Pentagon spokesperson Sean Parnell says the government scrubbing a webpage about Jackie Robinson was "malicious compliance" and part of a broader effort to get rid of "divisive DEI content"
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They *do* mean Jackie Robinson. They just didn’t mean to get this much push back on their first round purge-picks. They’ll just save JR for later in the purge/draft.
"Malicious compliance"? What the hell does that mean? More importantly, who the hell decided that any mention of a nonwhite person is "divisive DEI content"?
They're doing a bang-up job demonstrating how crap AI is!
Wonderful - just like FElon's bullet-proof glass, his AI is BS, so once again sycophants lying trying to cover up losers wearing no clothes demanding everyone laud them
This where they’re giving up their power to technology. The ‘no oversight” this guy doesn’t deserve to be addressed as sir. He’s another tool in trumps tool box.
Don’t let them off the hook so easily. Colin Powell is not someone to be expunged from American history. Leonard Bernstein is not somebody to be expunged from American culture
Almost everything they do ends up bring reversed or is a “mistake.” Just leave it alone to start with. The doing and then undoing must be costing us, the taxpayers, a fortune. Not to mention the emotional distress of the workers being fired and rehired. Such gross incompetence.
"Malicious compliance" is a creative term, that's for sure. When he says "we're going to fix this", that's also code for no we're not. They didn't in the first term, why would they now.
Huh? Malicious compliance with the anti-DEI EOs would be the opposite of an effort to get rid of DEI content. The point of malicious compliance is to undermine policies like this. Is there a typo here? A missing "not"?
Also, I’ve seen this specific FOX host leaping to the administration’s rescue numerous times lately.
He must be uniquely qualified to help explain away their racism. I wonder what it is about him— an anti-DEI admin wouldn’t want him just because he’s Black.
Whats with the pen? Does he think he looks 'professional' or something?
Does anyone think the content will be 'repaired'??
Must really think the public is stupid...
In other words, it was "malicious compliance" to continue this administration's agenda to "whitewash" and revise "American" history. If you're gonna lie, at least try to make it sound believable.
The point is that none of these women or people of color deserved the job in the first place and what they accomplished couldn't possibly matter. They can pound sand.
My sister is a retired CW5 - US Army Blackhawk war veteran. She was also trained as an Air traffic controller. She says she is shocked to learn she didn’t achieve all of that based on merit! What the god dam fuck?
My 95 year old mom was a code breaker for the NSA. She retired as a technical super grade (I think that was her level). Good to know she didn't earn her spot.
He’s essentially saying there are “deep state” people doing these highly visible things to intentionally generate bad publicity for the anti-DEI effort.
If you’re in this administration defending what it’s doing, you are a fucking Nazi
And if you served in the military and you voted for or actively participate in the Trump regime then you broke your oath to defend and preserved the constitution.
"...some things were removed maliciously..regardles... we're going to fix them.."
He just blew right through the maliciously part like that's not disturbingly wrong.
The idea they're trying to push there is that employees had malice *against the boss* & implemented the order in an extreme way to make the boss look bad. It's bullshit of course but that's what "malicious compliance" means. They're not admitting that the order itself was malicious.
I mean, I wouldn't really be surprised if at some point an anti-Trump civil servant really did go "ok assholes, you want us to do censorship & you're hoping we'll do it smoothly—how about I do it clumsily with bells on, so people see what you're really about." No way to know...
And I'd love to think the villains' paranoia about there being anti-Trump saboteurs in the ranks is at least a little accurate-- there should be! In this case though, the simpler explanation is still that Hegseth literally said to do this exact shit, since Hegseth is both a Nazi and an idiot.
They have it set up to scrub any page with DEI, Black, Woman, Brown, Female etc. They've probably scrubbed the page about Black Hawk Helicopters because it has Black in the title not to mention Apache.
I don’t know why everyday these folks are on television just saying what they think people may want to hear! Repeating nonsense daily is still nonsense. It’s an insult to Americans.
These racist pigs are the only ones who have a problem with the history and accomplishments of American citizens whom aren’t white. They’re what needs to be scrubbed from the face of our planet so that peace and common decency can prevail.
Malicious compliance means you are complying in a way that's malicious towards the entity making you do it. For example, paying a fine with a sackful of loose pennies.
Malicious Compliance would mean the person doing it followed their order pedanticly in order to cause a furor, possibly because they disagree with the order.
So it's a contradiction for them to claim that's the case but also say it was the correct action.
Makes one wonder what keywords or how AI would discern that both Jackie Robinson and the Tuskegee Airmen references needed to be removed from their websites? *Black+men+military*. Or were their photos enough to make the AI bot hit the delete button on veterans?
"We got caught removing all references to people who weren't white males. So, we're blaming it on "accidents" (but not acknowledging that our AI is retarded) and "malicious compliance" (although no one's been disciplined despite tracking systems to identify who make changes)."
How was it divisive? I can’t remember anyone complaining about it until Trump started white-washing everything. Suddenly these people act like it has been top priority for years and it’s finally being done. It was no one’s priority. No one was demanding it. Trump is just a racist.
Damaging sensitive white male egos, apparently, is how WE cause them to hate and punish… or so we women have been taught since time began. You didn’t get that memo?
My understanding of the philosophy behind anti-woke is that telling white kids, especially white male kids, that white males aren't the ideal form of humankind that should be in charge of everything would hurt their feelings.
That white males are SOOOO sensitive we have bolster their fragile egos.
I mean, the philosophy from the people actually pushing the agenda is that white cis males are superior and should rule over everyone else because of their inherent superiority. They actually literally believe that. They see people of color and are actually disgusted.
So superior that they needed the black community to build everything in this country for hundreds of years. Because they were too weak to perform work themselves.
What will happen to the White House which was built by black slaves?? This Parnell 🫏🕳️ gives me the creeps-what qualifies him to be head of the Pentagon? My God we have only wife beaters, rapist’s & psychopaths in high office. How are we ever going to recover as a country? #MakeRussiaSmallAgain
How about saying: Jackie Robinson is a historical figure of DEI. Celebrating him is celebrating DEI. Because DEI is a good thing. Reclaim the words. They are good words.
They also took down all of Gen Milleys portraits! A man who served 40 years and the men I work with who also served laughed about it! Whyte ppl whyte ppling! Not an ounce of empathy!
Divisive DEI content? Then they wonder why no one wants to enlist in the military. What's the point if this country makes it crystal clear you do not matter unless you are white.
Idk how that “anchor” can stand asking these non-questions and getting these bs answers. You can almost see some frustration too, which makes it even more outrageous
And nowhere does anyone point out, even putting the culture war politics to one side for a second, what a colossal waste of time and money this is. Spending millions of tax dollars removing content from public records because it annoys some rich white men?
I love when the malicious evil people that we started using “malicious compliance” against start using it as an excuse to increasingly evil and depraved acts.
So they told their ai to delete pages with mentions of key words then when it does what they told it to do, it's "bad faith actors and malicious compliance"
Musk, Thiel, &Dark MAGA $ PayPal mafia R dismantling democratic institutions.
JD is a paid MAGA heir,” in position for this transition.The USA is too distracted to see what’s really happening.
If they get it done- democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
I think of every day as I see the dishonorable words and actions of the current POTUS, VP and their minions that conflict with the U.S. Constitution, the rule of law and the values that had the United States of America as founders and defenders of the United Nations and NATO.
I love how they try to frame this as “malicious actors” trying to make the admin look bad, when really it’s malicious compliance because these actors saw an opportunity to be racist and took it.
Their “consequences” will be a bonus and a promotion.
A reminder that this is the moron whose campaign for senator imploded after it was revealed that he's a wife beater. But he can get a job in Trump's Pentagon any time!
How the fuck is the story of Jackie Robinson “divisive?” Any human being not passionately committed to racism and evil finds Robinson’s biography inspiring and uplifting, not divisive. The only derangement syndrome I’m seeing at work here is MAGA itself.
I was told to delete all files with the words 'Diversity', 'Equity', 'Inclusion', and 'Accessibility' in such a short time frame that everything was done with global delete commands. Anything this those words were gone. But Everything is backed up on federal systems so hopefully that's left alone
Looking at this from across the Atlantic - utterly surreal, complete madness, from both... It's not an interview, it's an invitation to spout racist nonsense followed by a pat on the back from the Fox guy, who really ought to know better...
What’s divisive about including the service of Black and female people? This is just more racist misogynistic crap from America’s most disgusting administration ever
Has anyone just tried calling this shit they're pulling extremely gay? Feels like it might shame them out of these stupid gestures and force them to grow the fuck up.
Wonderful - just like FElon's bullet-proof glass, his AI is BS, so once again sycophants lying trying to cover up losers wearing no clothes demanding everyone laud them
For now.
Fuck this guy.
Can't get much more white supremacist than that!
Because it just seems to be "minorities exist and we want to pretend that they don't."
Also, I’ve seen this specific FOX host leaping to the administration’s rescue numerous times lately.
He must be uniquely qualified to help explain away their racism. I wonder what it is about him— an anti-DEI admin wouldn’t want him just because he’s Black.
Does anyone think the content will be 'repaired'??
Must really think the public is stupid...
I have no idea what Parnell is talking about. Sounds very juvenile and insecure.
They are taught:
Kim Jong il is god, he descended from the mountains
It will be:
Trump is god, descended on a golden escalator
It literally means that orders are followed to an absolute.
This situation is the order such as “No DEI” & the subordinate follows that order to a T, regardless of personal feeling or objection.
It’s still racist AF though.
If you’re in this administration defending what it’s doing, you are a fucking Nazi
And if you served in the military and you voted for or actively participate in the Trump regime then you broke your oath to defend and preserved the constitution.
Fucking scumbag Nazis.
He just blew right through the maliciously part like that's not disturbingly wrong.
What a wonderful term for the accomplices of this RW junta!
So it's a contradiction for them to claim that's the case but also say it was the correct action.
"We got caught removing all references to people who weren't white males. So, we're blaming it on "accidents" (but not acknowledging that our AI is retarded) and "malicious compliance" (although no one's been disciplined despite tracking systems to identify who make changes)."
Collective sustained STRIKES WORK!
#nationalstrike #generalstrike
“malicious compliance”
That’s a new one
Either he means what he says and he’s a heathen.
Or he doesn’t know what he’s saying and he needs education .
Either way he’s a real MAGA winner 💩 🏆
That white males are SOOOO sensitive we have bolster their fragile egos.
Takes a real asshole to laugh about deleting Black people.
Treasonous cowards, and their crimes will not be forgotten.
Its being used the exact same way.
It went from the N word to CRT to DEI. ALL the same meaning and intent!
I can honestly see in a years time two sets of water fountains in the public spaces.
It's deranged.
Feels right for the moment.
The damage to America is profound.
Because we can see what's being scrubbed out
JD is a paid MAGA heir,” in position for this transition.The USA is too distracted to see what’s really happening.
If they get it done- democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Their “consequences” will be a bonus and a promotion.
Godspeed, heroic war fighters?
Who removed things maliciously? Does he mean there are malicious people doing that "herculean effort"?
It sounds like he admits that there are malicious racists involved.