FOX: Elon Musk has hinted that Starlink is the solution
DUFFY: It's not. We want to make sure we have fiber-connected systems in place.
DUFFY: It's not. We want to make sure we have fiber-connected systems in place.
Guess even a reality TV personality is smarter than Elon Musk.
They are everywhere.
Look at Ukraine!!!
The idea is to make the very rich even richer. Musk is making sure to get big contracts for his companies.
The dictator always gets a cut of the oligarch money. 🙃
low earth orbits were unpopular for a reason
Oh, you mean it's all horseshit, in order to enrich Musk and his shitty network and will fuck up flying for years and years? Got it!
Using a Comodore 64 to manage your Company
Starlink has -0- bandwith
For this
Two stupid people talking about stuff they don’t know. Elon shows, you don’t have to be smart if you’re rich.
Duffy shows you don’t have to be qualified to get a job in the WH.
Corrupt much? 🤡
There is NOTHING better than fiber and likely won't ever be.
You right. For reliability, nothing. But microwave is technically faster 😆
For example Tarana is a next gen microwave transmission system that doesn't use LOS.
If you look at products like Tarana vs Cambium/Mimosa you can see the advantage of full spectrum signal transmission for wireless.
You can also reinforce and shield optic cables and/or bury them deep in the ground, which makes them less susceptible to attack or weather damage.
But it's great for watching Netflix
Can they at least order a drink in a restaurant at the end of the day?
Hes clearly a crisis agent reverse vampire democrat.
They are everywhere.
Musk is the Government now.
Hard no.
Publicly owned and controlled or nothing.
Ontario's Premier (finally) ripped up a Starlink contract in retaliation for the tariffs.
It was very glitchy and went out often on a stormy or cloudy day, it’s simply not reliable enough vs. fiber.
Thankfully, no more high priced starlink, all fiber in my area.
So… another bit of critical US infrastructure controlled by Elon, leaving future (Dem-controlled Congresses/government no choice but to bend to his will
superfluous, but essential!! Counting on only one type of system is like they guy from Green Acres only climbing a telephone pole to answer/make a local only call!
Back-up is the insurance of any
system; redundancy is key. em admits to errors as common..!
Just a thought.
#StarStink is not close to being the solution.
Verizon won, period! stop this BS, Well let's get Elon some of the business for Alaska and we need more money.
“Move fast, break things” is not good governance.
He will find half his staff fired tomorrow....
Is it just me?
starlink has extra inventory
Musk is a total bullshitter who wants more government contracts.
Or someone otherwise needs to report for MAGA reconditioning and sit next to Kilmeade during the sessions
Verizon has satellites that cover rural areas and offers fiber optic.
Duffy just straight up lies to cover up Musk's illegal self-dealing. Duffy's criminal behavior illegally hiring Space x employees.
I filed a report with the IG.... have a blast Duffy.
He has an enormous surveillance system already in place (every #swasticar camera). He controls a huge amount of information (X).
Now he wants the comm link as well.
Duffy must have missed everything Trump said since then.