Other countries like Finland are vaccinating farm workers, who are the vast majority of humans getting bird flu right now. The U.S. is not vaccinating farm workers for bird flu.
The idiotic rationale from U.S. health officials is that it’s because bird flu isn’t spreading between humans yet.
The idiotic rationale from U.S. health officials is that it’s because bird flu isn’t spreading between humans yet.
Reposted from
Cake or Death
Are we doing anything ahead of time to work on a vaccine for humans because this is not how I want to fucking go out to a god damned bird flu
They're taking a chance that the d1 version of this flu will provide some protection from the b13 version which is much more virulent and has a higher mortality rate.
Probably the first unfortunately
(You know, if the argument that workers' lives have inherent value and they deserve protection from disease regardless of whether they can pass it on or not fails to carry water)
protocols again when it goes human to human, until there is solid data about transmission routes and severity of illness. Could be a nothing burger, more likely will not be pleasant at all.
In the US there is no vaccine for cattle, birds, or cats. EU has a vaccine for chickens.
I’d recommend that set up if you have the option.
Come on, they didn't believe COVID was real or care that it killed 1-2 million Americans (counting excess deaths). Why would they care about another pandemic?
That’s just science.
As far as we know it originated in the USA and American troops imported it to Europe.
It was wartime, so reporting was censored except Spain reported a strange new illness which killed.
USA, don't do it again please!
I'm setting up a quail enclosure b/c as small game birds, they're perfectly happy not free-ranging. They just want clean cages & a dustbath spot. ZERO convo about H5N1 in cats & wild birds in many quail spaces.
It makes me wonder if free ranging domesticated cats will carry bird flu into homes and infect their owners, creating yet another vector for transmission. All we can do is watch and be as ready as we can
Also, not vaccinating farm animals is even stupider.
…the last time they worked pretty well at stemming the 3,500 deaths a day down to … about 100.
Or perhaps people *really think* they were better off in 2020.
Plus ICE would absolutely abuse a health crisis in order to deport people.
If we had a sane immigration policy, we could just provide a whole suite of vaccinations for migrants.
...They're often cooking our food in restaurants, it's a good idea.
I think the desire to blame a minority group for disease is as much a health risk as poor hygiene practices or lack of access to clean food and water.
Now with a sidebar of immigration control cruelty.
The US isn't Finland.
No, public vaccination SHOULDN'T be a controversial position.
And no, doctors, nurses, and immunologists SHOULDN'T face death threats for their work.
Unfortunately, that's not the America we live in.
Is the problem that the US might be too big and splitting it up the best solution?