NPR & PBS are fighting losing battles with MAGA. MAGA will only be happy if they become complete echo chambers for trumpism and kiss his ring with every broadcast. They want them to become Fox News.
I don’t recall which GOP ignoramus addressed the funding issue & she tried to explain that the funding involves satellite issues, but the ignoramus interrupted her…of course.
Some areas of this country won't find a representative.
I'd say we should serve like jury duty. Elections happen based on random candidates. (And not just 2 or 3, but a paring down over multiple rounds similar to jury selection)
This would necessitate proper education standards.
This is a good point and you could curve it state by state but a would put large sums of money down on the fact we are definitely not witnessing the smartest person from each state, just the most unscrupulous and well positioned people with plyable morals and ethics. We have to select better...
Yep. And all first-year public servants get a uniform course in civil service. If you're serving a multi year term, you have to fulfill "CPE"-type courses or face fines, restrictions, censure, and recall.
I am surprised and shocked at how quickly a great nation falls. With all the libertarians and gun nuts over there raging for decades about the 2nd amendment in case of a tyrannical government I am surprised all we've heard from them so far is crickets. The constitution of the USA is under threat.
Most libertarians I know are pro-demolishing the US government, even if that comes at a cost to their own lives, livelihoods, and security. Many do not have a grip on how national economics serve them to create social stability. Certain that they would thrive in it. Ignorant anarchy.
Agreed. As an American, I am both sad and embarrassed. How 1/3 of voters could think that an adjudicated rapist and felon was a better choice than a qualified woman, I will never get. I do believe that we are close to a constitutional crisis because of that buffoon.
The upside is in the future you can tell those fuckwits to eternally shut the fuck up about millitia and tyrannical governments etc. They have literally undermined their own argument.
I just remembered the time I was being interviewed for EIC for the Colorado Springs Independent (I didn't get it, the publisher said I "wasn't a good listener"), and Cara DeGette's sister, who was a columnist there, asked me, "Senior editor? What's that? Do you cover seniors?"
I recall during an annual review and my supervisor faulted me for not being good at the “key elements“ of the job. He meant the parts of the job involving the keyboard. To this day, I don’t know how I didn’t go right for his throat.
It must have driven Empty G crazy to have had to say the names of each Democrat before their time for questions without using some slur. Her way to cope was to announce the Republicans with all sorts of extra titles & glorifications.
Conservatives have spent decades slashing education funding within their states. The result is what you see on display here. The stupidest voters have consistently elected the stupidest representatives. The republican party has, overtime, been reduced to an incoherent group of bumbling sociopaths.
That five seconds of his mouth agape, eyes blinking, and gears grinding in his head must have seemed like an eternity. Wonder what he thinks of the swear in of second inauguration. 🤔
I guess it’s cool now 4 Repubs like Comer & Kennedy 2 talk like uneducated hillbillies. That makes them 1 of us as they smile & rape Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, USAID, National Parks, Veterans Dept. of Education, so fascist musk & his billionaire friends can get trillions of r tax dollars
I try to give credit when I use something from another persons post. Sometimes all can remember is “another poster” said…
Still, my wife says it doesn’t matter on the internet with things like this, it’s open season and any one can use it. She’s right of course.
Comer displays classic good ole boy posture of willful ignorance to her testimony…GOP war on media is shameful to say the least, hide from accountability at all cost.
Gerrymandered district so he’s from the poorest, least educated parts of KY. Avoided Lexington and Louisville, where NPR is much listened to and appreciated. His peeps are definitely the Fox News/Right Wing Radio crowd but depend on Medicaid and “welfare”.
He is a dick. It's one thing to interrupt someone who refuses to answer simple questions e.g., Tulsi Gabbard, quite another to misogynistically interrupt someone who is.
No, and I’m pretty sure he spends more time on Fox News and Newsmax than doing any actual work, not that I would approve of when he does work because he’s a hateful sellout with terrible policies.
Kennedy's not even a real moron, he's just faking it for hicks to show he's "one of them". Go find him speaking when he was a Democrat: no corn-pone accent.
As a Louisiana resident I can only say I try to push that hateful idiot as far from my mind as possible. He’s an embarrassment fueled by willful ignorance and hate for anyone not a mediocre white man.
The stupid bus is overflowing, so they had to get another bus for the rest. We probably have the stupidest Congress ever, the last several years. But it shows the intelligence level of the people voted for these idiots.
Of course they do. They are every bit as stupid and gullible. In fact, Comer's constituents consider him the smartest MAGA in the room! That's why they voted for him, after all.
Forever and always, a central thread will be that a driving force why we are where we are is a large group of people having a fundamental lack of curiosity
Guy sounds like country bumpkin with a hint of hick. Always nice when they present "evidence" that contradicts their argument. Really goes to show how incompetent they are.
And he is fox’s slogan “fair and balanced”. I’m Fox had to pay almost a $$billion dollars because they did not use journalistic standards about the 2020 election.
I hear you. It would be hilarious if this was a bring your kid to work day to expose them to big words. This is a congressional hearing to supposedly educated group of “adults”.
This buffoon shouldn't get a penny of our tax dollars as a salary. He doesn't deserve paid healthcare, either. I have lost faith that he has functioning brain cells.
"I am sorry Mr. Comer, but the people who use NPR tend to be more open minded and make qualified judgements on our editorials. Unlike your FOX which is just vomit for the masses"
So, if you are publicly funded you can't have opinions? Would that apply to funding for pro-trump opinions? Perhaps NPR should run such, as in "We agree that raking forests would be a good idea. The market for big rakes would expand tremendously, with that segment of America Great Again. "
They only receive a small portion of their funds from the government. They will still be on without funding from them, and something tells me that people will step up if the idiots in charge try to pull their funding
When you elect clowns you get a clown show . Embarrassment to the folks he represents. And shame on those who elected him. Reading and comprehension should be a criteria to elected any position in both houses of government
High time women started flat out saying it directly to mediocre, unqualified men. I'm a middle millennial. While rare, anytime I've had to correct a "mansplainer," I've never been shy about being blunt. They need to hear it as a reminder that they are neither special nor intelligent.
It’s a real problem with these Republican House of Representatives circus shows. If he would’ve shut his mouth long enough to listen, he would understood how stupid he sounded. Then again, maybe he would’ve never understood.
Comer was openly colluding with a Russian spy to attempt to impeach Biden.
The asshole should be in jail; that's as clear a violation of his oath of office as it gets, on top of being a felony for anyone who isn't a republican politician.
What did you teach and where? I taught in Louisville in the late 90s early two thousands. I disagree that there is blatant neglect. When I was living there Kentucky was ahead of other states in what they were doing with standards.
I also taught at Murray State and the requirements for student teachers and new teachers were extensive. They had to keep journals and provide documentation of lessons taught.
Sadly since the 90s, the GOP has gained super majority in State House and Senate and has turned its back on funding any meaningful funding of KERA reforms or just basics like student transportation and last leg session threatened funding over DEI at universities
See, that's not one of the *actually* stupid ones. This guy is playing dumb to give the "uneducated voter" the impression he's saving America from leftist propaganda. He knows what he's doing; that's why he didn't let her finish.
Wow. He is a complete dotard. The cherry on top is having Miss Marjorie up next. I can only imagine how difficult it was for an intelligent and shrewd person like Katherine Maher to hold back extreme laughter
Listened to it for years actually. Terry Gross - Fresh Air. Marketplace. Wait wait don’t tell me, Car Talk. If they could make NPR great again. I might listen. Same goes for PBS
So he doesn't think not should get a penny of federal funds? Well who gives a fuck what he thinks when Congress has abdicated their authority to make laws or decide on funding and gave that role to Elon so this entire hearing is a waste of taxpayer dollars. They want it both ways.
Look—if an area of knowledge is not your forte that’s fine but maybe don’t interrogate someone when you know so very little on the topic.
My god the simplest concepts are above their intelligence levels.
I'd say we should serve like jury duty. Elections happen based on random candidates. (And not just 2 or 3, but a paring down over multiple rounds similar to jury selection)
This would necessitate proper education standards.
What could go wrong?
Likely doesn't matter what those testifying say it will all go into a blender of uninformed bloviating and misinterpretation.
It must have driven Empty G crazy to have had to say the names of each Democrat before their time for questions without using some slur. Her way to cope was to announce the Republicans with all sorts of extra titles & glorifications.
Lowest Common Denominator Revised Downward
Turned out to be prescient, like so much content from The Onion.
That five seconds of his mouth agape, eyes blinking, and gears grinding in his head must have seemed like an eternity. Wonder what he thinks of the swear in of second inauguration. 🤔
#BleachBlondeBadBuiltButchBody = B6. 🤜🏼🤛🏾🎯🎯🎯😅😂🤣😂🤣
Still, my wife says it doesn’t matter on the internet with things like this, it’s open season and any one can use it. She’s right of course.
Absolutely disgusting.
Gerrymandered district so he’s from the poorest, least educated parts of KY. Avoided Lexington and Louisville, where NPR is much listened to and appreciated. His peeps are definitely the Fox News/Right Wing Radio crowd but depend on Medicaid and “welfare”.
At least the real morons like Comer are genuine.
And yet somehow
Still… does not get it.
It’s more than obvious that the Litmus Test for GOP members is an IQ under 50.
Your people got some gems out here, why y'all not electing the Paul Rudds an shit???
The asshole should be in jail; that's as clear a violation of his oath of office as it gets, on top of being a felony for anyone who isn't a republican politician.
Welcome to MAGA world
And there are so so many things
That know so so little about ….