That’s a shame that Skadden took away Rachel Cohen’s email access. Because after I read her LinkedIn post early this morning, I sent this email to her. If anyone is in touch with her, please forward this to her. Thank you.
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When I was targeted politically by a judge last year, my firm fully supported me. He tried to get me fired and filed a grievance because of loud anti Trump political stance out here. They never caved. I will never forget they had my back.
George why don’t you start a new firm and offer an out for these legal Eagles and start a practice fighting for the rule of law ? Assist Marc Elias (?) sure there are some Billionaires who are still patriotic Americans and believe in our constitutional govt and would fund
Skadden is probably the preeminant corporate law firm in Delaware where Elon Musk has sued the judge that prompted him removing his corporate holdings to Texas.
Good luck to these firms trying to recruit at top law schools next fall. Students who have choices aren't going to choose a firm that just willingly blanketed itself in shame.
I'm a lawyer who started in big law. Not all big firms are doing this, & if you are at a top law school, you will have lots of choices. I chose from a bunch of offers. And when I was at a big law firm, recruiters were calling me every day.
Most students at top schools are not MAGA. (And even to the extent they are MAGA, will they want to go to a firm that cucked itself in this manner?) I think it was recruiting and retention suicide. What do you think, ?
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
She's a brave woman who is standing up for what she believes in. If her firm doesn't understand this & back her up, they don't deserve her service. Too many people are bowing down to a president who has no moral code & wants an entire country to suffer unless they do what he wants. It has to stop.
Personal ethics should never be a rare thing. And please explain why it seems to be the women who show this attribute openly and without (external), fear?
Or is that only my imagination?
More power to you Rachel Cohen.👏
I'm a privileged white male geezer wondering why it seems that young women are showing such courage while the old men relax in their comfortable positions and under what is such a clear threat to the world's future. Can't see the forest for the Trump tree. Peek around that tree: See the future.
I am doing what I know how to do, but I'll do more if I can. Do you have any suggestions about concrete things I can do today? Forgive me if I'm missing the obvious and point it out to me.
I listened to her on The News Hour (PBS) tonight and was impressed by her calm and thoughtful responses to the interviewer. Just one more disgusting reason trump needs to exit the planet.
I applaud Rachel. She says what we are all thinking about all of this:
Are we really all going to not say out loud what is actually happening? There is no rule of law anymore. There is no despicable act worth condemning. We are just going to slide into tyranny without even calling it by name
All. Rachel has posted on LinkedIn. So you can post comments to this courageous young lawyer. The legal profession should be embarrassed. It is not because it is not much of a profession and mostly just a business.
The firm agreed to cave on DEI. In exchange, dRump rescinded an exec order issued in March that revoked the firm's security clearances & threatened its client's gov contracts. Cohen: “We do not have time. It’s now or never, & if it’s never, I will not continue to work here."
Thanks for writing her. Reminder to us all: We have to have each other’s backs—fighting authoritarianism will fail if we don’t. Support those taking a stand and facing the consequences. Help them find jobs, food, necessities, and a safe landing. Otherwise, it’s all talk, no action.
It's almost a given that no other big firm will employ her now; she will be considered a "troublemaker", especially because she went public. Kudos to her, though, & I hope she finds other truly fulfilling work. Life at a big firm can be such a soul sucking experience in the best of circumstances.
What scares me most is right now Trumps lawyers / DOJ are pretty pathetic. They stumble in and out of court fumbling over and over. making one Paul Weiss will bring their arsenal of lawyers at we the people. This isn't just cowardly it's dangerous
Very sad. Lawyers uphold the law. Believe in a lawful state. We’re all going to have to decide where we draw a line. Mine was back in 2015-16. I don’t vote for misogynists. Didn’t vote for Bill Clinton either.
Hi, I'm a producer and a muckraking journalist. Google me. If you can't stomach the madness we're in the midst of. If you despise corruption and will not tolerate fascism, you want to pay attention to me. If none of that applies, fuck off.
We need strong influential people with moral convictions to start organizing. Because the ones we thought would protect, betrayed us. Mr. Conway, please start. Otherwise, we will no longer have this beacon of hope we call US of A. I was lucky enough to escape USSR, and I am afraid for me and my kids
I had a friend ask me, a retired attorney, why did they cave. It is simple, they are cowards and afraid of losing their cushy income. Only the younger attorneys like Ms. Cohen are willing to do what is right.
Could someone put that in a format that doesn't require TikTok to watch and share it? For those of us who won't put that app on our phones. I want to cheer her on!
My daughter hopes to be a lawyer. After her internship at what I consider a pretty horrible DC law firm (set up by her narcissistic father), she’s getting a real time education on why she may not want to get stuck with the reputation of being aligned with a conservative law firm. I still worry.
A great country is a country where people are free to do whatever they want with their bodies & personal lives, where politicians serve all voters in a real democracy, where all people are equal, regardless of money, gender, race & belief, & where religions stay at home & places of worship only.
I'm afraid that from what we're seeing, America is done with democracy. When a dictator and his people own everything without meaningful, concrete, tangible resistance, without a revolution, then you're screwed for a long time. It might take 70 to 100 years to fix 1% of the shit you're in!
I saw my industry, the media, fall apart. Now the same thing is happening to the universities, law, and science. I believe we are living in fifth century Rome, as all the institutions of human advancement are destroyed by ignorant barbarians. The first dark age lasted 1000 years.
I see Germany, 1932 -so many small ways Hitler’s rise could have been stopped, if only people in positions of influence had had the courage to speak up, instead of prevaricating, looking away & ultimately enabling Hitler’s Jan. 1933 power grab.
Big law firms were never going to save us. Come on, there are plenty of lawyers not working for Skadden that are driven to do the right thing. Skadden was never going to risk its position...
Every day I wake up and know he’s still here. Otherwise my phone alerts would have bounced it off the nightstand. Those who capitulate to him and back down are disgraced. Their cowardice will outlive them in history. There’s more rot underneath him, but you can’t deal with the rest till he’s gone
Stop the madness. The answer is Gay Valimont and Josh Weil running for the house in Florida's Special election April 1st. Send donations now. Flip the house!
I work for a national law firm … and they shared the ABA letter. It made me cry because I felt, still feel, they are holding strong. I’m afraid of a break but for now …. Yesterday the sent an email about Nowruz. Holding strong still. 😭
LinkedIn sucks, I had great friends then the election started heating up got "Mildly Political" someone must've complained I got scratched. I admit I was sad I had good contacts; but I was also mad because they wouldn't tell me why I was being banned. I lost my resume, my contacts, and friends...
Sorry to hear that samething happened to me a week ago it's fustrating Incase you still need help reach out to Lexcybertech service team on there Whatsapp platform for help they helped me and I'm sure they'll do thesame for you !
Whatsapp +1(628)-249-5544
It is clearly a contract under duress. To blame is the corruption trump administration (misuse of official authority) and law enforcement which is too busy securing Tesla and monitoring citizen protests.
What an amazing, courageous woman to be so brave in the face of such cowardice by powerful and rich people. I have been shocked by the silence of Big Law as their peers have been targeted knowing how unlawful all these EOs are.
Im a nobody but I shared it just in case I have some body who know somebody who can show her. Your awesome George. I really like you...Even though you were married to the shedevil
Y'all should get her resume and start to circulate it. I'm sure someone in your network is looking for a smart, ethical associate with integrity and grit.
I’d appreciate being kept in this loop, so that I can contact her also. I think she’s one of the bravest women to date in this fight against this madman.
What ever happened to the idea that "we don't negotiate with terrorists"? Do these cowards caving in really think the extortion will stop by paying off their extortor? Or will the extortor expand his operation to get more payoffs?
What an amazing lawyer and person. While this situation is hurtful to her, time will show her that being a moral human being was the reason for her advancement in her profession. There will be another administration which will honor her with a position of leadership.
Isn’t the root of Trump’s march to authoritarianism the SCOTUS basically giving him carte blanche to do so? So how do you get them to recant their decision?
“Trump’s latest threat to send American citizens to slave prisons in El Salvador is beyond vile—it’s straight-up fascism. This isn’t leadership; it’s tyranny. He’s weaponizing cruelty, stripping away basic human dignity. We must dismantle this regime before it destroys us all. #DictatorInTheMaking”
Well? Marshals work for the courts not the DOJ, correct! Why don’t they just start arresting these lawyers who are doing the bidding? If they are not honest in the law, they need to be arrested! Maybe we can scare lawyers out of taking his jobs!
I heard that you can connect with and contact people on LinkedIn. That also appears to be where she posted her thoughts. Good luck tracking her down! 😉
We (Americans) have returned to a patronage form of government, and this is how it works. Cronies dole out access & spoils to the compliant. And, when you're not compliant, force is applied to gain obedience!
Well, I’m certainly not the only one familiar with the cabal of scumbag partners at Skadden who’s entirely unsurprised by the their cowardly and self-obsessed nonaction.
...For such a time as this...
Step 2: Lobby for an "edit" button on Bluesky
I am still jaded as to whether you can get everyone to leave... but hey, wishing you success
"Rachel -- Can I join your new law firm? I'll work for you for free."
Brave woman.
It's here :
Time stamp 2m47s +
Why no one picks up on this is unbelievable.
‼️If you read, please share ‼️
Or is that only my imagination?
More power to you Rachel Cohen.👏
Women have no choice as always. Someone has to fight. Feel free to join us any time.
Are we really all going to not say out loud what is actually happening? There is no rule of law anymore. There is no despicable act worth condemning. We are just going to slide into tyranny without even calling it by name
Trump shipped them to El Salvador. Their families say their only crime was a tattoo.
The actions of Trump's administration are still much milder, but the overlap is growing.
But the language is indistinguishable.
Teach your kids that being successful and climbing in a corrupt society isn’t actually a good flex.
Doing no evil in your life is the flex and it’s seldom rewarded but an incorruptible soul is priceless.
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
More pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
If that is still around.
Public display isn't sufficient.
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are you worth???
But please proofread and clarify your email before you send it again.
What Trump and Co. stand to loose due to it`s politics.
The American population will of course feel this hardest.
Whatsapp +1(628)-249-5544
In a world of fascists, be a Rachel Cohen - not a SCHUMER, right ?!?
And prayers.
I did it, do it
With actual principles
And the courage to live by them
She was willing to give up her career to stay true to the value she thought it upheld. 😢