Um, aside from the difference between the pronunciation of “a” vs “e”, one word is a Spanish word that has been adopted and used when speaking English, the other is an English word. The two languages differ in syllable pronunciation constructs.
Properly pronounced?
Proper lee, pronoun said?
Safe shelter, pro, no, unsaid?
Safes helter tuh males chambered denouncement pronouncements from being a ballistically jolly breaching volley reaching fem Ollies.
Proper lee found with me, pronoun said, put to bed, feat exposed, after your toes Molly!
Because tamales derives from Spanish, based on a Latin language root, whereas females comes from Middle English, a Germanic (Indo-European) language. These are two different branches of language, from geographic regions that developed separately in 1st millennium AD. Of course they sound different.
To confuse people! Also, I had a friend, some years ago, who would change up pronunciations like that. Once when we were at a Barnes and Nobel having coffee he held up a magazine he was reading. The cover had a picture of a lady and the title said "Stacy Captivates."
And he said "Look it's Stacy Cap-tih-vah-tayz!" I hadn't read the title yet and was confused. "Who is this Stacy, why does he care?" Is what went through my head. Then I read it, and re-read it, then it hit me. LOL. I felt silly for not getting it at first.
Because they originate in different tongues with different linguistic preferences. English is a mosaic language that accepts words from anywhere as long as they're useful, but often retain the flavor of the original, that'w what makes English both and amazing and difficult tongue.
There's an episode in Hill Street Blues where the desk sargent asks the hooker here name. After telling him 'feh-mal-lee' he asks how do you spell it. After being told, he says that's 'female'. My mum had 14 kids, she ran out of ideas
They come from two different languages- Tamala from a Mesoamerican tribe, female from Latin. English is cobbled together from dozens of languages all with their own pronunciation.
There was a lady on Jerry Springer when he had an actual talk show, that named her daughter Female, but pronounced it tamales. She thought the hospital name her 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Answer to a lot of questions like this: a) because English had the bad luck to be evolving quickly as printing started to get popular, and different pronunciations at different times and phrases got frozen into print; b) because no autocrat came along and decreed "we will make spelling phonetic."
Tamal, singular and tamales, plural are Nahuatl words, meaning wrapped. It’s Mexican, not Spanish.
Why are macho and mocha pronounced differently? Different languages.
Doesn't matter as long as we remember that there are now only 2 types of tamales - mole and dolce. All other tamales are just pretending to be different.
I think it’s reversed actually when the tamales are grown in an English-speaking country and the females were born in a Spanish-speaking country. T-males and fa-ma-les. Make sense now?
Proper lee, pronoun said?
Safe shelter, pro, no, unsaid?
Safes helter tuh males chambered denouncement pronouncements from being a ballistically jolly breaching volley reaching fem Ollies.
Proper lee found with me, pronoun said, put to bed, feat exposed, after your toes Molly!
as in
how about them apples🙂
Hot female what?
Madness, innit?
He was a joker.
Different pronunciations.
Sheeesh! Dumbbell
"fe MAH less"
You're a powerful witch!
March to the beat of your own drummer
BTW I prefer eating females to tamales, especially if they're hot.
Why are macho and mocha pronounced differently? Different languages.
If Temale the new ftm word? And is famale just a pretentious way to say spouse and kids?
MA-les? I'll use hombres instead.
Females y hombres.
"People" is a good example.
When my younger brother was around 6 he asked me what pe-op-le meant.
I was very confused until he pointed out the word he'd just read.
Then I laughed and told him.