Even at their most triumphalist, right-wing populists are psychologically reliant on an indelible sense of being in a permanent outsidership. There will always be a swamp, or a deep state, or a uniparty to go up against in a cartoonish "us against the empire" dramaturgy.
They’d rather be alone and pass their own purity tests than do the dirty work of effecting change.
Even if you got rid of the structural biases against them, DSA and Green Party folks would rather keep stepping on rakes.
This country is eager for one or both of the major parties to crater, and there are no grown-ups out there ready to step up to the plate.
If you come preloaded with a persecution complex, it’s easy for anyone with sufficient charisma to activate it.
Source: I grew up in it.
Unless we're talking about electability, why would it? But there is a thirst for vindication and respect.
The system in which they live constantly pushes them into actual fear, fragility, precarity, insecurity, then sells them goods and services "designed" to protect them, restore their "rightful" place, exalt them, and offers scapegoats when it always fails