As part of the (about) half that voted for Harris, I have been asking that same question multiple times a day. Thank you for lightening the mood a bit!
Worked with Canadians overseas. As a young idealistic American with little knowledge of Canada, I could't imagine they could "hate" us
The US has always taken Canada for granted & polluted your culture & I can see why you hate trump as much/more than 75M here do☮️
Spent 3 summers in MTL. Want to move
Moving to Quebec has become harder for Anglophones since our current Premier got elected. Ottawa is not far from Montreal (2 hour drive), and quite bilingual. You could brush up on your French there, then head to Mtl when ready if that's your ultimate goal.
I appreciate that Canadians understand this crap is coming from the worst of humankind. Trump, Musk & MAGA. The rest of us say GO FOR IT! We just hope you’ll be our friends again WHEN Trump & MAGA GOP are ousted. Watch this if you haven’t already!
Crazy you?! 🤪 We’re not fucking invading you, no one’s coming to save you! Better start organizing & taking care of this mess before it’s too fucking late & you’re really screwed! 🤦🏽♀️
Hey don't get mad at us. We can't help Donald is a dick. It's on like donkey Kong. Shut off Michigan's power is an insult. I've sent
10's of thousands in Windsor because I'm 20 minutes from the Ambassador Bridge. We thought you were nice people to comfort us thru this terror but fuck you. 🖕
Hmmm, what if we were talking about occupying your country, to make the US Puerto Rico? We can all be supportive, us little folk, on both sides of this border, or we can fight about stupid comments scared people are making b/c of the threat to our country. The lives of stateless people are horrific.
Boo hoo. We are not your emotional support animals. Canadians spend tons of money in your country too, moot point. War is war. Your dogs are off leash, we just defending ourselves while you guys post memes and hold up signs. #elbowsup
Hey, didn’t your country just start a trade WAR with Canada?
You understand that word, “WAR,” right?
We didn’t ask for this and we’re sorry if some well-meaning Yanks will get hurt - but wake up, keili420 - you can buy your pot in Michigan and if the power goes out, light a candle.
The only language an American speaks is money. Full stop. You can take away any of the other BS. Just focus on the money. That’s America’s Achilles heal
From an American trapped in a diseased body. I enjoyed that video. I wish I could prop open orange Jesus’ eyes, like in Clockwork Orange, enforce him to watch it over and over and over again
I briefly looked but couldn't find where these products are made,the t-shirts/sweatshirts etc. Are they made somewhere else and they put on logos and such?
He’s hilarious. First time I heard him call Canadian “gooseses” cobra chickens I just about fell over. 😅. He also made a vid impersonating every Canadian accent to a tee.
Most people in this country love our Canadian neighbors.This administration needs to be deported.Also as you can see is we have a lot of idiots in this country.They are crying now because they’re either losing their jobs, Medicaid or they’re being deported.No sympathy for them if the voted Trump in.
Who tf is he even yelling at? Most of the US didn't want Trump in office. WE‼️ DID‼️ NOT‼️ VOTE‼️ FOR‼️ TRUMP‼️ He is a rogue entity that stole control of the US government. Trump is working for Russia. Normal US citizens aren't your enemy; we're under covert Russian attack at this point‼️ 1/3
Y'all keep coming in here bitching out US citizens for not paying attention to the rest of the world when you don't even know what is going on here. There is massive unrest. Millions of people in the streets trying to fight this shit. There is a hostile government takeover happening in real time‼️2/3
🗣️📣I REPEAT THERE IS A HOSTILE GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER HAPPENING IN THE US RIGHT NOW‼️Our government/military is actively suppressing the will of US citizens in the name of Russia‼️3/3
This Amuricun just bought a Canada maple leaf hat from them. It will be swapped with my Electronic Frontiers Foundation cap (great tech, freedom, advocacy non profit).
I’m a Democrat and once Trump started all this illegal shit they just stood there. They have to learn to play dirty and get down in the mud and never play nice. Because they certainly won’t be back in office if they don’t!
We are f’ed! I’m so angry about all the crap ! Trapped by stupidity in what was once my home.
Love all nations! Love my Country who voted against the orange f!
Resisting and praying for his early demise.
Took him this long to figure out something was wrong?
This Russian hybrid war attack has been going on against us in a big way since spring 2016, and they've had the Felon in their clutches since 1980's, not to mention some of our FBI.
48% of Americans want Bone Spurs dead! The problem is that Americans fight over cold fast food and fries and hate everything. But when it comes to standing up for anything, forget about it. They can't walk one city block without a 911 call. These are kids of Hippies that took down Nixon!
Honestly friend, and I hope I can call you that, because I love Canada and trust me when I say.. The actual majority of us don't like trump, didn't vote for Trump, and never in a million years thought of Canada of anything but our better neighbor! I hate this..
Every time I see Canadian nationalism on display I'm reminded what an epic failure the freedumb convoy was. They wanted to incite a broad movement and only pissed everyone off.
Never forget those Canadian Premiers who were part of the problem. They would sell us out in a second toTrumps 51st state. Love when things come back to haunt these idiots!
Moe, Kenney, 16 U.S. governors sign letter calling for Trudeau, Biden to end vaccination mandate for truckers
So (honest question) all these Americans saying they didn’t vote for him - making it seem like no one down there voted for him - but somehow he got in. How did that happen??
Turn it off & never buy USA again! Plz! But u won't cuz the west BONDED over being bigots. I'm pissed the world never stepped in for US Human rights abuses in the 1st place. Predators always seek larger game eventually. 1ST they do it WITH u, then they do it TO u🤷 Colonizers r eating each other but
Hockey term. Means when you’re going into a play you keep your elbows up and play rough. The other saying is ‘over the boards’ meaning when the punches are flying you throw your opponent over the boards and out of the rink.
The Dems are the same as Repubs. They are keeping their own in line. This has the same effect as the repubs are having w all Americans. Get them in line, don't oppose anything and this will break your spirit.
Resistance is not just a hashtag to be used for follows. It's an action
#ElbowsUp #uspol
Then put that fire to good use.
"Why do 90% of Canadians live within 50 miles of the US border?"
I didn't get it at the time. 🙁😘
The US has always taken Canada for granted & polluted your culture & I can see why you hate trump as much/more than 75M here do☮️
Spent 3 summers in MTL. Want to move
Wouldn't it be funny if you attacked your best friend; if your closest neighbour hated you.
What if your children never came home from another pointless war.
Fucking hilarious.
51st state my ass Better dead than red, white and blue.
Instead of mocking us, you should be preparing to invade us. We're going to need your help in the upcoming civil war.
They are THE Majority, right?
Act like it!
What a pathetic display from the majority a few nights ago.
You're gonna have to make them FEAR you, like the GOP fears their constituents and Trump.
Either adapt or die. There's little WE can do to help.
But we can support you.
Impeachment & removal now!
10's of thousands in Windsor because I'm 20 minutes from the Ambassador Bridge. We thought you were nice people to comfort us thru this terror but fuck you. 🖕
Don't start shit won't get shit.
You understand that word, “WAR,” right?
We didn’t ask for this and we’re sorry if some well-meaning Yanks will get hurt - but wake up, keili420 - you can buy your pot in Michigan and if the power goes out, light a candle.
Also, please let me have refugee status in your country
From an American trapped in a diseased body. I enjoyed that video. I wish I could prop open orange Jesus’ eyes, like in Clockwork Orange, enforce him to watch it over and over and over again
If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry.
Thank goodness for Canadian humour to get us through the day 🤗🇨🇦
Yeah man,
We don't know either
I may have to rejoin TikTok, I miss him.
You're welcome!
With you all the way ❤️🇨🇦
That is amazing results for an administration that no one voted for.
We need them incase of an attempted takeover.
Love all nations! Love my Country who voted against the orange f!
Resisting and praying for his early demise.
Good rant.
This Russian hybrid war attack has been going on against us in a big way since spring 2016, and they've had the Felon in their clutches since 1980's, not to mention some of our FBI.
We need help!!!!!
Thanks for the laugh though!
Illinois here.
At work rn but protesting and calling and moving my money to EU markets.
Not much but 20k
We’re revolting, but you guys already knew we were a little fat and lazy.
Give us 6 weeks to train before we overthrow!
Moe, Kenney, 16 U.S. governors sign letter calling for Trudeau, Biden to end vaccination mandate for truckers
Gloves Off: It's go time. Fight!
Over the Boards: We're joining the fight with/for our team.
Clear the Bench: We are ALL in the fight and it's not going to be pretty.
Resistance is not just a hashtag to be used for follows. It's an action
#ElbowsUp #uspol
#ElbowsUp 🇨🇦💪🇨🇦
He has some good stuff. Canadian Air Force 🪿 and army 🫎