The difference is that we try to forget about those pro-fascist artists or intellectuals after their regimes collapse, or if we can't forget them, whitewash their reputation for a few decades until the intellectual historians can correct the public perception.
Wow I just assumed that Fascism was only one or two of these things for the longest time, and yet somehow managed to make almost all of these apply to a villain i wrote about who is in fact a facist
They did, only for the wrong reasons 😬 For all the devastation the "War on Terror" wrought, turns out prominent fascism in America is yet another product of it 🫠 From one of our posts four years ago looking at the how the Republican Party got here:
A minor saving grace is that 45 is unpopular w/ parts of DoD (see siphoning funds for "the wall," attempts to deploy against citizens on US soil, & straight-up badmouthing vets), but that's why he co-opted a part of DHS for a paramilitary.
Maybe it's time to start calling the cult what it is?
There are quite a few things to add. I would add "Fear of anything different, cultures, religion, traditions, beliefs. I feel fear drives fascism just like fear and insecurity drives a bully to belittle and control those who are weaker.".
There, that's my philosophical contribution
nazis weren’t afraid of jews, they wanted their shit and saw an opportunity to take it. they weren’t afraid of socialists, they recognized they’d need to be crushed in order to consolidate power.
it feels good to attribute it to fear but i think it’s hate and greed
Fascism is also intense denial of reality. Fascists cannot accept being wrong, that their extreme individualistic attitude makes them lonely, and that they are not as perfect as they delude themselves to be. Their hostility to new and/or different ideas harms their creative output as well.
And because of this, they’re hellbent on creating the reality they think exists through any means necessary. They blind themselves out of fear of the truth, so they want to blind everyone else to it as well.
Deep down, they’re starving, hungry for true, meaningful customs that aren’t robotic/cold.
So they appropriate other cultures, mindlessly absorbing ideas into this meaningless blob pseudo-culture; but their fascist ideas sterilize those ideas, and warp them into meaningless symbols and dogwhistles robbed of their original meaning, but still they want more, unable to sate their hunger.
This is also why their favorite and most dangerous weapon is the very information that ideas carry. They lie, they twist the meaning of words (“woke”, “socialism”, “groomer”, etc), and spread misinformation to obfuscate and ultimately rewrite the truth they’re so terrified of.
Attributed to Laurence W. Britt who wrote about the common signs of fascism in April, 2003, after researching seven fascist regimes: Hitler's Nazi Germany; Mussolini's Italy; Franco's Spain; Salazar's Portugal; Papadopoulos' Greece; Pinochet's Chile; Suharto's Indonesia.
Its why the notion that America "could" become fascist, is the wrong framing. It already IS fascist, and has been longer than fascism had a name.
There's a reason every fascist state on earth used America as its blueprint.
Likewise actual historical fascist movements and regimes did have support of significant parts of the intellectual class.
Despotic regimes in general want to control culture, and many artists and intellectuals want it to be controlled.
There are other copies for sale on Etsy, eBay and etc
Maybe it's time to start calling the cult what it is?
This is what we're up against 😐
like not a single mention of national identity is pretty bad imo
There, that's my philosophical contribution
nazis weren’t afraid of jews, they wanted their shit and saw an opportunity to take it. they weren’t afraid of socialists, they recognized they’d need to be crushed in order to consolidate power.
it feels good to attribute it to fear but i think it’s hate and greed
Deep down, they’re starving, hungry for true, meaningful customs that aren’t robotic/cold.
it’s honestly a shit list. folks should post eco’s list instead