Exactly. It's bizarre watching this from Europe because Trump has ended the constitution, he's ignoring it and the courts, and US freedom is at an end . . . yet so many Americans pretending it's not happening and are still talking about laws that no longer have any meaning.
“If we used 500 soldiers, you would’ve had no problem” - so he admits that he pardoned the animals that Nancy Pelosi should have called soldiers to come and fight at the Capitol
The problem isn’t that he makes shit up, it’s that there are millions of Americans who believe every word he says. Your country is a fucking disaster and is getting what it deserves.
Given his reasons for seeking the Presidency, Trump believing a Presidential pardon can be overturned should be a huge, huge signal to anyone thinking he'll leave office at the end of his term ...
Says the criminal. Just cuz you want to ride a revenge train over everyone doesn’t actually give you the constitutional power to do so. Need media to stop giving platform for side quests, make him answer for the other bullshit first… Or wrap all his illegal things in one. Stop going easy on him
Dump is a pathological liar and full blown narcissist. No one should believe anything he says.. he’s a petty grievance baby and if his mouth is yapping.. he’s lying or speaking how great he is which is also a lie.
Under any dictatorship investigating the dictator is a crime, as is any form of disobedience towards the dictator. It was so under Stalin and Hitler after all, so he must be right. Fun fact: it isn't illegal to investigate a monarch so he's far more powerful than a king. Enjoy.
This is what happens when a convicted felon is allowed to regain power. We are all so fucked because no one had the balls to put this scumbag in prison where he should have been for the rest of his sorry life.
Now we know why Trump's hand is bruised. He signed all 1500 pardons by hand and tore the ancient tendons in his hand. Of course of course. Of course he did.
Maybe he could let his staff finish wiping his ass and pull up his pants before he leans out of the jumbo sized Trump Lav before taking questions from reporters?
Well... some tried that, which is how he was elected for a 2nd term. We should be giving him our undivided attention so he can't say we misunderstood him this time. Let him talk. The man will hang himself with his own tongue.
To very stupid people, he appears thoughtful and measured when he speaks, but he also talks almost exclusively about being wronged, which white people love
OK, class, now that we’ve learned the psychology term, “Projection,” it’s time to apply that knowledge to the real world. Let’s start with this statement from FDT…
He knows he fucked yep by blanket pardoning all the January 6ers, so he’s projecting his failure onto President Biden.
Trump is so weak. He’s the absolute opposite of a strong man. He’s SO weak and fearful that everyone will eventually see him for the nepo titty baby he is. 🤷♀️
Today's Donald moment....let's deflect everything done up until now. Maybe that is enough to make us forget last weeks autrocities and all those before. confidence man...grifter. How many illegal actions is this and when can he be impeached and imprisoned?
More focused on retribution than bringing down eggs prices and **cough cough** making America great again. Are you paying attention Trump voters/supporters?
I’m assuming this obviously then applies to the terrorists who invaded the Capitol on January 6th as well. Surely Trump did not hand sign all 1,500 pardons.
The press is asking him again something he knows nothing about or understands, but he believes because it suits his agenda causing another ruckus for PR purposes.
There has never been a bigger troll in the history of our nation. Cruelty and instilling fear in others is the point. He thrives on it. As much as I hate being subjective to this man's psychosis every damn day, I'm certain it would be much worse fate to BE him.
Just one reporter ask if he signed all 1500 orders for the January 6 pardons! Just one stand up to the bully felon with a big mouth! He’s such a jackass
The irony here is that the Supreme Court decision that gave Trump near-absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for anything he does while in office also said the presidential pardon power is absolute and untouchable. Sauce for the goose, dude.
Says the 34 count felon.
The J6 pardoner.
The adjudicated rapist.
The children’s charity fraudster.
When WE reject FEAR, we will reject dictatorship. 💀
If he's gonna use the bathroom, he needs to close the door and do his "Article 2" in private.
We all must have collectively pissed off the universe in a previous life to be saddled with the immense pile of shit that is Trump. 😒
Elon's got it.
Biden's pardons
Too stupid to
realize that
presidential pardons
all Trump pardons
as well.
Arrest him. Imprison him.
fuck you America
Trump is so weak. He’s the absolute opposite of a strong man. He’s SO weak and fearful that everyone will eventually see him for the nepo titty baby he is. 🤷♀️
#2 - I believe Biden was more aware than Trumpelthinskin ever
#3 - J6 Committee documents are preserved
Every time he opens his mouth the ignorance just falls out. Ugh!
There is no other consistency.
Remember that when (if?) a reasonable president tries to undo all of this damage.
🍊💩 trump deported a college professor and a DR. in his little round up
PS we are ALL next
Says the criminally insane.
Tate brothers ok
Rapist ok
Child molestors ok
Biden evil
Democrats evil
Every fking word is a confession