You can bet there will be no shortage of any alcoholic beverages at Mar a Largorts.. it will flow and he wont give a damm about KY .. remember Mitch? Lol! 😆
Stop. We all know why. He’s been a Russian asset for years. He’s carrying out Putin’s playbook for America and the world. Create chaos and destroy from within. He’s done a great job.
There is no champagne business in this country. That comes from a specific region in France, similar to how bourbon only comes from a specific area here.
The only wines that are legally allowed to be named “Champagne” must be bottled within 100 miles of the Champagne region in France. So no Champagne made in USA.
I missed this.
And it’s serious.
Americans are use to trump bluster.
The rest of the world is taking him seriously.
They think he’ll go after Canada.
It’s such a shit show.
We might not have the biggest balls but we have friends that have huge ones and, those friends don't have a self-inflated importance syndrom like you know who.
The EU tariffs aren't even applied in full and he's already screeching at the top of his lungs? 🍿
Will be interesting to see his reaction once they *really* start to twist the thumbscrews.
I didn't think he could possibly get dumber, but I was wrong. Diaper Donnie is, and has always been a long time admirer of Putin. So whatever Putin wants he just tells Diaper Donnie, and it gets done.
Felon 47 (POTUS) can't understand the effort it took for American businesses getting into markets beyond our borders: historically known as trade🦅Bullying and huckstering aren't in our entrepreneurial business interest of USA🇺🇸Bad salesmanship sir🦅
Well no more Dom Perignon and Courvoisier. I‘m not worried about Whiskey here. The scottish and the japanese make really good ones. We‘re good here in Europe.
Champagne doesn't exist in the US - it is strictly a French product.
Now on to the real issue - everyone just needs to hold strong and evaluate new and existing trading partners. He's going to make it painful for the economy, no matter what, so may as well be on our terms (Canadians and Europeans).
Mr Trump is about to find out that unlike the Divided States of America the EU, and Canada, is represented by professional, well educated, articulate strong people who will not cower down to the erratic threats of a bully.
They can be quite “nasty” too when it’s necessary.
$47 was in major debt and Russia bailed him out, has been paying the bills ever since. Putin can expose and bankrupt #47, and there is nothing he wouldn't do to avoid hat.
He adores Putin. With drumpf everything is exaggerated. So with his adoration of Putin. So with his vengeance. Nobody has hurt the man. His imagination.
Rumor has it that the EU is getting close to being fed up enough with him that they will release their spy info about him. This includes being a Russian asset, mafia ties, and proof of sexual assaults and pedophilia among other things. Let him keep pushing them.
Where’s the pee tape that there was so much speculation about a few years ago? I’m guessing vlad has it… and it’s him pissing on trump while a very young girl (or Melania or Ivanka) hold the hose (so to speak)
At this point they could release a video of him screwing a sheep while clowns smear their own shit on him and his followers would just start wearing brown-face.
It makes them look horrible, especially the Russia ties. But they’ll just deny deny deny and their brainwashed cult will buy it because they’re too far gone.
What is our fat fuck president going to do to Russia now that they refused the ceasefire offer from Ukraine. I will end that war on day one of my presidency fuck Donald Trump.
Um, no. The world does not revolve around this idiot narcissist. He’d like it to, but is being shown everyday how small he is. Who is he not picking fights with? Russia.
American made Maker's Mark, Rittenhouse, Old Forester, and George Dickel are notable exceptions to this “rule”. No "E" allowed... Note: Maker's Mark founder William Samuels wanted to pay homage to, and capitalize on, the Scottish heritage of whiskies hence dropping the "E" in whiskey.
if you're very dedicated to making the mnemonic work, you can probably say "America and Ireland" vs "World." ( and also ignore the existence of Maker's Mark...
its more shorthand that mostly works. You have outliers like Maker's Mark that is in the US and still markets as "whisky". But then you get into the whole "which rule takes precedent". Is MM whiskey too? Is JD bourbon *and* Tennessee whiskey? both sides still take heavy causalities to this day.
yeah it's just a mnemonic... Trump "doesn't drink" (i don't believe this, it would be the only thing he doesn't lie about) and doesn't know about the world of wine, beer and spirits.
Yes, France too makes whisky. But indeed, I had come to make the point that Whisky was Scottish rather than from the US, but you beat me to it and were more precise.
Haven't you ever seen that Looney Tunes with the little dog constantly trying to win the approval of the big dog Spike. Putin is Spike, Trump is the little dog and of course everyone else is the cat.
He never gets "tough" on Russia or China, he chooses to bully our closest allies. He's like a school yard bully who can only pick on weaker kids. What a weak man he is.
"Oh, actually all champagne is French; it's named after the region. Otherwise it's sparkling white wine. Americans of course don't recognize the convention, so it becomes that thing of calling all of their sparkling white 'champagne', even though by definition they're not."
Why o’ why would EU want to boycott KY Bourbon/Whiskey? Btw, this WAS one of my faves until they served this piss in a bottle. Never KY again. Buying Canadian whiskey instead.🇨🇦
It becomes clearer,every day the “association” between Putin & Trump.It seems to be a driving force behind Trump’s efforts to destroy our world standing,democracy and everything he can.Wonder what his probable boss “has” on him & just how much $ the biggest prostitute in the world is being paid?
Time to impeach Trumpy Dumpy, his stupidity needs to end now, trump knows nothing about running any country! He has put he’s businesses threw bankruptcy 6 times, how much does it take to show you the man is a idiot! Doesn’t know how to run his businesses or specify a company! Wake-up Americans
Oh we’re awake. Most of us. But all our avenues of recourse are being systematically ignored or destroyed and the representatives we chose are going right along with him.
People will have to have to drink a lot of that American whiskey that used to be sold in Canada and the EU, is there room for American wines and “champagne” as well??
Everyone is making fun of Trump ( even me! ) in this thread, but EU beverage export to US was 13 Billion . It’s not insignificant. To replace US market will be a big problem for EU companies.
And please, yes Canada can take up slack by replacing US with EU, but its a smaller market than US.
Grandpa is grumpy this morning! Maybe it's about time for his nanny Pam Bondi to come in and give him his daily enema, force feed him a glass of prune juice and put him back to bed with his Putin Penis Pacifier for a little nappie!
"America First" has always been pretty much "Vladimir Putin First" under King Donald. Whether this is because Trump so desperately wants to emulate Putin or something far more nefarious remains the question?
At this stage it's going to either be selling sensitive state secrets to Russia, or raping children. Something that means his immediate arrest. I can't see anything less appalling bringing him down.
I don't think so. I don't think it kompromat.
I think Trump genuinely admires Putin, likes the way he does things, and would like to have that kind of power for himself.
After all, Trump is also threatening to annex his neighbours!
Start w/ morally corrupt
Malignant Narcissist
Pathological Liar
History of financial corruption/failings
Seal the gotcha/own you deal with video of
Golden shower
Add prostitutes
Tiny 🍄🟫
Do as I say with
Promises of power, money & real estate
Or financial ruin & public humiliation
Trump does Putin's bidding because Putin has kept Trump out of jail/set him up to be a pretend king - with Elon Musk's help, plus the help of complicit corporate mainstream media.
Useful idiot Trump willingly WORKS for Putin! And he's gotten well-paid for it.
I hope that after Trump dies, Putin finally releases everything he has on him. We deserve to know all the secrets that caused the devastation to our country.
It'll be released, but not because we deserve it. It'll be the twist of the knife, inviting the world for one last laugh at how stupid he's made America.
While the Great Depression had multiple causes, including the stock market crash and bank failures, the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, which increased tariffs on imported goods is widely considered to have worsened the economic crisis by triggering retaliatory tariffs and sharply reducing global trade.
Before you know it, Europe will begin emptying shelves and boycotting everything US. This bloated YAM needs to STFU 🤬. Not only he is messing with our lives, he is shutting down small businesses, laying off more workers.
Europe was founded as a trade union, for the purpose of trade not being disrupted by whims of the moment nor war (trade and regular), ensuring stability over time.
It then evolved into a cultural union where all matters of member state issues can be solved politically.
Scotland, as part of the UK, is not in the EU.
Trump is one thick MF.
It is US Fizzy Wine.
Surprise he's the victim here. Everything is someone else's fault.
Never believe T's stated reasons. His post specifically called out France. This is why. NATO getting ready to defend Canada.
But this is all about his own wine business.
And it’s serious.
Americans are use to trump bluster.
The rest of the world is taking him seriously.
They think he’ll go after Canada.
It’s such a shit show.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Fool me twice, shame on me.
But the voters apparently are too stupid and too unaware to feel shame themselves.
I hope I'm wrong but no one will give him a Louis XVI haircut.
Will be interesting to see his reaction once they *really* start to twist the thumbscrews.
❤️, Europe
He doesn’t know we know he’s Putins bitch either!
What a fukkin moron!
He STILL doesn't understand what tariffs ARE!
Incorrect spelling of Whisky. In effect, he is saying Europe has put a tariff on its own product.
Anyone would think he doesn't know the difference.
Europe leaves such opaque business tactics to the former Michigan Business Man of the Year.,mixing%20up%20whisky%20and%20whiskey.
$150 Ardbeg 10? YOU DONE FUCKED UP NOW
Now on to the real issue - everyone just needs to hold strong and evaluate new and existing trading partners. He's going to make it painful for the economy, no matter what, so may as well be on our terms (Canadians and Europeans).
They can be quite “nasty” too when it’s necessary.
Putin has stuff on him
That’s why.
Trump is making enemies of his allies AND forcing them to rearm
Yeah that makes sense - more countries with large militaries
It's going to be about sex and money.
No, wait, that’s Champlain.
Or is this poor knowledge a common American problem?
He doesn't know how VAT works and he knows fuck all about history.
But the Senate never ratified it.
(I only just learnt this)
But I suspect typically Trump has no respect for French protected ffoods drinks.
However he would expect France to respect American product names.
The real answer is probably that his ignorance is filled by the far right narative that surrounds him.
And please, yes Canada can take up slack by replacing US with EU, but its a smaller market than US.
Comrade Vladimir Trump Putins bitch
Wait, is it only when WE do tariffs that they're good?
That seems like they might not be good.
I think Trump genuinely admires Putin, likes the way he does things, and would like to have that kind of power for himself.
After all, Trump is also threatening to annex his neighbours!
Morris was a member of Donald Trump’s spiritual advisory committee and Evangelical Executive Advisory Board during his first presidential term and part of an effort to mobilize conservatives and evangelicals
Malignant Narcissist
Pathological Liar
History of financial corruption/failings
Seal the gotcha/own you deal with video of
Golden shower
Add prostitutes
Tiny 🍄🟫
Do as I say with
Promises of power, money & real estate
Or financial ruin & public humiliation
Useful idiot Trump willingly WORKS for Putin! And he's gotten well-paid for it.
he is such a moron. It’s not even funny.
So ban away little man...
Europe was founded as a trade union, for the purpose of trade not being disrupted by whims of the moment nor war (trade and regular), ensuring stability over time.
It then evolved into a cultural union where all matters of member state issues can be solved politically.