we did a gradual introduction over about two weeks. they've been pretty cool with each other since then. not cuddly, but they interact without any issues
I am for some reason reminded of Ingres' /Grande Odalisque/, hanging in the Louvre. Except, y'know, without someone peeking out from under the chaise. Maybe this photo ought to hang in the Louvre!
But you actually take *good* pictures. I do not. This is why I am no longer actually posting content on Instagram. I just hang onto my account to correspond with followers/followees.
It is a good pic. Especially since you could've lost your life in this moment. One wrong move, and Freya was ready to carve you into sushi. With a "yea well, that's what you get, I guess," from Sandal as he does the slow cat blink and turns his head dismissively.
Psychiatrists and other mind messers have just seen a brand new way to play with patient’s minds… Hide a colleague in the couch and have them whisper things during psychoanalytic sessions …
do they get along?? or just tolerate each other?
Great photo.
(I say this as a fellow "built for comfort, not speed" type)