I've seen a lot of speculation about this kind of situation developing. Cutting mental health services for veterans seems like a really bad idea. But what do I know?
Unfortunately MAGA wants to hurt people so badly they will believe a billionaire is on their side.
Guys. Have you forgotten how they laughed when they voted down initially the Pact Bill for benefits for burn pit exposure. Ted Cruz for 1. Bet it’ll get chopped.
Now this.
But ya gotta watch Fox on all the bases. Need that Propaganda to keep ya loyal.
i believe rfkjr is expicitly anti mental health meds and working against them
and many many VA/veterans services are closed/closing as well as social security offices
Also some SSRIs are anti seizure meds!
if you're able to stock up a lil bit on some pills somehow ive seen others advise us to do that
I can barely stay awake without the adderal bc the chronic fatigue is so bad.
and then her husband goes on to say I don’t wanna hear another. Thank you for your service shit.
No one in this country should die or suffer because their heath care needs weren’t met.
Instead I say
"Welcome home, I'm glad you're still here, I'm sorry for the th brothers& sisters you've lost, both over there AND back here."
Keep sharing, help each other, keep fighting. We deserve better.
Fuck 'em.
Sorry, my compassion upset you. I'm a veteran as well. I can relate to that.
Have a good day.
I do not understand why my compassion for someone equates to forgiveness.
Thank you for sharing and have a good day.
In response to you, I was clarifying and parsing out whom I personally believe that compassion should be reserved for, and especially who it should not be.
Enabling this regime is condemnable.
Take care and thank you for your service.
Your welcome, it was my pleasure to serve.
For clarification, next time, don't broad-brush include the undeserving for a plight's sake.
and while all the big nasty cruelty in the headlines is important
these folks are just as important
I truly hope we don't forget them & they get justice
electoral victory is not enough now at this point
there needs to be justice
Truly, I don't know any vets that voted for this, but then, I'm in California
For those that did, well, I hope they get everything he promised he'd do to them
Trump wants a reason to declare martial law and become a full on iron fisted king.
Frightening for the emotional and physical well-being of the men and women involved...
... and frightening for the people around them if they start to lash out.
Even harder to believe that some voted for this and are happy to see someone suffering.
All respect to veterans.