abandoning Ukraine. Quite the contrary. With the US abandoning Ukraine, most European countries band together to fill the gap and they are all backed by their citizens.
European living in Aus here. Not only Europeans but also Australians as a whole, totally support Zelensky and Ukraine. So indeed, fuck off JD Vance, then fuck off a bit further and keep on fucking off. (Aus vernacular) It is so helpful to hear their ridiculous talking points to prepare for my Trump-loving family to parrot them to me. Thank you for watching Fox News so we don’t have to. You are a national hero!
Vance is a pussy, and he’s about to FAFO. The only way this comes to an end is if Putin gets the fuck out of Ukraine and leaves these people alone. That’s the only answer to end this war.
French / USA citizen who travels/ works in Europe. No we support Ukraine. Please tell Karen Vance to go fuck off? Thank you! Slava Ukraini !!! 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦🇪🇺
Fat Donnie just halted aid to Ukraine - a violation of the Budapest Memorandum, violation of the separation of powers. This would be impeachable had the electorate not 💩 the bed and allowed R’s a trifecta. Consider throwing a few bucks to United 24 that directly supports Ukraine. 🇺🇦❤️
Of course the imbecile knows that even the cost of supporting Ukraine "indefinitely" is a bargain compared to what we will have to spend in the event of Russia winning.
JD Vance knows all about Europe, he slept in the Venitian and walked thru the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. He's got a picture of the Eiffel tower and sat in a gondola, while getting a cheap steak at the Ellis Island casino....
He has no idea what the European people are saying
He’s never been to Ukraine
Who are really helping the Ukrainians by extorting their mineral wealth,
Also, I feel confident speaking for my people here: we all think you're a malignant phony cunt.
We're only friends with decent sane Americans who believe in democracy, not deranged fascist ones like you who believe in nothing but themselves.
We don't side with vile bullying tyrants. Even if they claim to represent our closest & most important allies
We have no European friends anymore. His master saw to that.
It's that simple.
Has he forgotten the marches to defund Israel?
How many defund Ukraine marches will we see outside of яU𝔰S𝔦A?
A pariah in the making. 💔🇺🇸
This is not just about Ukraine. It's a all plan to try to divide Europe like the Brexit plan!
WTF do you think y'all are doing?
Heartless bastards!
2. Europe will fund 🇺🇦 much longer than he gets to enjoy the spotlight in the admin that lost US it's position in the world
3. It'll be cheaper than his eyeliner budget.
What I wanted to say is, Europeans are not you friend. They never been your friend and most likely will never be. They are not sharing your culture…
But we're not gonna roll over and play dead, and the Ukrainians certainly aren't. How stupid is that?
Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦 🇺🇦🇺🇦
As a European we can see round the side of the curtain at what your ‘Amighty Oz’ really is. Just an old man with a lot of smoke and mirrors. Just because you’re stupid enough to push the lie doesn’t mean we believe any of it.
Are you enjoying your ‘golden age’ yet?
His face makes me vomit.
Obviously, Usha's love doesn't count because she's brown and was (in his mind) his only option against incel life back when he wasn't red-pilled by Thiel & Co.
Besides, it would be easy to ask the Dean's Office for his email.
Make no mistake - their plan is working.
“I remember sitting at the kitchen table,” Mr. Driscoll said. “We Googled ‘Peter Thiel @’ for about two hours.” They finally located a Stanford University email address, and Mr. Vance sent him a note, according to Mr. Driscoll.
Trump/Harper's push over puppet
Vance is a traitor to the United States of America
He knows this because he googled it?
Putin sees that Trump/Vance are losing popularity, he’s sees the protest, the online activity. Putin is worried and unhappy with his subordinates. 🤔
that theyll continue supoorting ukraine andthat they support boots on the ground aid?
History will judge us for what we do today.
Why when he says “our European friends” does it sound sleazy ?
He & Trump have done what I didn’t think possible, they’ve united the UK Parliament when it’s been as divided, recently, as I can recall (I’m 76) - United it against them.
So yeah, go fuck yourself, JD Vance!
I’ll be voting entirely, unashamedly tactically for ‘anyone but Dutton’
I’ve seen a few videos.
And your smile is a thin disguise
I thought by now you'd realize
There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes🎶
This filth is not only a traitor to America - he is a traitor to every decent human being who ever lived.
May he perish from the earth swiftly, Amen.