Trumpaletta Mr King my ass doesn't golf he cheats, Vanceletta, Mr prick2 doesn't ski either he just thinks he does, & Zelensky absolutely knows how to fight & win when it comes to war these other 2 morons don't know ungots ungul.
Is Vance wearing the correct Vice Presidential "costume" as Z said? (I presume he meant "suit" but English is his third language. You know how hard it can be when you can't use your first or second languages...)
I think he meant it as an insult -- a costume as in an outfit or disguise, to give the appearance of respectability, when in reality they are a bunch of scumbags --and it wasn't aimed just at the reporter.
The expensive weekend relaxation of the wealthier elected federal workers who don’t have to work a second job on weekends putting out their health and beauty stock or filling their subscriptions for erectile dysfunction meds, ADHD or Hair loss products.
If Trump, Vance and Musk keep working this hard to make America Great Again, then the US will right up there with Russia and China as destinations of choice.
And replies with "Hey how's it going?" LOL he is such a little bitch when the press isn't around. Not a tough, talky little shit outside of a room full of media or Twitter, is he?
It’s quite crisp too on a cold day
Lingering warmth
How did you sleep
Oh he sleeps well on a mattress
His way of thinking anything goes w/ his colluders. Remember that
They drive on with no remorse
Because in Vermont you get an economic and political mix of skiers so you can’t financially insulate yourself from “the poors“ like you can at most destinations
I only skied once in my life, and it was a success. I had no valid instruction before I went down the kiddie hill but I’m a fast learner. I went straight down. I did not weave.
I yelled at everyone and said look out. I saw a pole with flag. The pole was the ski lift. The flag was a mogul I flew 3ft up landed on my feet and came to a fancy stop just before hitting the building received a standing ovation in 1987.😂
I was a success. The stop I made was a full 180. I spent the rest of my weekend there drinking ski lifts and playing in the hot tub and snow. I cut my losses proudly.
I want to see the day when things are brought to a proper situation and Musk is broke because he’s brought to justice for all the wrongdoing he’s committed. Wouldn’t that be a great day
Oh I agree. Pretty much my point. Conway sits in his ivory tower posting all day on what the people should do but doesn’t take a step to do anything himself. It’s upsetting! Especially when I supported his Anti-psychopath campaign.
Where he get the time and money to do that? He’s got not business keeping up with the Joneses when there’s shit coming our way from an angry Europe! Go back to work fatty! You think you won an argument bc you and Trump bullied a real hero? Well, vengeance will be sweet for them. We are fucked!
We have to get rid of them. I’ve been calling and emailing my representatives! I use 5 Calls App for calls and Resist Bot for emails and signing petitions .
People like that want to “go skiing” because it sounds cool or they want to be like the people who do it.
He is an absolute empty husk of a person and if left without any external inputs, would probably rip his own hair out trying to figure out what he should be doing. 😒
Oh 💯 reminder Drumpf increased the IS debt by 25% with all his golfing and “me time.” That’s why his already authorized a HUGE increase in the debt ceiling. He’s in it for himself, period.
Great clip! His poor kids will never be normal or liked. And all because their dad thinks he's the smartest guy in the room. In the words of TS...."you don't know what you don't know"
The Apprentice Oval Office Edition, by the Heritage Foundation, planned a 'masterclass' in bullying/gaslighting but failed spectacularly as they faced a far more intelligent ‘target’. The response to Zelensky from free democracies has been resounding. and Bernie's on the road again
We The People are taking it back. I’ve been calling and emailing my representatives! I use 5 Calls App for calls and Resist Bot for emails and signing petitions .
Yeah, it's actually more keep your hips downhill, but that's harder for people to grasp than shoulders, especially when you lead with the hands. If you can keep hands front point generally downhill you are 80% of the way there.
True true. Been 38 years since I learned. It islike a riding a bike, muscle memory you never really forget.l without thinking. I wouldn't mock Vance, especially learning as an adult - but he's such a shitty person.
His wife's he stated... "my wife has two children", not, my wife and I have two children...nor, we have two children....strange huh? Never introduced my family like that.
These clowns make it too easy! There's no challenge, it really is like shooting fish in a barrel. I like sarcasm and subtle insults - but these MAGAts have to have it explained before they get it, and that's no fun.
In the Hillbilly Elegy movie, #Vance gets upset that he can’t find help to hospitalize his mother who is in the throes of her addiction. He finally gets a decent person that is willing to help.
He knows #Project2025 hurts people like his mother and yet he doesn’t give a fuck. #Heartless
I decided to suffer through it after he was picked for VP. He is such a traitor to his people it is really stunning. Ron Howard directed it and Amy Adams & Glenn Close are in it. None of them realized what Vance was really about.
Elmo, Vance and Shitler are smothered in Secret Service now because they know they're doing the wrong things that will hurt the people and the country.
OF COURSE YOU PAID! We pay for meals, lodging, salary and OT. And for the extended family!! Remember Trump charged us top dollar for lodging his SS agents in his hotels. 😕
Serviced on the spot
For a good cause
Wipe out
Hard to tell if the wild wipe out was deliberate or rigged X marks the spot of
As a predetermined skier stopped said wipe out here for sure
It’s a sure bet for the money winner?
Don’t worry you don’t have to vote
It’s in the bag, no cards. Card game?
Beyond imagination how much cost the hardworking citizens of USA taxpayers!
Not only the most disgusting human, worst then his buddy Putin, but the most expensive so called president of the USA!
Cant wrap the head around!?
The curmudgeon walking around adjusting his holster in the 1st part,
too. Knowing how small these men are & how insecure in their masculinity makes the ss detail so much funnier. I don’t know if there’s ever been an admin I’ve had less respect for. Usually, I can at least see the command for it.
We pay for them all. And did you see the entourage of vehicles that accompanied Vance as he arrived at the ski area? It was large; this little vacay must’ve cost a fortune. People say these leaders deserve R&R, too; well, lots of taxpayers also need R&R but can’t afford a ski trip for themselves!
The cost of equipment, ski passes, rooms and meals along with all the local law enforcement to handle the traffic. Unbelievable. After 6 weeks of work!
And felon45 hasn't thanked us for super bowl for him and his family and friends, or for his ride around the racetrack, or for the $3 mil it costs us every time he goes to maralardo... His total must be over $50 mil already...
Talk about abuse and waste!!
Clearly he’s a beginner not just in skiing but also in diplomacy! A double black diamond in Vermont is like a blue square in Utah and Idaho. Just another Vance stunt to fool us into thinking he knows what he’s doing.
Break a leg, JD! Seriously. Do it.
I skied at Snowshoe in West Virginia, & I caught on pretty easily. Fast forward 10 years later, & I'm in Park City, Utah, & I could not believe the difference in difficulty. The Appalachain mountains in WV are hills compared to the Rocky Mountains in Utah and Colorado. It was still amazing, though!
Alta is great, but pretty challenging. Haven’t skied there in many years, but I do remember the chairs didn’t have safety bars then, and this particular chair, Wildcat was its name maybe, was at times 100 ft off the ground. I was holding on tight.
Yup. Killington, Stowe and even Sugarbush have some very knarly runs. In my day, I was a very good skier, but Outer Limits at Killington, with big bumps and ice, ugh.
I would say that would be the other way around with the conditions in New England being much more difficult than any of the conditions in Utah. And yes I did scan Vermont most of my life as well as the rest of New England.
100% agree. I’ve probably skied 300 days in my life, almost 70 now, and mostly in Vermont. New England skiers are the best skiers (save for powder skiing) because we can ski on ice.
Yup. Only skied in Utah and up at Whistler in BC out West, and they’ve got way better snow than here in New England. Still my best ski day ever, snow wise, was at Killington in a big snowstorm with no wind. Knee deep light powder. And I had the flu, but I wasn’t gonna miss out.
I’m loving me some Vermont right now and it’s excellent for East Coast skiing, but the geography is indisputably different and there isn’t much comparison in difficulty, especially when you get into vertical drop.
We raised our kids skiing in Vermont. It’s very icey and takes a lot of skill. He’s such a fool and a tool. You can see that he has no idea how to ski. And I’m a grandmother!.
♥️ Yeah, those are rough conditions for skiing. I live in Washington state where the snow comes down like cement and often turns to ice. I miss that beautiful dry shooshy snow I came from in Idaho.
We need Powderchasers Steve to give us a play by play where the best powder to ski is
And avoid bullet proof marble skiing conditions
Onward March to finding the truth Steve
And We the people too demand excellence in better Governance
I worked in
Stanley for 6 months in the early 90’s. With jet black hair and eyes, a nose ring and purple doc Martin’s, obviously not Anglo Saxon looking … jaysus you’d think they’d seen an alien. The explicit misogyny and having to be extra careful around men was extra gross
If enough of us all moved there at once it would be nice in ID, too. I miss living in western MT and getting to practically have ski lifts to myself on Super Bowl Sunday or even some weekdays in ID and MT.
In defense of Eastern double black runs. Yeah some Western slopes are steeper but you need that steepness if there’s lots of powder. Plus, the snow in Colorado and Utah is always way better than back east because we’ve got rain back here. Let’s see some Utah hotshot try an icy bump run back here.
Also over 6 SUVs for security escorting them. What a waste of money while they are firing hard working people. He skis like shit because he’s a hillbilly with a mom who didn’t want him and never took him skiing.
He’s following Trump’s lead. How many weekends has he been flown to Mar-aLardo since he took office? All 5, at $10 million a pop. Neither of them knows what real work is.
Poor old Son. I remember when he went to Congress. A reporter asked him how he was getting along. He said he was just "winging it" and he realized everybody else there was too.
Sonny Bono was actually a pretty good Member of Congress and my first-hand recollection was that he was fair dealing, articulated where he stood on policy and was reliable to his word even if you didn’t care for his policy posture. Unlike others, he wasn’t cowed by Gingrich and spoke his mind.
He definitely couldn't cut it in any of the big mountains. But he would have to come to Canada for that and well...we all know how that would go, ❤️🇨🇦🏂
World peace. I’ve been calling and emailing my representatives! I use 5 Calls App for calls and Resist Bot for emails and signing petitions .
I think grandmothers should be apologized to for being compared to Vance’s skiing ability. I am a 71 year old woman and I promise you I could ski his ass off.
Right there with you, sister!! 67-year-old grandmother, and I could ski with one leg better than the fake hillbilly clown can with 2.
I have an 84-year-old friend in Saskatchewan, she enjoys curling very much.
Hey, careful who you call a grandmother skiier. I'm not great but I'm better than JD! Be careful on those slopes - it's dangerous out in the real world.
I'm so glad to see that someone older, like me, still skis. I'm almost 62 and still have aspirations of getting back to it at 67 when I retire. I don't know why but I feel like it'll come back to me just like writing a bike. It's probably been over 15 years.
I just left a ski trip with 12 people where I was one of the younger......63. We had three kids, 30-40 with don't stop skiing when you get old, it's the other way around.
The hill's too steep for him. It forces him to traverse from one side to the other, and although skiers above him are responsible, he creates a hazard for them.
Oh man, he’s awful. Keep him away from others. I got nailed by a clown like Vance skiing Big Bear in Ca. Idiot skied right out in front of me slammed me to the ground. Vance is a moron.
He possibly caused a crash bc he was skiing back & forth the whole way across the slope. Wasn't staying in his lane. Look at seconds 29-31 in the video, when a skier turns quicly to avoid him. #skiing #Vance
Yes, it was a total Jerry Sanders shock jock TV ambush. More like Mean Girls ganging up on this week's victim than anything. I have an idea that Z, who's no fool, and is TV savvy, knew what he was walking into. Maybe he got a few tips a couple of days earlier?
The blowup occurred because Zelensky had been given strict instructions, just prior to that, not to bring up the subject of security guarantees for Ukraine in exchange for minerals.
Trump wanted to "wait" to talk more on that... we all know how that would go down.
I still just can't get over the nonsense of Trump wanting to be thanked and praised, like his fawning Cabinet meetings. How sad that is, in the modern meaning of "sad" . If you were there, would you be able to resist bursting out laughing, and using a few baad words for FOTUS and grovelling minions?
I’d like somebody to calculate how many federal workers yearly salaries he blew on that trip. You know, since they’re so concerned about cost and all that.
Only 2 wives, the rest are at best girlfriends. He married second wife twice but they share no kids. There's no clear evidence he is capable of producing kids without IVF.
The orange goes golfing, his sidekick vp the eyeliner man goes skiing and President Zelenskyy goes forward to secure peace in his country.. the tone deafness in it all is incredibly cruel.
I keep thinking about when JD’s wife was asked about him wearing eyeliner, she went on and on talking about his naturally great eyelashes. Didn’t she think we’d all pick up on fact that she never actually answered the question about eyeliner (which was not about mascara)
Oh where are my Double Diamond kids?!! Send them out to shred the slopes around the Vance family… make em all fall on their asses!!! Easy to do if you really know how to ski!!! Actually wishing I was there today! I’d coax those kids on! 😈
I saw that sign at the Vermont protest. It’s hilarious. That an older gentleman’s sign that read something about Vance puts the cast iron in the dishwasher! 😂😂😂
I’m a lousy skier myself, but I also don’t wreck 80 years of my nation’s foreign and domestic policy and promptly take a vacation on the taxpayers’ dime.
I appreciate the sentiment, but truly, I’ve never been what anyone could call a good skier, even when I was younger and all my joints worked properly! Unless you’re talking “better” in the moral sense, in which case I will appreciate both the wordplay and the compliment.
I also don’t hold myself up as “better than.” My entire point is that what Vance and Trump did in ambushing President Zelenskyy in the Oval Office dishonored the USA and everything we aspire to as a nation. We’ve never lived up to our founding ideals, but this administration is driving us backwards.
As for me children, it gives the grownups they are with an opportunity to educate them about Russian history and dictators - .and why they have been hearing references to same a lot recently and the concerns of the people of the world.
Now this is friken THE best thing on Bluesky today, it was so heart lifting not to mention endearing. It made me so happy just the thought of it. Award of the day! 🏆🥇
The face he made before interrupting the fuckwads ... absolutely! Same face I make when im trying not to throw hands i watched that interview and felt that look in my Fucking soul
Enough said!
Enough said!
Lingering warmth
How did you sleep
Oh he sleeps well on a mattress
His way of thinking anything goes w/ his colluders. Remember that
They drive on with no remorse
I’ll sing you a song
Make me do right
Make me do wrong
I’m your puppet”
Good work Vermont 😎❤️
A lot people talk talk about Cuban as "the saviour". Ummmmm. No.
March 4th Protests! For protests and sit ins:
He is an absolute empty husk of a person and if left without any external inputs, would probably rip his own hair out trying to figure out what he should be doing. 😒
March 4th Protests! For protests and sit ins:
You are a much better traitor than skier.
Like he's using his arms to pull his legs around because he can't control them.
The sofasexual was doing neither.
Everyone is supposed to make way for HRHJD😂
Damn shameful missed opportunity while skiing to crown him🤷♀️
One-two! One-two!
He knows #Project2025 hurts people like his mother and yet he doesn’t give a fuck. #Heartless
I used to such a crush on her.
That sucks.
For a good cause
Wipe out
Hard to tell if the wild wipe out was deliberate or rigged X marks the spot of
As a predetermined skier stopped said wipe out here for sure
It’s a sure bet for the money winner?
Don’t worry you don’t have to vote
It’s in the bag, no cards. Card game?
They’re clearly not providing him with the best Secret Service crew available. Probably because no one cares enough to bother going after him.
Not only the most disgusting human, worst then his buddy Putin, but the most expensive so called president of the USA!
Cant wrap the head around!?
Costs keep mounting.
too. Knowing how small these men are & how insecure in their masculinity makes the ss detail so much funnier. I don’t know if there’s ever been an admin I’ve had less respect for. Usually, I can at least see the command for it.
Talk about abuse and waste!!
March 4th Protests! For protests and sit ins:
Break a leg, JD! Seriously. Do it.
I always skied Stowe mostly. Lots in NH at Loon and Wildcat too.
And avoid bullet proof marble skiing conditions
Onward March to finding the truth Steve
And We the people too demand excellence in better Governance
Stanley for 6 months in the early 90’s. With jet black hair and eyes, a nose ring and purple doc Martin’s, obviously not Anglo Saxon looking … jaysus you’d think they’d seen an alien. The explicit misogyny and having to be extra careful around men was extra gross
love into adoration 💙
He’s an incel on skis 😄
The guy really is a wimp.
Especially an employee with such poor results in their job so far?
Only in phucking America!
A boarder almost drills him, two skiers impact just above him, …🤦♂️
Just a walk in the piste for anyone with a poison-tipped ski pole! 😳
I guess getting a lesson or 2 isn’t his thing.
March 4th Protests! For protests and sit ins:
I have an 84-year-old friend in Saskatchewan, she enjoys curling very much.
After seeing two near misses on his first run, I hope he's planning on skiing for a few more days. 🤞
/had to say it
Please don’t put that thought in my brain. 🤯
I doubt he thought the peasants would dare show him their anger and outrage.
Secret Service, obviously missing the mark on keeping randos away from the sofasexual. He was wide open for any number of attacks.
That is great! TY 😂
Pretty please with sugar on top!
I would have thought he’d have Secret service running a tight perimeter?
#SlavaUkraini 🇺🇦💙🇭🇲
The blowup occurred because Zelensky had been given strict instructions, just prior to that, not to bring up the subject of security guarantees for Ukraine in exchange for minerals.
Trump wanted to "wait" to talk more on that... we all know how that would go down.
Do him in
I hope this carries on for life
Usha is a sack of shit too.
And since they don't have to, I shouldn't either.
This was his Hamilton moment.
Sorry for the kids, but their parents chose this for them.
Hoping everybody keeps to words, don't want to give them an excuse to hurt anyone.
He’ll fall out a window soon enough.
Skis like he’s 90 years old