"if I just work hard enough, eventually I'll make it"
No. cause if you don't make it that means you didn't work hard enough. And that isn't fair to your efforts.
there are so many factors outside of your hands. So much success is luck, and failure is not always your fault. cut yourself some slack.
No. cause if you don't make it that means you didn't work hard enough. And that isn't fair to your efforts.
there are so many factors outside of your hands. So much success is luck, and failure is not always your fault. cut yourself some slack.
It's why we have to work together and create support networks, so that we can support each other if life gets in the way and causes us trouble.
That line of dialogue really changed my outlook on things when I really needed it around a decade ago. I was so hard on myself for "failing" when in reality I did everything I humanly could and simply just had more working against me at the time.
It's so much better than the mind virus that success necessitates working hard enough and that failure is due to a lack of hard work.
Especially if the people you're working for have no qualms about taking advantage of you and then discarding you when you're no longer useful to them.
Hopefully we'll all keep at it until we're happy!
Been dealing with some stuff recently. Only now starting to realize and remember some of this important stuff. Thanks a lot for the reminder!
No matter how hard I work, Ill never progress if I keep being scared to risk anything. Every time Ive had success I had put aside cowardice and took a leap. Im getting closer to the next leap.
As in many things, middle grounds good. And getting comfortable with being *bad* at things.
You appear to be scolding people for not trying.
Jus sit in a room with no screens on. No podcasts, no videos on social media.
Make something small you like. Draw or paint one picture, a small one.
Write a story that takes five minutes to read.
Grab some oven-bake clay and make a little guy.
I . . . REALLY needed to hear that. Imma just cry for 30 minutes ^^;
Failing sucks, and it hurts, and it may hurt for awhile.
But it'll get better, you can try again, or try something new.
Better to try and fail rather than never try at all.
Like Dark Souls, you may lose the first 12 times, but you get better every time
Its relatable to how retail managers are always "Do or Do not, there is no try" quoting yoda.
Sorry, I didn't know I was capable of controlling free will and people's wallets.
which is great advice for those who make it.
but there are a lot of people who only end up with a broken body, and nothing to show for it but a successful boss who was able to exploit them
No algorithm can predict that.
I took this (albeit partially misremembered) quote to heart ever since hearing it from NCIS. It was from DiNozzo & McGee talking to Bishop, when she “failed”-
Thing is, it’s RIGGED for you to fail. No one has ever passed (minus Gibbs, lol) McGee also gave her a comparison to Star Trek, the Kobayashi Maru, and DiNozzo told her the thing I mentioned earlier
When things are out of your control, follow your gut. Your instinct.
That's why the middle of the road guy always seems to get promoted.
If you are a person who feels for others, share our GFM /donate if you can 🙏
Link in my bio 💔
"Hard work does not guarantee success. However, hard work increases your chances." - Mori Calliope
Do your best, but don't beat yourself up if things don't fall into place
I keep trying to tell people this and it's absolutely wild how angry some of them get.
Sometimes success comes from working hard, but sometimes success comes just from stepping back and being a *person* and interacting with the world for five minutes as a human, not a product.
Medical professionals especially get hammered by this painful reality. The whole "you can't save them all" deal.
Came across this when I needed to hear it, thank you
have a wonderful day
capitalism demands that the poor stay poor and the rich get richer
Sometimes, I get a little jealous of anyone with a larger following than me. But especially after this, I gotta remember that they're luckier than I am, and have more connections than me.
I might not be able to make everyone happy. No, that's impossible.
But at least I can make *someone* happy. I'm not famous, but that's okay.
But I'm getting help, slowly but surely.
Yall still worked hard and that is amazing.
and tons and tons of money. or a rich friend with questionable investment skills. nobody is being published because they are the best lmao
...and it turned out the answer was "A little of both."
Bachman would never have been AS successful as King.
I'm working hard and not getting anywhere at present, and this perspective means a lot to me.
SOME of it is hard work, but RNG is also part of the equation.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not weakness, that is life."
I hate it, but it's true, and that really is just life, unfortunately.
Be good to yourself as well mate, and keep being awesome.
Only getting fulfillment from view counts, viewer statistics, subscriber numbers, donation amounts, etc. all make people focus on the streaming/art/whatever in a way that isn't healthy or sustainable.
I find myself tapping this sign
Heck, Tiana's arc in Princess and the Frog was that her hard work didn't guarantee success, it was finding people that loved her and supported her that made the difference.
Still haven't found a way to get the voice out of my head saying "I am a bad artist" It might be true, it might not be, I don't know
Makes me grateful for friends who make dealing with these thoughts a lot easier
I can't speak to if you have a desire to improve on some aspect or compared to others, but I can with 100% confidence say you are not a *bad* artist. 💜
I’m trying my absolute damnedest to find film jobs, and until then, I’m working at a local Arby’s. And every day, I can’t stop feeling like I’m failing all that buildup from college and getting a bachelor’s degree for a “basic” job.
I need to learn to be much nicer to myself.
We like having you around because you're fun to be around and talk to
We love you, man
Once you're in the Based Book, you're usually staying in there unless you do something real stupid, regardless of how profitable you are.
Be you. Survive. That's all that matters to us, mang.
It's not enough to just work hard. You need to push yourself on all fronts
It can be so easy to tell myself that I'm not getting where I want to because I'm not working hard enough, even though I'm constantly burnt out 💕💕💕
- rich parents
- richer grandparents
- a large inheritance
Absolutely no 'selfmade' billionaire started from 0.
The game was rigged, against you, from the start. Remember that, when you want to blame yourself. ✌️
And I think that has lifted a lot of stress from my shoulders.
It's easy to burn yourself out if you're constantly senting excessive goals/expectations for yourself.
"You're making more money? Good, that means we can raise prices."
"You put in double the effort last week? Well that's the standard, now."
"Not everyone who works hard finds success. However, everyone who has found success has worked hard."
Captain Picard
So I definitely agree.
To achieve your goals, hard work is necessary, but it is not sufficient ✨
If you make 1 person happy, you succeeded in something and to me that’s progress.
Don’t go crazy chasing the internet fame train. Do it cause you want to make peoples days better is my motto.
If you stream to """just""" 5 people, imagine 5 people physically hanging out and hyping you up in your living room. That's fuckin sick. You don't need to "make it"
Ummm if you want more insight into my mind then go to my friend and I’s YouTube. Right now it’s replays and reviews.
Thanks Jo.
“Just work hard enough” is sound advice for learning a trick on a skateboard or something, not for content goals
Still gonna do that with my upcoming project but success of that is-
Being alive, and wanting something more than just to scrape by, is worth being proud of. Trying hard means putting in work, not breaking yourself down to appeal to others.
Sometimes you draw for 10+ years and you're still low-skill with no audience ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank U.
I gonna go and need tó drill this into my thick head later.
Thank you JoCat 💙
(However, obviously don't NOT work hard, because if you give up, you never know what might be just around the corner; something you CAN'T see)
No amount of excessive effort will ever have as much power as simply being in the right place at the right time...
Thank you a lot JoCat!
I needed to hear this. Thank you, JoCat
If you do end up making it with this mindset, then you won't appreciate the effort that went into it, since you felt it was the expected norm and not worthy of praise. And that still isn't fair to your efforts
Luck is such a big factor and some of us have none. X.x
But, still, we persist