I recorded a special episode of my Bulwark podcast with @timmiller.bsky.social this morning to discuss Paul, Weiss’s appalling capitulation to the First Extortionist of the United States. I didn’t mince words. Link below.
They are a "Trump org"
When commercial entities submit, it's always about money.
The Biden administration seemed passive so they were not feared
Low level Junior judges can’t force POTUS to give a security clearance to anyone he deems unworthy
Their only chance was to make a deal
Dems always appear powerless when they are in office
I’ve had my own struggles considering what I will do without my $938.00 month Social Security.
It’s hard to feel sorry for these people who capitulate to the monster that the Self-Described “Grim Reaper”, Mitch created.
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.”
Thanks, George Conway, for explaining it so the non lawyers among us can understand.
This is a long, frightening, but necessary read...
We are no longer engaging with theory, but surviving Fascism. Surviving is the first step to defeating Fascism.
Thank you for posting on bsky! I’m much more comfortable over here, and don’t get bombarded with ads & interruptions while listening to speakers & guests.
Extortion is unlawful.
What are the obligations of associates & staff forced to perform the 40 million free ransom hours?
Get to the point
Not an important point in the overall scheme of things, but anyway...
But they won't.
I don’t understand the psychosis needed to run for office so you can get revenge for a firm or entity not providing “promised” services when it was probably said glibly.
They got their wish in Dictator Donald.
I agree re Paul, Weiss. If not now, when?
Litigators should be zealous especially when upholding sacred ideals.
Vengefulness is central to NPD, as you are aware.
You are animated and passionate; I trust you would have resigned even at a time when you had many fucks to give.
As long as we're okay.
George explained this action so clearly that even I can understand.
ABC: fold
LA Times & WaPo: fold
Amazon: fold
Meta: fold
Columbia: fold
Schumer: fold
Paul Weiss: fold
Doesn't account for corps, judges, media & universities wholeheartedly on board w/ fascism.
We may come out the other side, but there's no way we're not going thru a fascist state.
Thank you, George.
Elons stealing another election
By the People, For the People
Going to listen now
You George
ZICK:There should be significant pushback against this sort of executive action because,you know, your firm could be next. Or individual lawyers could be subjected to this sort of targeting and retaliation.
Paul Weiss's capitulation to the felon's extortion scheme is even worse
This is no joke. Hot off the presses from Election Truth Alliance. Fast forward to the 37 minute mark. Substantial and reliable data analysis is EXTREMELY indicative of fraud!!!
Is this what it is about George, is this what it is about?
This is very scary, extremely scary.