I see tomorrow is Friday.
Is Friday going a tariff day, or a some-tariffs day, or a no-tariffs day?
Or will it be some other kind of day, like an annex-Greenland day, or a Hannibal-Lecter-wants-to-have-you-for-dinner day, or an Arnold-Palmer-size day, or something else?
I just can’t keep track.
Is Friday going a tariff day, or a some-tariffs day, or a no-tariffs day?
Or will it be some other kind of day, like an annex-Greenland day, or a Hannibal-Lecter-wants-to-have-you-for-dinner day, or an Arnold-Palmer-size day, or something else?
I just can’t keep track.
"Wait! Am I fired or have I been recalled? Went back to work, but there was no desk, no wifi, no phone service. Oh! I've been fired again."
A lot of those workers were hired as remote employees and don't even have an office to go to. Some don't even work in the same state. Another thing, well like everything else, where they don't know what they're talking about and don't bother to even check.
"As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" Proverbs 26:1
It's not working because they're idiots, so we have this manual stop-start thing on tariffs.
He could manipulate the market like this for 4 years straight.
Literal infinite money glitch.
Of course, there's no reason to not ship it through private companies already.
Freaky Felon Fridays
Prep for the worse!
Prep for a Shit Storm
That's the maga way
*(the book rather than 41 years ago)
announce crazy tariffs/markets plummet
*buyers snap up stocks at cheap price
cancels tariffs/markets shoot back up
*buyers make a ton of profits
Time stamp. 3/6/25. @ 2 39
By the way, who buries their ex-wife on a golf course?? I mean, really?!
I honestly think Jr startled her at the top of the stairs, high of course, swung the baseball bat hitting her in the torso sending her toppling down the stairs.
As a Canadian, I say we need to operate as if tariffs against us are in full effect.
I'm not a fan of counter veiling tariffs.
They just cost us money.
I'm more in favor of saying I'm not buying your shit.
Or, I'm not selling you my shit.
Sounds right. Back and forth like a fucking yo-yo!
Someone needs to more closely monitor his aderall levels!
Green eyed monster reared its ugly head.
We could see the side eye Trump gave them.
Trump: $8 million for making mice transgender.
No! It’s Transgenic mice.
Big gd difference.
4:58 pm est. It’s Groundhog Day with these dumb fucks.
In magaland in order to be a man they need a victim. That’s what magas believe makes an “alpha” male.
The thinking man escapes Donald Trump, he has zero understanding of that.
Honor, honesty, self respect n self control are foreign to him.
Keep everyone on their toes at all times. Create situations where other people’s decisions are dependent on the abuser or their mood
This is to keep attention on them at all times
It’s all a lie but by the time the victim realizes they’ve been had they’ve married the azz hole…
When people are unaware of red flags…
His followers are fellow narcissists or flying monkeys at best
The cruelty is the point and they love the watching others suffer. They sort of live through him vicariously
Sadly it’s all terribly accurate.
No they didn’t. They chose him because they are like him and they admire him for “saying what he thinks” bc they can’t admit who they are but he does.
The abusers are seasoned at lying and misleading people, they prey on.
At the beginning magas were just unsuspecting Americans that sadly believed the lies told to them.
Sadly the people around him constantly help him to hide in plain sight. They are the enablers of this sick greedy evil man… all so they can scurry along picking up crumbs the monster leaves behind. 😶
People get sucked into the abusers dance… unknowingly.
Power over at all costs
Oppression is the goal of the abuser, no matter the ideation.
The wisest thing I’ve heard yet
But yes she’s absolutely brilliant always
This is her
We’re not.
He’s helping cronies make money by telling them about his announcements in advance.
But not just this he’s a very disordered personality
I'm convinced this is the true op behind the smoke and mirrors.
It’s in plain sight, it’s obvious
(Am I MAGAing right?)
If golf can occupy him from wrecking the planet, 5 mil might be cheap insurance
No, wait--that's too DEI.
2.Dress in suit with long red tie.
4. Watch Foxnews until 11 AM
5. Act presidential at briefing while angry posting.
6. Get on helicopter to go golfing.
That’s a good human trait, some folks will alway be compassionate…
If there were any way we could only target the Whitehouse, Shady’s house, Mara Lago, every Tesla dealership, and all MAGAt homes, you know we’d be darn sure to take that approach instead. 🇨🇦 ♥️ non-🍊🇺🇸
And I hope we get a chance to put it all back together someday…. even better than it was… because hopefully we have learned someVERY BIG lessons to prevent this from ever happening again in the future!!!!!
Get them to eat. They don’t like diet Coke and McDonald’s for some reason
But our defenders are playing dead.
We are so cooked.
Top search: transgender mice meetups.