So my co worker just said: "You shouldn’t eat red meat!"
I said: "My grandfather lived to be 100yrs old."
He said: "Did he eat red meat?"
I said: "No, he minded his own business."
I said: "My grandfather lived to be 100yrs old."
He said: "Did he eat red meat?"
I said: "No, he minded his own business."
1. The meat industry accounts for half of the worlds climate changing emissions
2. It’s one of the leading causes of intestinal and digestive cancers and study after study shows reduction in red meat lessens that risk significantly
- Wow! How old did he get?
- 29.
Since we like to eat red meat rare, might be a good idea to take care.
I had some caramel mustard glazed pork chops today from Outback and they were heavenly.
Imagine responding to civil rights activists "mind your own business"
Animal Rights is our business because injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
Just saying.
Just saying.
So F off.
Most of the people responding here have absolutely zero sense of humor
I think you’re funny
Keep up the good work
The oldest man living in New York, 115 years old. Living by himself. Having no health problems. Getting around without
any trouble whatsoever, mentally clear.
I have a HUGE issue with other people trying to force their values on me, no matter what they are.