This is a seminal moment: a Labour government cutting disability benefits. Not just continuing Tory levels. Cutting.
This comes after a week of speculation, itself an act of cruelty by a government toying with people’s dignity.
These cuts are disgraceful - and they will cost lives.
This comes after a week of speculation, itself an act of cruelty by a government toying with people’s dignity.
These cuts are disgraceful - and they will cost lives.
quite the achievement.
Ten tax reforms to raise £60 billion for public services and a fairer economy
Blair was claimed as Thatchers greatest achievement, as "New Labour" adopted NeoLiberal Economics.
Some of my 65+ Socialist comrades would list a whole load of things they did decades early to help big business, at the expense of The Working Classes.
You played a part in downgrading the UK.
So please, just retire, be quiet and let the next generation clean up your mess.
Your embarrassing defeat to the idiotic Boris was the nadir of a wasted career.
So you're wrong, there are solutions, it's just noone will implement them.
The country and the politically homeless are screaming for a party to unite behind
With member-led expert-informed policies for taxing the rich, supporting a welfare state & ethical sustainable industry
Say a national party with 60000 members, 800 councillors, 4 MPs and Real Momentum.
Yea, I call BS.
Getting appropriate treatment is like waiting for Godot now.
And parroting the Zionist lies of a foreign government. Very punk.
Bootlicking fucking cunt.
The British Empire finally comes home!
Congratulations 🎉
Labour could bring in Proportional Representation, to ensure Far-right can't gain a majority because of vote splitting on the left.
Labour could cut out Billionaire/Corporate lobbyists, but instead they bend the knee to them.
Would you blame a child "home-schooled" and isolated from the world, raised by religious fundamentalists, for believing falsehoods, or would you blame parents/community?
a.He did. b.You're a moron if you think Labour wouldn't do this anyway.
You're using Brexit as an excuse for Labour to commit this appalling crime.
It's only name calling if you meet the condition of holding the inane belief.
Those who replaced you haven’t got a single socialist cell in their Thatcherite bodies!
I expect a Labour government to be redistributive and to face the reality that Brexit is a disaster.
Why aren't they taxing the wealthy?
They should be banned from using the name and hijacking tribal loyalties.
Maggie Thatchers greatest achievement was indeed New Labour. Continuation Government and Austerity.
#LabourShame #Labour #Shameful
There are some very good Labour MPs still there but they are neutered.
In my humble opinion, there must now be a realignment of the left, either as a breakaway Labour party or as a new party altogether.
I fear the Labour party is lost forever.
Labour has turned its back on the people. They're the party of wars and corporate wealth
There's literally no evidence to suggest otherwise, and countless examples to support it
Labour are paving the way for a Reform/Conservative coalition
Westminster has no values, no morals and no spine. The politicians have no accountability or consequences for the suffering they manufacture. Everything is broken
Stoma's a vile, worthless ~person.
People at the top making things worse for literally everybody over short term gains are destroying this planet and everyone on it.
being implemented by more and more businesses, there will soon be far fewer jobs for these people to go to. Labour are getting the cuts in now and simultaneously limiting eligibility.
By the way it wasn't Corbyn who took donations from several Russian oligarchs and it wasn't Corbyn who made the son of a KGB general a peer in the House of Lords.
The whole system has shifted extreme right.