GOP Rep. Don Bacon: "We were the leader of the free world, but it appears to many leaders and people all over, to include Republicans in Nebraska, that this administration is walking away from that legacy."
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Yes! Bacon enthusiastically endorsed Trump three times. Past behavior is most often a predictor of future behavior. He knew 8 years ago. He knows now. He chose to be silently complicit.
The media really promotes this amnesia, they obviously never link back even to the most recent relevant history & reports are so shallow and full of gaps
Hey, Don, do you know anyone we can appeal to who might have some power to prevent/slow down this freefall into fascism? Maybe someone in Congress or something, IDK.
Clutching silk ties hasn’t the same dramatic effect as clutching of pearls has. Does he know he is in the party of alpha males? No apologies. No remorse. Only fealty to King Donald the Felon is acceptable.
Congratulations to Rep Bacon for waking from a coma on this day March 10th, 2025 and discovering Trump is a Russian asset!
Just wait until he finds out who our FBI director and DNI is, the look on his face will be priceless!
It makes sense if you make the end game The Rule of Three Emperors. Xi, Putin, and Trump each get a continent to rule. The rest are just shithole countries to be ravaged for their resources.
Support the people that are starting to speak out! It encourages others to join them. The more they are the more they’ll be willing to do something about it
I understand but if you want more ppl to stand up you have to reward the behaviour
I don’t suggest voting him in the midterms but during their tenure good behaviour needs to be positively reinforced
Why, because now there’s not ONE, but TWO seriously sick, egregious, selfish, self centered, ignorantly stupid, narcissistic billionaire fukkrrs in the White House.
it's your party man. don't just vote along party lines every time, like in the vote for the upcoming CR bill. Better yet, hold out for Ukraine aid resumption and intel sharing before casting your votes to allow this entire shitshow to continue.
Finally! Now can more GOP party members stand up against this?!?! Give this man some credit, this is ballsy. He’s gonna reap some wrath for this from the likes of MTG and Boebert. Make sure his voice is amplified and not theirs
It makes complete sense when you move one big puzzle piece into place.
Then it all makes sense.
"It's the simplest reason that satisfies all of the open-ended questions, so it's the reason. I bet my reputation on it." -- Mrs. Parsimony, Principle, Pine Bluff Middle School
I know it's uncomfortable for a lot of folks to hear, but we are way past comfort zones. Every single Dem Senator voted for Marco Rubio for Sec of State. Every. Single. One. We can't hide under a blue veil of denial that Dems are not profoundly part of the problem. Historically & real time.
Trump wants Ukrainians to die. He’s quite literally a Nazi who is targeting brown and trans people. He is also now secretly using ICE to deport American Citizens to El Salvador and is pulling their passports so they can’t come back. He’s never going to leave office so now. We lost our Country.
You are right: we don’t see this probably because your big media is already owned by oligarchs. Then again: your actions seem to be to little to late, as your felon king and his thugs keep on going and it is getting worse every day.
Exactly right. The GOP keep having these “revelations” and “concerns” about Trump, but until they vote against him, and vote to hold him accountable its only a posture, a fig leaf they’re using to provide the pretext of opposition if shit goes south (well…more south than they ARE)
The GOP Senators and members of the House are so afraid of what will happen to them, personally, (primaried, or worse) if they vote against any Trump or the MAGAs do or want.
So is he going to flip and caucus with the Democrats?
Or is he just a useful idiot who will take some of the pressure off of Trump by taking up time criticizing him, and not doing anything with the power he has?
If only you had the power to I don't know, vote to make sure Ukraine is funded, and impeach administration officials that are working with Putin. if only
Pressure everyone in Congress, but focus especially on swing district Republicans like Bacon because if even just a few of them exert leverage on their caucus we can put an end to this nightmare.
A) declare yourself an independent
B) caucus with the Democrats
C) Bring two of your Republican colleagues along
D) vote for a new House Speaker
E) Impeach Trump for treason
Anyone remember the Johnny Horton song, The Sinking of the Bismarck?
The line in it that says 'we gotta sink the Bismarck, the world depends on us'.
This administration has thrown all of our allies respect to the bottom of the sea.😠
With all due respect, Rep Bacon, if any of this surprises/dismays/puzzles you, it is obvious you have ignore the giant warning signs. You supported Trump over and over-what did you expect?
It's not just favoritism, it's alignment with Russia/Putin. It's bending the knee to Putin so he can destroy Ukraine and conquer Europe. All thanks to Trump and the Republican party.
Congress needs to impeach him and throw him out of office before it's too late.
Wow. A Republican who finally has no more fucks to give?
He looks and sounds like a guy whose ass has been chewed out 24/7 for weeks, by lots and lots of people who he’s probably known most of his life.
Where are the follow-up questions? How can this reporter not ask why he is still supporting the GOP dismantling of our government and national security? The press is the problem.
You're SO close Congressman Bacon. It's RIGHT there. Grab it! It will probably be a net positive for you politically, not that it matters in the scheme of things.
Thanks to Don Bacon for displaying courage standing up to Trump as he takes Russia’s side. Russia is not our friend. Thanks for publicly saying that Rep Bacon when all our other Nebraska reps kiss up to Trump and Putin.
Maybe that support will help him round up other likewise thinking GOP that don't have the guts to make the break. Now we have to see if this is all just talk.
Good question and depressing thought. I was hoping this interview showed a glimmer of hope that a handful of elected Republicans were starting to come to their senses.
Here’s a thought. Maybe if they stood up for their constituents, the Constitution, and the rule of law maybe they could easily survive a primary opponent. 🤔
Ontario just slapped a 25% surcharge on energy exports to the US. Like everything else Trump and Musk say or do, MAGA is a lie & a grift to Make Billionaires Great Again.
China absolutely approves this approach. The us is now in full retreat from the world stage with no capability to exercise soft power in places all over the world, especially Africa. This will cost us dearly. 🤮
Well Mr Bacon, that is the GOPs fault. The group of ragtag criminals liars and losers that you belong to have been trashing this country for decades. Maybe you should do something about it. How much did you guys make on the briberies?
If only there was a group of people inside the federal government that would resist/debate policy they disagreed with. I wonder what we would call this separate branch?
GOP lawmakers are starting to grasp the gravity of what Project 2025 and Trump are trying to do. Simply put, they want to destroy democracy in America and install a Fascist/Oligarchy as the ruling government.
It may be stupid, but he means it. Trump doesn't want Canada, but his boss Putin wants free passage through the Canadian Arctic waters.
We have no need for Greenland, but it has bases that, if they remain in NATO control, could be used to stage missions for opposing Russia's march across Europe.
18 U.S. Code 2381 is the law that defines treason in the United States. It states that anyone who betrays the United States by levying war against it or giving aid to its enemies is guilty of treason.
Risk, risk, and more risk dealing with Kremlin directly ?
The only way Don Bacon can fight back against what is essentially a Putin take-over of American leadership is to switch from R to D. We only need 2 or 3 R's to switch to D in the House and then there is some hope of stopping Putin's attempts to destroy America, NATO, Europe, and Ukraine
While I agree with you I do appreciate him at least speaking up (unlike the rest of the repubs). I've been calling repubs from the joint ECONOMIC committee to ask them to please stand up to DJT and his policies that are tanking the ECONOMY. It's their job to advise on, checks notes, the ECONOMY!
Under Trump, talk is not so cheap. It can come with a steep political cost. This Rep. understands foreign relations far better than our fearless “leader” and this is not the first time he has spoken out.
As one of his constituents, I can tell you he does this often but ultimately falls in line. It is nice that he'll say it on TV but his actions rarely match his words.
He's an opportunist who also was "critical" of Trump everywhere except his voting record and then bent over backwards supporting his campaign. The only reason he is still in power is because of repeated gerrymandering. Everyone hates this loser except rubes.
Spoiler alert. We are not the leader of the free world anymore. Also, we are headed for a real recession...not the imaginary kind half of the country thought we were in on election day.
Definitely true but I am hoping his courage in speaking out for Ukraine leads to others following. Unfortunately not likely for other four Nebraska reps.
Yeah…and I hope Leprechauns leave a pot of gold on my doorstep. I have ZERO faith that these cowards will do anything that helps the American people. They’ll prop up the most evil man in decades so they can keep getting elected. We need to show them ALL the door at the first opportunity!
He can keep yapping on cnn and it’s 125,000 viewers all he wants. His voting record is abhorrent. Watch what they do, not what they say…
Who knows
But when any of them are willing to stand up and speak against trumputin have their back. If he becomes an ass kisser again call him a traitor. But when they do something good, let them know we
hear them and we applaud.
They believe Dems are doing everything Trump does multiplied by 666. They tell themselves, Trump tells them, social media & MSM tells them, and they all repeat & reinforce each other.
Right wing values are an ouroboros of birds vomiting into each other's mouths.
🤣🤣walking away?! Try blow-torching it. Hire a Russian president, expect anti-American results, rinse and fucking repeat because Americans are stupid af.
I disagree. He and his cronies enabled trump to attain all this power. They are all complicit in the atrocities happening all around us. Are they ignorant? Or simply greedy and practically illiterate?
There's not much evidence any of them are reading!
Rep. Bacon will be getting a call later threatening him or his family from Mango Felon or one of the goons working with him. If all of the GOP would simply say THIS STOPS NOW it would effectively do just that. Stop this nonsense. Grow a pair, Republicans! You are on the wrong side of history.
I will not feel like celebrating independence Day this year., Just like I didn’t feel like celebrating at the four years the Turd Reich was in the White House.
By July, I think the national mood will be closer to this than barbecues, sales, and watching explosions in the sky.
I’m sorry, you misunderstood me. I am all for this. I like the idea of using it as a teach in, which Jamie Raskin did for us during the first impeachment. Teach people what democracy actually is, why we do not have it, and what we can actually do about it. I think it’s a fantastic idea.
This is a start. If he keeps it up and actually starts to vote against Trump policies, I'll contribute to his campaign. If a few Republicans show some backbone and start to see their campaign funds benefit, maybe that will catch the attention of their colleagues.
This is infuriating. Stand up & do something or slink away with your tail between your legs, Congressman. We are goddamn tired of concern trolling. Concern trolling doesn’t save Ukrainian lives or provide our allies with support.
Then do something about it, speak out vote against FOTUS, Impeach. Wake up folks, he is a Russian asset, GOP needs to take action accordingly or they are assets by association.
Wonder what all the hateful idiot MAGA voters in Nebraska will "think" of this. Whatever MAGA media tells them to think? If the Dems don't get rid of their poor leadership that sits on its lazy butts rather than speak up, things like this will never gain traction. Dem pols need to communicate.
So many focus on the tariffs and gov't layoffs as the source of recent economic signs going south, but there may be a serious failure of imagination at play here. Being the leader of the free world includes controlling a big economic bubble built atop the massive friendship empire.
Walking away? They are selling access. The Orange 🤡and his trumpanzees are not interested in the peace and goodwill they piss away. Listen carefully! REPUBLICANS DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU OR YOUR FAMILY! Stop voting for Republicans. Every single elected Republican is in violation of his oath of office!
45 admitted AGAIN they rigged the election on Fox.He's so happy he gets 2 B President during world cup & Olympics.F**k every single 1 of our "alleged" pro democracy podcasters & journalists if U all ignore this.U will all B in the history books being just as complicit & dirty as the rest if U ignore
Well then Rep. Don Bacon, stop supporting right now. We are no longer the leader of the free world thanks to the Russian oligarch you’ve been supporting.
Walking away??? They kicked their neighbors in the nuts and RAN AWAY when they punched back! We are no longer the leaders of the free world. Period! Quit pretending.
Probably. It is nice/helpful/something to hear him say he doesn’t understand it. I’ve been looking at these folks and feeling very frustrated bc I absolutely do not get where they are coming from—except they don’t care & just want more money. Absurd and yet here we are.
Finally. A small crack in the wall. Even this tiny step criticizing POTUS's policies in public must have been difficult for him, knowing how Tfg & Musk react to critics. I hope he gets encouragement to keep going & bring some of his friends along.
When Trump spokesman B.S. Malarkey was asked if the Trump Administration was replacing 230 years of democracy for a close relationship with Russia, Malarkey said, "Nyet."
No shit, Don.
I can't believe he still thinks he's part of the Republican party.
At this point he needs to change to an Independent.
Not that he is an Independent, but compared to MAGA, he's moderate.
I never thought Don was stupid, but... yeah, maybe.
Well get your colleagues together in DC as it is time for impeachment proceedings with all this illegal shit Dictator FOTUS and President Musk are doing to our country! 🚨🚨 5 alarm fire !
He occasionally voted with the Dems on Intrastructure bill, voted against making Jim Jordan speaker and couple other important votes but he also failed to join Repubs Cheney, Kinzinger, Rice, Meijer, Upton, Katko, etc when they had the Trump impeachment vote.
Well as expected Bacon caved today and refused to vote against the Houses horrible Continuing Resolution spending bill. Courage is fleeting with all Republicans including Bacon. Guess he’s ok with Social Security/Medicare getting cut too?
Don hails from a district (Omaha, NE area) that stands to get really hurt by Trumps boneheaded antics so no surprise Rep Bacon is critical of Trump administrations pro-Russia actions. Don might be the most (possibly only) pro-democracy GOP rep in Congress, although the bar is pretty low.
You can shelve that phrase, 'Leader of the Free World'. It's no longer true.
You can also mothball the sentiment, 'Land of the Free and Home of the Brave'. America is totally under Russian control and its citizens seem genuinely afraid.
It's sad to say, but a statement like this from a GOP rep is a big deal right now. It's the most hopeful thing I've heard in days. Maybe a few of them have finally had enough of this insanity. Maybe? Please?
They are flooding the phone lines, but tribalism, enforced by right-wing propaganda and gerrymandering, has taught the GOP they don’t have to give a shit about their constituents — they’ll still get re-elected.
There's a lot of belly aching in this thread about this guy & how may/may not vote.
💥Do something💥
Call him at 202-225-4155 and leave him a message telling him you support him speaking out & expect him to back it up with votes & you'll support him if he's primaried (ok that last bit was a lie).
Russia, Russia, Russia...
With the 2nd coming of King Donald, all roads in the US federal government, once again lead directly toward supporting Vladimir Putin's agenda.
Almost seems like some Republicans are close to getting it. MAGA is going to have to ramp up their threats to hurt this guy's family or he'll start dealing in reality.
Honestly, right now the USA is closer to being viewed as a member of the Axis of Evil than the leader of the free world. When you willingly do the bidding of someone like Vladimir Putin, you're a malignancy.
Rickets sent an email reply that he believes Putin is a dictator. More talk. The doing is anathema to them. Ol’ Deb just ignores constituents. Word around these parts, where’s Deb?
Hey, Don Bacon. You look like crap! Maybe it's the stress from licking Daddy Trump's boots? Maybe it's realizing you've screwed over all the Nebraska farmers with your conservative stupidity? As was said, you could always change course. Or you could just wimp out and kinda complain a little bit. 🤡
Talk is cheap…do something that’s why you were elected! Standing behind the batter calling balls & strikes is not what your constituents need, regardless of how stupid the must have been to buy into this MEGA dumpster fire.
Surely this is NOT the first time something they did doesn't make sense to him.
Just wait until he finds out who our FBI director and DNI is, the look on his face will be priceless!
I don’t suggest voting him in the midterms but during their tenure good behaviour needs to be positively reinforced
I hope to see these words extend beyond the camera & to casting votes in opposition.
I bet they are upset that some military bases are going to fire civilian workers & ammunition factories are losing workers.
Trump is an enemy to all Americans
this was all there to be seen, yet they voted for him, so are they just sorry now?
Then it all makes sense.
"It's the simplest reason that satisfies all of the open-ended questions, so it's the reason. I bet my reputation on it." -- Mrs. Parsimony, Principle, Pine Bluff Middle School
Big news if true.
Too bad its to little to late for us and every single American is complacently taking it.
Or is he just a useful idiot who will take some of the pressure off of Trump by taking up time criticizing him, and not doing anything with the power he has?
Two Options:
1) You are playing stupid.
2) You are stupid.
Neither is a good look, Bacon.
Republicans are all acting the same way - LIKE IDIOTS.
B) caucus with the Democrats
C) Bring two of your Republican colleagues along
D) vote for a new House Speaker
E) Impeach Trump for treason
Trump is Putin's pet and Musk is his political officer
Trump thinks he can be just like Putin in the US. Set up his oligarchy, be pres for life, annex his neighboring nation states.
Trump thinks he is a god king.
Maybe both.
The line in it that says 'we gotta sink the Bismarck, the world depends on us'.
This administration has thrown all of our allies respect to the bottom of the sea.😠
Trump is Putin’s Puppet.
Congress needs to impeach him and throw him out of office before it's too late.
He looks and sounds like a guy whose ass has been chewed out 24/7 for weeks, by lots and lots of people who he’s probably known most of his life.
i didn't hear if he got in his words of praise for der fuhrer prior to making these points.
I guess I'll take it. A republican telling the truth. wow
Trump set up 8 companies in Saudi Arabia during the election
But they always end up bending the knee.
You voted for this! You supported this! 70% of Nebraska wanted this!
Why are you crying? You should be celebrating. The libs have been owned!!
America is now a 3rd world country.
Yes you read that right....ruling governement.
Bury your reps and do it today!!!
We need Republicans to "man" up.
We have no need for Greenland, but it has bases that, if they remain in NATO control, could be used to stage missions for opposing Russia's march across Europe.
Risk, risk, and more risk dealing with Kremlin directly ?
Few Weeks late….
All Republicans are complicit, so are many of the voters who haven't FO-ed after FA-ing.
But myriads of people - like veterans, farmers, and investors - are FOing like mad right now, and *not all* were Trump Voters.
Same old republican playbook.
So, probably not happening.
See: Ben Sasse.
But when any of them are willing to stand up and speak against trumputin have their back. If he becomes an ass kisser again call him a traitor. But when they do something good, let them know we
hear them and we applaud.
Right wing values are an ouroboros of birds vomiting into each other's mouths.
There's not much evidence any of them are reading!
July 4, 2025
By July, I think the national mood will be closer to this than barbecues, sales, and watching explosions in the sky.
Trump ceded the leadership of the free world to Europe in his first term, so this should be a surprise to no one.
Nothing less is acceptable.
Bacon decides to Sizzle
What the flip is happening here.
Now trump wants us to have the “russian” way of life because traitor
Here are names/bios of Trump toadies convicted in investigation of Russian meddling in 2016 Election.
Paul Manafort
Rick Gates
Roger Stone
I can't believe he still thinks he's part of the Republican party.
At this point he needs to change to an Independent.
Not that he is an Independent, but compared to MAGA, he's moderate.
I never thought Don was stupid, but... yeah, maybe.
Well get your colleagues together in DC as it is time for impeachment proceedings with all this illegal shit Dictator FOTUS and President Musk are doing to our country! 🚨🚨 5 alarm fire !
[bacon wont impeach trump]
[bacon supports biden impeachment]
A Republican making some sense.
We told ya so .............................
You can also mothball the sentiment, 'Land of the Free and Home of the Brave'. America is totally under Russian control and its citizens seem genuinely afraid.
They have destroyed it.
But it will never happen because GOPers like Don will talk the talk but won't walk the walk because its very hard to walk without a spine
💥Do something💥
Call him at 202-225-4155 and leave him a message telling him you support him speaking out & expect him to back it up with votes & you'll support him if he's primaried (ok that last bit was a lie).
#FakeBacon will just ROLL OVER
With the 2nd coming of King Donald, all roads in the US federal government, once again lead directly toward supporting Vladimir Putin's agenda.
Happy to have someone else recognize it!
They want America to be a white Christian agrarian ethnostate
Leave the world power to Russia and China
FAFO Bacon butt boy
Call everyday at #5Calls
#VoteVets #StopProject2025
#StandUpForScience #DontDefundPublcSxhools
Run! Donate! Write! Show up!Support those running against GOP’s billionaire$
#PennilessPolitics -
#generalstrikeus -