The Oversight hearing with the Four Mayors (of Chicago, NY, Boston, Denver) has been fascinating. It's one of the few hearings in which only one side has witnesses they agree with -- the GOP can't ask a question to get an echo or confirmation.
The Mayors have been holding their own quite well.
The Mayors have been holding their own quite well.
We would like to have you in the confederation too if you like. Just you imagine, with your Irish's and our Irish's how bad a drop kick we could do!
Canada annexes us and we are absorbed into either New Brunswick or Quebec, or New England is its own province. I’m good with either, but if you guys do the former, I’d prefer to be apart of NB.
You gave repugnant republicans what they cannot handle--The truth!
If my brand were Christofascism, I would not put TV cameras on a lady with a cross on her forehead telling me I'm wrong and unAmerican.
Democrats need their own media platform because the information sphere is intoxicated by MAGA. Truth Social or X.
Many Mayors talked about "busloads" of migrants arriving in their city... but did not, for a while, say where those buses came from.
Other moments of interest: Mayor Johnson quoting Sherman Dilla Thomas: "Everything dope comes from Chicago."
Mayor Wu quoting, almost, Big Papi: "This is our city."
Ya don't say? His presence is inexplicable.
Disappointed with the party. Trump has shown people want a president who isn't afraid to take action. Positive action would be nice.
“Either everybody matters or nobody matters”.
Democrats have been full-throated and have been pushing back.
And even the corporate media is critical, despite the propaganda that it isn’t.
This looks a lot more like Soviet times rather than you-know-who times.
Hakeem ⬇️
Jasmine ⬆️⬆️
Green ⬆️
Any “single protagonist” that emerges now will have to be hard-line opposition for now, but will need to be moderate enough to get some trump voters back in the next general election.
1) appalled party leadership & apparatus aren't elevating those ppl, are often working counter to their aims, & are promoting ppl far less capable for the moment, &
2) aware the theater of politics is not limited to the acts of the legislature in session
Bernie Sanders
We need big bold political theater. We need viral actions, reps marching out of disgraceful displays en masse, getting arrested, as much as we need a single protagonist.