This is how our government has been corrupted:
1) Donors give huge sums to elect politicians to office.
2) Elected officials rewrite the rules in the donors' favor.
3) Donors make a huge profit.
4) Repeat.
For the sake of democracy, we must get Big Money out of politics.
1) Donors give huge sums to elect politicians to office.
2) Elected officials rewrite the rules in the donors' favor.
3) Donors make a huge profit.
4) Repeat.
For the sake of democracy, we must get Big Money out of politics.
Trump is just the logical conclusion
You may not have the chance to rectify this
They know it’s about money, the electoral college and not them.
Voting for change was lost on them. They feel lost.
Campaigns are conducted via a series of publicly-funded debates and press releases.
Don’t vote for rich people.
Don’t vote for people that take corporate PAC money.
It's literally k1[[1ng our country!
Very likely to be underhanded donations but it’s still a good setup.
It doesn’t stop individual self funding – one fool blew 100 million trying to buy a federal seat last election.
He lost:)
Or even, no advertising whatsoever.
Just publicly available policy platforms, debates between candidates, and clear, reliable scrutiny of the candidates' competency, & bona fides.
Too good to be true? Alternative is who manages to $buy the most attention.
How do we do this?
You're the biggest political influencer I know yet you don't seem to be influencing much.
So how?
How do we do this?
all PAC money pooled & evenly divided among ALL comers
that will stop it cold
citizenry will need 2 engage them, absent their usual gloved masters they'll wallow & not show independent thinking
engagement & goalsetting w/them will be needed
tax investment returns.
they do make significant contributions to economic stability.
(Btw, I made this timeline, so do not look at it as a fact, more as an observation to be discussed/corrected)
This was,
Not this blatant
Not this cruel
Not this crazy
Not this racist
Not this fascist
Not Project 2025
Not fully out and about
This has to be stopped.
How, and when?
Don't just agree. Tell one or two or three of the 535 who represent you it is wrong. It only takes a few minutes and doesn't cost any money.
Good times
Think tanks should be banned
All funding for any similar group must be declared and reported
Before any interaction with government officials
To qualify to run for office, you must pass a civics exam.
Then, the government will give you x-amount of tv ads and x-amount of debates.
NO donations.
Tragically we will likely get what we deserve, as we have far too many Chucks in Washington & too few Bernies
And both parties are corrupt as hell. One just hides it better.
That being said, I entirely agree that government should be a check and balance to foul play, rather than a proponent of it.
Money talks. Anything else walks.
It is very obvious to anyone outside your system that it is by nature plutocratic and that this is your biggest problem. The next is undemocratic voting systems.
There is a need for wealth redistribution. When the 2nd great depression hits the need will be dire. The democrats will run some far right garbage. Fuck us over again. We get screwed again like with Obama 08. This is why you can't trust liberals. Blue maga rich fascists
that’s the paradoxical(?) conundrum
altruistic leadership could redefine societies
however, thus far, the competitive nature of humanity seems to be our greatest pitfall
if we want everyone to be a winner we could fix this in a jiffy
but the profiteers like being on top
💰🔄 👊
Democracy > oligarchy > mafia state
The fox is guarding the hen house. And he’s eating well.
Anyway, this guy's job is educating people, so I guess that's what this is here for.
Commenting and reblogging for visibility
It might be too late. The government is in the hands of the Oligarchs.
1. Maine's new law could possibly reach the Supreme Court and reform Super PACs.
2. Flood the system with small donors to dilute big donor influence. Democracy vouchers.
Anyone who isn't all in for anti-corruption is prime for primarying.
Sadly, when it comes to profiles in courage, this congress is sorely lacking. Aisle placement notwithstanding.
They were even accepting payments made after the election had ended.
Yeah, he wasn't kidding or being sarcastic then.
It will take a change of SCOTUS majority or 2/3 Democratic majority to change it.
DEMs need some SENs without all this baggage. Schumer is bought and paid for.
AND FUCK OFF with your book CHUCK
No one willingly gives up a cash cow. No one.
Sadly, He with the capital makes the rules of Capitalism.
This century’s rules seem to be the tightening of the loose fascist republic that had been sold to us as a democracy for decades by its wealthy owners using the “electoral college” to gain our confidence.
We The People need to stop making celebrities out of actors, athletes, and rich people's fuxked up kids, and focus on artists and scientists.
Between outright political bribes and media lying to the public, its democracy is of some of the weakest.
Soon it will be reduced to a Hybrid Regime, and further to Authoritarian should this nonsense be allowed to continue.
Watch this movie.
The Secret of Money