Tuberville abused his power and protested for weeks in 2024 by blocking military promotions, and as a result directly affecting combat readiness. Send him to jail.
You mean the ones that broke into a federal building to hang a VP and stop certification of an election? Yeah, those did commit trespass and damage property, so they should’ve stayed in jail.
Joe Rogan, the "bastion of free speach," is likely too much of a pussy to stand up like a real man and call out this administration for how far they've flown off the rails. Or, maybe Joe is "demented, mentally disturbed, on meds."
Cool 😎
January 6th ring a bell, you fucking wankspangle...
What happened with them shitbags?? Oh, right; tiny dick pardoned them all!!
You're a cunt, Tugginhard....!!
Russian asset Tommy Tumorville needs to go through some things. He’s hiding something.
Time to out all these Russian owned traitors to America.
These Russian owned cowardly Republicans are a cancer to society. Please feel free to call Tuck-em Tommy whatever name you’d like. I would never call him Senator.
SEND THEM TO JAIL?! 🚨 Tommy Tuberville wants to JAIL peaceful protesters?! 😳 This is authoritarian rhetoric! Who decides what counts as “protest”? Republicans are attacking free speech DIRECTLY. THIS is the real threat to democracy! 🚨
So a sitting Senator doesn't understand Protesting is a RIGHT enshrined in the First Amendment. Breaking into a protected area/building is not a protest!
its the late to metting and rebellion again,if protesting by setting an senator on fire and by just standing around with signs results in the same punishiment, there is much less reason to not do the former instead of the later
Because Auburn University football is a religion to many people in Alabama and he done coached them boys to a perfect 14-0 record one time, so he’s basically a modern day messiah.
A big part of it was absolute rage that a centrist Democrat, Doug Jones, got elected (barely beating Roy Moore, who sexually abused minors). There's a huge sense of entitlement among Alabama Republicans, fueled by decades of political dominance at every level of government.
So if I understand this 2A malarkey, if people fear for their freedom, liberty and welfare when they see Tuberville, they are allowed to shoot him in the face, right?
So stop the hate speech coming from the White House. You guys are supposed to be setting the example.You are giving permission for the unjust treatment of people who are trying to speak up for their people. Hamas is a fringe. Palestinians are the people trying to keep their homeland.
this is what happens when you elect ignorant, inbred cornpones to the senate. jfc alabama, you could've had the utterly brilliant again.
We are in a Cold Civil War…. the same one that was never actually finished because we let the Confederate Elites and Plantation Class LIVE instead of wiping them out…. The GOP is just the Confederacy and see us as mortal enemies to dominate or destroy.
He does NOT!! We had the best with Senator Doug Jones. And then the usual magats responded. And even they do not seem to be defending him very loudly. There are lovely blue dots 🔵 here in Alabama. Just not enough yet.
He does not speak for all of Alabama. Absolutely not. A lot of my Republican neighbors think he’s an idiot, but so far no Republican is making noises about challenging him in 26. He is mulling a run for governor. Not sure which I would prefer
Hopefully enough Alabamans would consider a governorship beyond his capabilities. I know football’s a big deal down there, so name recognition with winning is important, like Trump and The Apprentice created a successful businessman. The facades are slowly deteriorating …just not fast enough.
He is such a dumb ass. I know that’s not the prettiest of words, but he is so fucking stupid. If we make it through this his butt should be put in prison with his R/Fascist colleagues!!
Tommy Tuberville: "When it comes to protesters, we gotta make sure we treat all of them the same: send them to jail." ----- Just like they do in Russia, China, and Iran; right Tommy?
Violating the Constitution is the point. They fully intend to disappear political opponents in flagrant violation of the law. They’ve already done exactly that.
The Constitution is a piece of paper. If we want the right to protest, we have to claim it in the streets.
The protestors in Carolina didn't get sent to jail for chanting "Jews will not replace us".
The armed protesters storming the Michigan state House to stop COVID restrictions didn't get arrested.
He says exactly the opposite of what Elon and Mark said when opening up their platforms to the right extremism.
So it's ok if it’s right wing, not ok when it’s ppl that study or have studied and they are worried about democracy.
I see an agenda here...🤔
Good grief, Coach Tommy, go back to football. You are even dumber than all the Republicans combined. You have NO FUCKING IDEA what the Constitution says, you know, the thing you made an oath to uphold. 😡
"We can't keep people from saying what they think. The only thing the 1st Amend stands for is you cannot cross the line in terms of affecting other people's lives. There is all kinds of hate speech out there. If we're going to start curbing that, then you're going to take away rights of people."
Lest we forget that Trump pardoned all the “protestors” from January 6. So I guess this means that we need to break into buildings and beat up cops when protesting to avoid punishment from Republicans, right?
Tuberville should self-deport to Guyana for the losses to UConn & Vanderbilt (no offense to them, but come on). Ask him about his shady ass foundation too
Nope I was saying that I if you are a tax payer supported Senator you should be learned enough about the Constitution you took an oath to defend. Tommy is a bona fide idiot that was put into office by billionaires afraid of tax paying citizens.
I grew up in West Virginia in the 1980s/1990s…. Our school system was so poor that every year in grade school, the teachers solicited donations of everything from kleenex to chalk; even so, we still had Civics in 8th grade, and learnt about the Battle of Blair Mountain.
I'd agree with a civic understanding test in theory, but you are right. You've gotta assume that anything that gives them power to fuck over minorities, regardless of intent, that it will be used to do so.
Except nobody suggested (voter test) what you are blathering on about, so you are angry at something that hasn’t happened, wasn’t suggested, and is regarded as wrong by us all.
No, the voters do not need to take tests but the folks running for office should. If they are taking the oath to protect the constitution they should be able to pass a basic test about knowledge of the thin documen.
I hear you. But you automatically assumed I was coming from a racist pov and that was never my intent. I just expect that people elected to do a job have the knowledge necessary to honor the oath to uphold the Constitution. We have enough Boberts, Greenes,etc. Hell I'm in MO and have Hawley/Schmitt
Yeah, that's fair. I was a little angry that we seem to have collectively forgotten so many of the rights we fought for half a century ago. I've seen too many people purportedly 'liberal' on this website advocating for fascist policy just because they want to 'get the other team'. It's disheartening
I think they’re saying there should be some sort of test to ensure candidates have a basic understanding of the constitution they’ve sworn an oath to uphold and are not, you know, literal fascists.
FUCK. THAT. GUY. Asshat doesn't even live in Alabama, yet somehow there carpetbagging motherfuckers are never prevented from holding seats in a state where they don't live. WTF?!
Dumbshit, that's unconstitutional. The First Amendment guarantees our right to free speech and to protest. How about we send all the criminals (including your orange ruler and his sycophants) to jail, where they belong? They're felons--that's what jail is for, not for peaceful protestors.
I am concerned with more protests being conducted as nicer weather comes, because this will give President Musk an opportunity to call for "martial law" and lock in his BFF's 3rd term. Especially if they hire "plants" who create riots and damage property during the protest.
Seriously have these motherfuckers read the First amendment. Have they actually understood what the First amendment says? Literally they are so fucking stupid. So ignorant they don't care about the Constitution at all.
This is the senator who believed WWII was a fight against socialism & that the three branches of government were the house, senate and the president. Humiliating and gross mistakes, and he still hasn’t picked up a Constitution.
And, how did he view January 6th and the recent acquittals?
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
Lord, he can't even get his set his mouth straight to say the word, focking hillbilly.
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
January 6th ring a bell, you fucking wankspangle...
What happened with them shitbags?? Oh, right; tiny dick pardoned them all!!
You're a cunt, Tugginhard....!!
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
Time to out all these Russian owned traitors to America.
Not only can he not spell it, he can't even say it.
But he sure as siht know what it is.
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
The new Republican way.
freedom of speech
the right to assemble peacefully
Case law protects controversial speech related to public issues if it
is in a public space
does not incite violence
Is not a direct threat to public safety
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
It’s time to start seeing them the same way.
The Constitution is a piece of paper. If we want the right to protest, we have to claim it in the streets.
Frankly, if you have more than one home, you should not be able to run for office. That alone would weed out a LOT of "bad actors" in Congress.
How have you been?
The protestors in Carolina didn't get sent to jail for chanting "Jews will not replace us".
The armed protesters storming the Michigan state House to stop COVID restrictions didn't get arrested.
Seems like the Right just want to stop protests.
I Think They Confused Charlottesville VA With Charlotte NC
Charlottesville, of course.
When they announce all future elections are cancelled.
So it's ok if it’s right wing, not ok when it’s ppl that study or have studied and they are worried about democracy.
I see an agenda here...🤔
Tommy Tuberville is a bit character from Mississippi Burning
A government shutdown is not the fault of weakling Dems who still love the Constitution, it belongs only to the Nazis, fascists, nuts & boobs of MAGA.
Join a protest, right here, right now. (Copy this & repost under your name.)
It is a Constitutional Right !
What the actual fuck. The mental gymnastics these assholes have to do every waking minute of every day is astonishing.
Thank you Alabama.
Or is that what you're going for here?
I swear we just completely stopped teaching history in this country. I'm sorry you were failed by your teachers.
It sounds like a good idea until you remember racism didn't end in 1965
The problem comes in making those tests a requirement, and having those tests be created/administered/graded by the government.
Trump is currently in power, would you take his gov's word on who passed/failed such a test?
Tommy… I’m adding your name to my list of people who were born with dog balls in their throat.
And, how did he view January 6th and the recent acquittals?