partially true but majority Americans are working to survive. The rent, utilities, groceries costs, stagnant wages. Why do you think there are such a low voter turnout?
For 30 yrs higher ed has pushed to roll back or cut humanities/liberal arts & pushed the economic policies of KOCH & other conservative voices to the point that Americans think learning Civics or History is a waste of time.
I think I get your point, although reciting the alphabet is not all that helpful for reading. It does help for looking for things that are in alphabetical order though.
D E and I are out & J is out because it is too similar to 'gay', and K for the same reason. Although allowed for niche uses of a repetitive nature. & There are 14 Qs for some reason, X is the first letter, Y is out, because no one is allowed to ask questions. I don't even know the alphabet anymore.
They are Satanist Nazi Pedophiles who hid in our churches as good people for camouflage! Satanists colonized America and now they are in millions! Russia is a Satanist Nazi Country too! That's the bond! The U.S. men on their side are inbred, dysfunctional, and insane! No Woman can fix those incels!
Everything you write is made of letters. M is a letter, A is a letter, R is a letter, C is a letter, E is a letter, L is a letter. Together, they spell out your first name... Do you use symbols? Don't tell us our alphabet is a hoax.
Steve did not eat. He played a petty pathos card by blanketing many US citizens as bigoted towards the 2SLGBTQIAXYZ community, simply because the general consensus does not wish to partake in a pronouns game of Twister.
American guy voice: "why would I need to know any of those other wokr DEI letters when the only ones that matter are U.S. and A. Baby?? Yeaaaahhghghhhg-"*eagle scream is interrupted as he crashes his truck into a lamppost*
Or write cursive legibly.
Or identify one country south of Mexico.
Or point out the Carolinas, much less France, on a map.
Or name one country in the E.U. or NATO.
Or have ever seen a live theatre production
Or could identify Macron, Trudeau or Starmer in a photo.
Well, so far I've heard from residents of both North and South, both of whom feel strongly that they live in the better state. Maybe I should have said the Dakotas....
Don't be uncertain. They can't.
Former teacher of second grade here. Half of my students did not know their letters the first day of class three years ago.
I started school being able to tell the time. My grandparents were ordinary people from modest working class backgrounds, but they and my parents believed education started at home.
At 15, I returned the favour, helping Gran learn the new decimal currency that Britain adopted in 1971
Just ask Education nominee best known as a WWE performer Linda McMahon and Ron The Book Banner DeSantis.
The only letters that are important are U, S and A!
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy Zelensky we stand with you.
It was as much of the alphabet that she knew how to use"
- Elvis C.
Is there a song for that?
Q, W, E, R, T, Y,
U, I, O, P, A, S, D,
F, G, H, J, K, L, Z,
X, C, V, B, N, and M.
Now they know their QWERTYUs.
Next time we will do it with them.
Answer of the CIA: "Da"
Either they are dumb, lazy, or both.
Not all Americans are stupid.
But it is true that the average conservative christian is an ignorant, often illiterate, ape.
Must've been the Appalachian part of Ohio. Gotta ask... what county or town?
Most under a certain age can't read script.
Not me over 60 and still needs this
I j k elemental p q r
S t u v w x y z.
I grew up amongst them
THEN they can also do it backwards while
Realized it when all the filing in the office became so disorganized and out of alphabetical order.
It’s scary.
A is for Autocracy
B is for Bonesaw
C is for Conspiracy
D is for Disinformation
E is for Election, F is for Fraud
G is for Grift
Etc, etc.
*false outrage* Those numbers are Arabic! They're a heathen propaganda and support Sharia Law!!
Of those, 62% believe that the last A in MAGA is a different letter than the first A.
As long as they're in there somewhere.....
True story.
D, E, and I? Bad.
L, G, B, Q? Really bad.
T? So bad that it doesn’t exist.
The fact that I just typed it is not proof of its existence!
(Got nothing for Q. I'm not a member of the Continuum.)
(And the h and l are still in the correct places)
Or identify one country south of Mexico.
Or point out the Carolinas, much less France, on a map.
Or name one country in the E.U. or NATO.
Or have ever seen a live theatre production
Or could identify Macron, Trudeau or Starmer in a photo.
1/5 of Americans are illiterate.
It makes sense now, right?
C like Canada
P like Panama
I got it right, didn’t I?
Former teacher of second grade here. Half of my students did not know their letters the first day of class three years ago.
At 15, I returned the favour, helping Gran learn the new decimal currency that Britain adopted in 1971
Zee is a refined gentleman. He's honest. He's kind and sincere...
You leave my zee alone! 😡😂
I was totally kidding. Lol actually I like yalls pronunciation a lot better.